which 1 is better for a tempest ranger with starting stats of:
16 str
16 dex
12 con
8 int
14 wis
8 cha

ending stats after enchantments and lvl ups

str 20
dex 22

anything else the same

i really like scimitars and im not planing to take WF so i thought about them their stats are the same as rapiers so what do you think?

p.s how much will a power item cost me(an item that adds sp) cuz my sp sucks at level 3 now i have 26 at next level ill have 28 with enchantment 48 meaning 4 uses of my speels at level 5 it will become 6 uses still nothing that meaningful so what is the max bonus to sp i can get at level four? i dont want much maybe to reach 100 is it possible? just enough to cast ram's might so it lasts the whole adventure