I was wondering about the importance of Ranger Devotion and Empower to a ranger.
1) Do rangers (or are rangers expected to) heal a lot? It seems like with a fairly small SP pool that also gets used for other things, the healing capacity of a ranger is fairly limited. So is Ranger Devotion something worthwhile to get? I don't know if most rangers just rely on the healer(s) in the group or cure wands for heals.
2) What is the utility of empower (or maximize) to a ranger? Working out the math, it doesn't seem like it's very efficient. It seems like a cure serious heals for an average of 28.5 HP for 25 SP, while an empowered cure serious heals for an average of 42.75 HP for 35 SP. The SP => HP conversion ratio improves by just 7%, which doesn't seem like all that much. So why take empower? Is it that you can spend less time healing and more time fighting? But in that case, it would seem like whether or not the group's healer is using mass healing comes into play (i.e. whether or not you're tanking so much that you're the "trigger" for the healer to decide to cast it).