Next time think a bit before posting, no? Hiding everyone's names which you need when coordinating logistics. When cleric'ing you need to see where everyone else is in case you need to spread out you know where to go to throw a heal or two. With lag being so omnipresent, you can't just trust the health bars to tell you when you need to heal. If you need to know where your intimitank is, and so forth. Hiding the names so that you don't have the silly TR wings next to one's name is a horrible idea.
Agreed. To a degree, the "wings" are similar to rep. For whatever reason they see fit, some people aren't interested in participating... nor should they have to.
Completely agree here. This should be a toggleable option. It truly is annoying sometimes when you have a party, much less a raid, of TRs.
The Leper Squad - Ghallanda
Well they might as well allow people to turn off last names too...
and then we should allow people to turn off what I will call noisy buffs too...
Divine Healing, regrowth, diseases, tensers, all that should be hideable too right?
Those **** firewalls are next... I mean why should I not be able to see if my party caster dropped a FW!
Those disco balls are annoying as well, don't forget to add that option too please.
see a trend yet?
/TELL Tackilack ~ Tackalack ~ Taq ~ Heartattack ~ Scrooge
I see a trend towards fallacies and over-exaggeration.
Someone should at least make an effort to argue the other side... No matter how unsuccessfully...
Personally I think we got enough fiddle flags under the options UI settings, I really have yet to see a need to propagate more of them.
The height is no different a problem than WF.
The "wings" is no different a problem than last names.
I'm gonna leave this thread now before I get anymore negative rep.
/TELL Tackilack ~ Tackalack ~ Taq ~ Heartattack ~ Scrooge
are the little icons the problem? or is the OP fed up of getting hassled, and wants to hide the fact that he is actually a TR?
i mean if the symbols are a hassle then how do u get on with a toon that makes use of the full available name length both first and last? (that takes up way more room than two symbols)
as for the clr argument and not pressing v, well the clrs u wanna b grouping with anyways it wouldn't make any difference at all.
simple think this is all a whine from the OP as he struggles to impress people with his leetness as a TR and wants to hide the fact from everyone
The woman is a highly socially-practised, Master in body language, dab-handed actress, She's calculating all the mad facts and the figures, While you're pretending to listen staring at her (.)(.)., #1 source for DDO information.