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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ministry View Post
    Hey... Firstly, TY for all the great posts in respect to this OP.

    I helped her out last week in a few ways and it's great to see all the excellent advice so far.

    Jaellra, I'm so glad you didn't re-roll like those puggers told you to... the ones you teamed with on the weekend... not these puggers above...

    This was a very well thought out build and will serve you well.

    The best advice I've seen so far is on this thread.

    I like the one idea someone posted about 17 Cleric, 2 Monk and 1 Rogue. That has potential, but you will have to do what many have stated and start focusing on taking Wisdom the rest of the way through. The problem with this is, you wanted to be able to melee with your long swords, which will mess up your monk stance. As you get up higher levels, without Con, you won't be able to melee as much as I think you wanted to, which means the monk idea is a good one, and subsequently the wisdom focus.

    Also, as stated above... Quicken, Maximize and Empower healing... All good.

    I know you wanted more Intelligence to help your Rogue skills, but it comes down to this... DON'T TRY TO DO TOO MUCH or BE TOO MUCH.

    You want to be able to be a Cleric, Rogue and Tank all in one. It's very challenging to be all things at all times.

    You will have to pick 2 at most, or you will be a jack of all trades and master of nothing.

    You know I like you and think you will be an amazing end game player, so now is the time to think about your "end game" character.

    You still have time.

    What is it that you want to do?

    Do you want to be a:

    Cleric with excellent Rogue skills
    Tank with ability to heal
    Cleric with a little bit of rogue and tanking abilities

    Any of these are still feasible.

    Tell us what you want to be / envision at the end.

    Then we can help better.

    Chat soon.
    Well, I'm thinking probably the Cleric/Rogue route, which is actually what I started out with. But I do want to be able to heal groups and raids. I can always roll another character to solo with and play Taffi when I want to group if she won't be able to solo anymore. Looked at a cpl guides, one a pure human wizard, and a tempest ranger/1rogue. I'm thinking I should be able to solo with the ranger? The guide has a whole slew of advice and information for newbies like me What about a bard sorcerer? Hmm, how many classes actually get free class feats like the Ranger does? They get TWF? Anywho, that's pretty cool.


  2. #22
    Community Member zorander6's Avatar
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    Last edited by zorander6; 01-21-2010 at 12:55 PM.

  3. #23
    Community Member Ministry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaellra View Post
    Well, I'm thinking probably the Cleric/Rogue route, which is actually what I started out with. But I do want to be able to heal groups and raids. I can always roll another character to solo with and play Taffi when I want to group if she won't be able to solo anymore. Looked at a cpl guides, one a pure human wizard, and a tempest ranger/1rogue. I'm thinking I should be able to solo with the ranger? The guide has a whole slew of advice and information for newbies like me What about a bard sorcerer? Hmm, how many classes actually get free class feats like the Ranger does? They get TWF? Anywho, that's pretty cool.

    Okay... now you are getting off track with a bunch of ideas... haha

    Okay... my suggestion, try out a few different characters and see what you like.

    In my experience, Clerics and Sorcs make the best solo builds, but there are many Ranger / Rogue combos, Wizard/Rogue combos and others that also solo quite well.

    Yes, the Rangers get Two Weapon Fighting and at later levels, Improved and Greater Two Weapon fighting. They also get bow strength and many shot, etc...

    My Ranger is my fav toon to play, but my Cleric solos way better.

    Bard / Sorc? Umm... NO.


    Okay now.. back to Taffi...

    Cleric / Rogue.

    Do you want to Cleric to be more of an offensive caster - insta kills and blade barriers or defensive - healing?

    The only reason this is important now is because of feats.

    You will have to stop taking any con improvements and consider Wisdom and Intelligence at this point, and forget about meleeing as much later on, as it will only be situational.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ministry View Post
    Okay... now you are getting off track with a bunch of ideas... haha

    Okay... my suggestion, try out a few different characters and see what you like.

    In my experience, Clerics and Sorcs make the best solo builds, but there are many Ranger / Rogue combos, Wizard/Rogue combos and others that also solo quite well.

    Yes, the Rangers get Two Weapon Fighting and at later levels, Improved and Greater Two Weapon fighting. They also get bow strength and many shot, etc...

    My Ranger is my fav toon to play, but my Cleric solos way better.

    Bard / Sorc? Umm... NO.


