I have been thrown from the top of the Tempest Spine twice and I couldn't figure out why until the other day when I was running The Subteraine for the first time and was directed to "turn off" my feather fall. I asked "What are monks supposed to do? We have FF on all the time!" Someone stated, "Monks can turn off their FF."
I never knew that!
Live and learn I guess. We ran The Subterraine until I ransacked the chest (unfortunately I never pulled an Icy). I have to say, I learned more on those runs than I did in weeks of reading forums. It was a great group. There were no exceptionally stupid deaths or people that ruined it for anyone else.
Also, I know it is probably a given for all experienced monks and probably for everyone else with a lick of common sense, but that was the first time I had been in a group with another monk who, whenever it was time for buffs, would drop Aligning the Heavens. It was good to be in a group with a monk that knew what they were doing to see some of the things I was missing.
I am currious about 1 thing though. I still wear a FF item for my monk because there are some jumps that it seems I need a FF item to make because my monk FF isn't up to par with the item. At what point can I forgo the FF item and trust that my monk FF will be enough to "keep up with the team" when FF is needed?