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  1. #1
    Community Member kartos's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default rapiers VS scimitars

    which 1 is better for a tempest ranger with starting stats of:
    16 str
    16 dex
    12 con
    8 int
    14 wis
    8 cha

    ending stats after enchantments and lvl ups

    str 20
    dex 22

    anything else the same

    i really like scimitars and im not planing to take WF so i thought about them their stats are the same as rapiers so what do you think?

    p.s how much will a power item cost me(an item that adds sp) cuz my sp sucks at level 3 now i have 26 at next level ill have 28 with enchantment 48 meaning 4 uses of my speels at level 5 it will become 6 uses still nothing that meaningful so what is the max bonus to sp i can get at level four? i dont want much maybe to reach 100 is it possible? just enough to cast ram's might so it lasts the whole adventure

  2. #2
    Community Member cluedout's Avatar
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    Mar 2009


    scimitars: slash

    rapiers: punc

    no other difference, why not use both?

    power item: no worries, they drop from chests on a regular basis and by around level 8-10 you will have plenty of SP to cast resists, rams, prot from energy and so on between shrines

    btw str breakdown for a lvl 20 ranger with a 16 starting with easy to obtain gear is

    16 +6 item +2 rams +5 level up +1 str tome = 30


    16 +6 item +3 ranger enh +1 tome (+2 race enh?) = 26 (28)

    if you have not yet made the build another suggestion would be to drop the wis just a bit (12) and add it to con. you can make an enjoyable character with 12 con but 14 is a bit easier to handle when you get to gianthold
    Khyber. Shanayney TR wiz. Sahanna 20 Cleric. ossifer of MADM

  3. #3
    Community Member Shima-ra's Avatar
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    Elves can get +2 to hit and +2dmg to scimitar.

    To cast a spell, all you need is 10+lvl of the spell, so you only need 14 at end game including items and tomes

    12 con, that is low tho

    °Shima Ra °Roots °Zielle °Sisqi °Downpour

  4. #4
    Community Member Hadrian's Avatar
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    To the question about spell points:

    Early on you can get a wizardry 1 (25 sp) item on the end list of waterworks. Soon after, you can get 50 sp from an item on the end list of tangleroot. Both of these are free and just require enough luck to have them show up on your reward list.

    You might check for the pearl of power trinket on the auction house. They range from +10 sps to +100, but I am not sure of what the pricing on these would be anymore.

    Once you start to do the Shroud, you can make yourself a wizardry 6 (150 sp) item fairly cheaply. It only requires the first tier of crafting.

    "Power" and "Wizardry" will not stack, so only one of these options would make sense to use at any one time.

  5. #5
    Community Member kartos's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    thank for all the replies

    @ cluedout: i wont use them bot because of 2 things
    1)because as an elf i have racial enchantments that add to attack and damage of 2 weapons i choose
    1 line gives me + to long sowrds and rapiers the other th scimitars and another weapon which i cannot remember its name the thing is i need to choose 1 line thats why

    the other reason is that im planing to get improved critical and i need to know which kid to take cuz i barely was able to fit power attack in so i can't choose 2 improved critical

    and about the stats i added 1 level to dex cuz im not sure i could get str tome but if i run into 1 ill add that level to str(was planing to add level 12 to dex which will take some time to get to)

    @shima ra: i like to have that extra sp thats all and i can manage my self with 12 con (what is it any way another 20 hp at end game?)

    @ hadrain:thanks for the info ill be runing them soon to get the items(water works at least)

    thanks alot to all of you for the help

  6. #6
    Community Member Hadrian's Avatar
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    When I said "both of these are free" I was talking about the items. I just wanted to clear that up in case you are not a VIP and have not yet purchased the area that holds tangleroot.

    Also, I agree with your idea on constitution for this type of character. 12 is what I started with on my own ranger because of his self healing and respectable defense, but I wouldn't go below that.

  7. #7
    Community Member nicro's Avatar
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    Going with scimitars and improved crit: slashing also lets you use a kukri as an offhand if you aren't taking OTWF.

  8. #8
    Community Member kartos's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    ok thanks then ill go with scimitars

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