    Okay now.. back to Taffi...

    Cleric / Rogue.

    Do you want to Cleric to be more of an offensive caster - insta kills and blade barriers or defensive - healing?

    The only reason this is important now is because of feats.

    You will have to stop taking any con improvements and consider Wisdom and Intelligence at this point, and forget about meleeing as much later on, as it will only be situational.
    Well, on that last part I don't know. Whichever would be most beneficial in a group or raid, which I would assume would be healing, but insta kills sounds cool to me ;p~ Got a nice little snowstorm in Texas tonight. I was gonna play for a while but I gotta hit the sack early, to get up early, to make it to work tomorrow!

  5. #25
    Community Member Ministry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaellra View Post
    Well, on that last part I don't know. Whichever would be most beneficial in a group or raid, which I would assume would be healing, but insta kills sounds cool to me ;p~ Got a nice little snowstorm in Texas tonight. I was gonna play for a while but I gotta hit the sack early, to get up early, to make it to work tomorrow!
    Well, obviously most people see a cleric and think healer, but the more vet and smarter players see a cleric as much more... but even a number of them when running a raid think healer and chillax.

    You can set yourself up to be an insta kill (Destruction) and Blade Barrier fiend with decent Rogue skills and some ability to melee, and be an avg healer when required.

    Even the prototypical "Battle Clerics" can heal when required at a relatively decent level.

    Okay... at this point then I would say go 18 Cleric / 2 Monk / 1 Rogue. Oh... BIG QUESTION TIME... are you lawful (alignment)? Monks have to be lawful.

    If not, go 18 Cleric / 2 Rogue.

    Start loading up your wisdom points at every 4 levels and in your enhancements and a +2 Wisdom tome. Your other stats can be boosted with tomes, but do not take any more stat / ability point raises at the 4 level points, other that wisdom.

    You will have to reset your enhancements to take all the Rogue bonuses you can, especially the Rogue Skill Boost.

    Your feats are another thing.

    You obviously will need Quicken and Extend, but Maximize and Empower vs Empower healing and Heighten will be the next question. Depending on what you have taken, may factor in.

    Guess I need to know what Feats you have taken so far.

  6. #26
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    OK, working off the top of my head and the char sheet in My DDO...

    Mental Toughness

    8 Cleric 1 Rogue
    Neutral Good

    HP: 139
    SP: 557

    Str 16
    Dex 17
    Con 15
    Int 20
    Wis 22
    Cha 9

    +1 Int at lvl 4
    +1 Con at lvl 8

    So that leaves me 3 stat level ups.

    +1 Int Tome
    +2 Con Tome
    +2 Wis Tome

    The stat totals include any gear she is wearing. 4 wis belt, 2 int hat that I can think of. Pretty sure a +2 str bracer. Right now using longswords.

    Enhancements as far as I can remember...

    Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost I
    Enhancement: Elven Keen Eyes I
    Enhancement: Follower of the Sovereign Host
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic I
    Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot I
    Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom I
    Enhancement: Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery I
    Enhancement: Elven Dexterity I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Rogue Spot I
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Life I
    Enhancement: Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life I
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic II
    Enhancement: Cleric Energy of the Zealot II
    Enhancement: Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery II
    Enhancement: Rogue Search I
    Enhancement: Cleric Wisdom II
    Enhancement: Rogue Open Lock I
    Enhancement: Cleric Life Magic III

    I can reset my enhancements if needed. I can also reset a feat if needed as well, or can you reset all of them? Hmm, is there a limit on resetting feats?

    Thats all I can think of. Oh yeah, I planned on switching to Follower of the Undying Court to get Undying Call.

    Thanks Ministry!


    Quote Originally Posted by Ministry View Post
    Well, obviously most people see a cleric and think healer, but the more vet and smarter players see a cleric as much more... but even a number of them when running a raid think healer and chillax.

    You can set yourself up to be an insta kill (Destruction) and Blade Barrier fiend with decent Rogue skills and some ability to melee, and be an avg healer when required.

    Even the prototypical "Battle Clerics" can heal when required at a relatively decent level.

    Okay... at this point then I would say go 18 Cleric / 2 Monk / 1 Rogue. Oh... BIG QUESTION TIME... are you lawful (alignment)? Monks have to be lawful.

    If not, go 18 Cleric / 2 Rogue.

