Hey... Firstly, TY for all the great posts in respect to this OP.
I helped her out last week in a few ways and it's great to see all the excellent advice so far.
Jaellra, I'm so glad you didn't re-roll like those puggers told you to... the ones you teamed with on the weekend... not these puggers above...
This was a very well thought out build and will serve you well.
The best advice I've seen so far is on this thread.
I like the one idea someone posted about 17 Cleric, 2 Monk and 1 Rogue. That has potential, but you will have to do what many have stated and start focusing on taking Wisdom the rest of the way through. The problem with this is, you wanted to be able to melee with your long swords, which will mess up your monk stance. As you get up higher levels, without Con, you won't be able to melee as much as I think you wanted to, which means the monk idea is a good one, and subsequently the wisdom focus.
Also, as stated above... Quicken, Maximize and Empower healing... All good.
I know you wanted more Intelligence to help your Rogue skills, but it comes down to this... DON'T TRY TO DO TOO MUCH or BE TOO MUCH.
You want to be able to be a Cleric, Rogue and Tank all in one. It's very challenging to be all things at all times.
You will have to pick 2 at most, or you will be a jack of all trades and master of nothing.
You know I like you and think you will be an amazing end game player, so now is the time to think about your "end game" character.
You still have time.
What is it that you want to do?
Do you want to be a:
Cleric with excellent Rogue skills
Tank with ability to heal
Cleric with a little bit of rogue and tanking abilities
Any of these are still feasible.
Tell us what you want to be / envision at the end.
Then we can help better.
Chat soon.