    Start loading up your wisdom points at every 4 levels and in your enhancements and a +2 Wisdom tome. Your other stats can be boosted with tomes, but do not take any more stat / ability point raises at the 4 level points, other that wisdom.

    You will have to reset your enhancements to take all the Rogue bonuses you can, especially the Rogue Skill Boost.

    Your feats are another thing.

    You obviously will need Quicken and Extend, but Maximize and Empower vs Empower healing and Heighten will be the next question. Depending on what you have taken, may factor in.

    Guess I need to know what Feats you have taken so far.

  7. #27
    Community Member Desdemonte's Avatar
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    Hey- I found this thread researching my own try at a Cleric/ Rogue. I've never played either, or a support character so I'd like to try. I say support, but I also would like to be somewhat self sufficient (good ability to deal damage and survive for soloing and short grouping). I'd also like to be strong all the way through and at endgame. I'm looking for a template build for this one because I have no familiarity with the classes. I looked at Impaqt's build and it may be a bit too difficult for me to play, and expensive (tome-wise). I'm wondering if it can be adapted to my desires and play ability, so hopefully he will weigh in here.

    28 point build F2P (unless people have tomes to donate ;P lol)
    Human Cleric (prefer to stick to human unless real benefit not to. If that's the case then Elf. Want to stay away from halfling if possible)

    Splash (or however much is the right balance) of Rogue (for UMD, evasion, etc). Sorry not familiar with either class to really be specific. I see Monk mentioned, so if that would be a better combo, great Please guide me! I thought I had to purchase Monk though.....

    I don't want just a DPS battlecleric- I'd like to be able to use some more of their interesting spells, crowd control, etc. I don't want to be a strictly squishy healbot either though. I have the Rogue in there essentially to be able to find and disarm traps, and to pick locks.

    I guess the last thing is that I'd like to start as cleric and then rogue at level 2 rather than the other way around, if possible.

    Thanks for the help! Jaelerra- I hope this isn't hijacking your thread. I thought it (mostly) on topic ;D

  8. #28
    Community Member OldAquarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Desdemonte View Post
    Hey- I found this thread researching my own try at a Cleric/ Rogue. I've never played either, or a support character so I'd like to try. I say support, but I also would like to be somewhat self sufficient (good ability to deal damage and survive for soloing and short grouping). I'd also like to be strong all the way through and at endgame. I'm looking for a template build for this one because I have no familiarity with the classes. I looked at Impaqt's build and it may be a bit too difficult for me to play, and expensive (tome-wise). I'm wondering if it can be adapted to my desires and play ability, so hopefully he will weigh in here.

    28 point build F2P (unless people have tomes to donate ;P lol)
    Human Cleric (prefer to stick to human unless real benefit not to. If that's the case then Elf. Want to stay away from halfling if possible)

    Splash (or however much is the right balance) of Rogue (for UMD, evasion, etc). Sorry not familiar with either class to really be specific. I see Monk mentioned, so if that would be a better combo, great Please guide me! I thought I had to purchase Monk though.....

    I don't want just a DPS battlecleric- I'd like to be able to use some more of their interesting spells, crowd control, etc. I don't want to be a strictly squishy healbot either though. I have the Rogue in there essentially to be able to find and disarm traps, and to pick locks.

    I guess the last thing is that I'd like to start as cleric and then rogue at level 2 rather than the other way around, if possible.

    Thanks for the help! Jaelerra- I hope this isn't hijacking your thread. I thought it (mostly) on topic ;D
    Halfling would be a great race for this unfortunately, especially the monk one (you need to buy monk, or be p2p)
    And not being rogue level 1 makes you lose a lot of skill points you need to be a decent rogue
    Not really sure why this one would make much difference since you are not level one very long and level 2 will be rogue 1/cleric 1 either way
    you will be able to cast all spells, but without focusing on it, a lot of mobs will resist your spells

  9. #29
    Community Member OldAquarian's Avatar
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    Somewhat related post here - needs monk

  10. #30
    Community Member Ministry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Desdemonte View Post
    Hey- I found this thread researching my own try at a Cleric/ Rogue. I've never played either, or a support character so I'd like to try. I say support, but I also would like to be somewhat self sufficient (good ability to deal damage and survive for soloing and short grouping). I'd also like to be strong all the way through and at endgame. I'm looking for a template build for this one because I have no familiarity with the classes. I looked at Impaqt's build and it may be a bit too difficult for me to play, and expensive (tome-wise). I'm wondering if it can be adapted to my desires and play ability, so hopefully he will weigh in here.

    28 point build F2P (unless people have tomes to donate ;P lol)
    Human Cleric (prefer to stick to human unless real benefit not to. If that's the case then Elf. Want to stay away from halfling if possible)

    Splash (or however much is the right balance) of Rogue (for UMD, evasion, etc). Sorry not familiar with either class to really be specific. I see Monk mentioned, so if that would be a better combo, great Please guide me! I thought I had to purchase Monk though.....

    I don't want just a DPS battlecleric- I'd like to be able to use some more of their interesting spells, crowd control, etc. I don't want to be a strictly squishy healbot either though. I have the Rogue in there essentially to be able to find and disarm traps, and to pick locks.

    I guess the last thing is that I'd like to start as cleric and then rogue at level 2 rather than the other way around, if possible.

    Thanks for the help! Jaelerra- I hope this isn't hijacking your thread. I thought it (mostly) on topic ;D
    Got your PM.

    My thoughts...

    If you are on F2P and don't have the desire or resourses for tomes, and on a 28 point build... then DON'T consider a CL/OGUE.

    Yes, go human, but go straight Cleric.

    You can make a **** fine Human Cleric with 28 points.

    Dump most of your points into Wisdom, 2nd would be Constitution and a bit into Strength or maybe Charisma, which does help a cleric.

    I made a build like that when I started the game and it served me well.

    I would go...

    12 - Strength
    08 - Dexterity
    16 - Constitution
    08 - Intelligence
    16 - Wisdom
    14 - Charisma

    Then you bump your Wisdom 5 times... at levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 and get 3 points from enhancements and a +6 stat item by level 13.

    So, with no major special gear at all, you will end up...

    18 - Strength
    14 - Dexterity
    22 - Constitution
    14- Intelligence
    30 - Wisdom
    20 - Charisma

    With this build you focus on being a healer type, taking the feats, Extend, Quicken, Empower Healing, and then focus on getting Maximize and Empower to do some damage with your Blade Barriers.

    A cleric like this will be a welcome addition to any party, help you learn the game and eventually solo a fair bit if you want.

    You will quickly levels this build and then if you want to keep playing and / or get enough favor, you will open up Drow, or better still later on at 1750 favor, a 32 point build and then you might consider the Cleric / Rogue.. or CLOGUE as we all say.

    Anything else, pm me.

    GL bro.
    Last edited by Ministry; 01-12-2010 at 12:41 AM.

  11. #31
    Community Member Desdemonte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ministry View Post
    Got your PM.

    My thoughts...

    If you are on F2P and don't have the desire or resourses for tomes, and on a 28 point build... then DON'T consider a CL/OGUE.

    Yes, go human, but go straight Cleric.

    You can make a **** fine Human Cleric with 28 points.

    Dump most of your points into Wisdom, 2nd would be Constitution and a bit into Strength or maybe Charisma, which does help a cleric.

    I made a build like that when I started the game and it served me well.

    I would go...

    12 - Strength
    08 - Dexterity
    16 - Constitution
    08 - Intelligence
    16 - Wisdom
    14 - Charisma

    Then you bump your Wisdom 5 times... at levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 and get 3 points from enhancements and a +6 stat item by level 13.

    So, with no major special gear at all, you will end up...

    18 - Strength
    14 - Dexterity
    22 - Constitution
    14- Intelligence
    30 - Wisdom
    20 - Charisma

    With this build you focus on being a healer type, taking the feats, Extend, Quicken, Empower Healing, and then focus on getting Maximize and Empower to do some damage with your Blade Barriers.

    A cleric like this will be a welcome addition to any party, help you learn the game and eventually solo a fair bit if you want.

    You will quickly levels this build and then if you want to keep playing and / or get enough favor, you will open up Drow, or better still later on at 1750 favor, a 32 point build and then you might consider the Cleric / Rogue.. or CLOGUE as we all say.

    Anything else, pm me.

    GL bro.
    Thanks- Will go straight Cleric for now.

  12. #32
    Community Member Ministry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Desdemonte View Post
    Thanks- Will go straight Cleric for now.
    No worries.

    PM me here with your in game toon's name and I will see what I can do to help you out.

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