i am building a char with intimidate. And I never built a intimidator. What is a acceptable intim at end game?
i am building a char with intimidate. And I never built a intimidator. What is a acceptable intim at end game?
i need to know what target i have to hit before i can start with the char builder
U need 75 to intim DQ on elite, but around 60 u can intim every boss on norm.
[ Fernia / Ghallanda ]Divine Initiate: Samho, Hammerhead, Stonespeaker, Dreadedblade, Pryan, Nightward (build), Stonewill . ---- Arcane apprentice: Graybone, Grayblade, Ironspeaker, Ironthought.-- Role of the Combat Cleric : We fight for our party's survival --
can someone give me soem examples of ways to get the intim higher here is what i know so far
23 max ranks charisma bonus skill focus plus 15 intim item gh
so say i have a 24 charisma so 23 plus 7 plus 3 plus 4 plus 15 thats only 52 what else could i do?
And you can craft a shroud item for +6 bunus to all charisma skills and take a bard with you for the +5 skill song.
I believe adding GH (Greater Heroism) would add another 4 to that, not sure if that stacks with enhancment that gives you bonus to saves/ skills/ rolls etc. and perhaps bard songs might have a stackable in threre as well.
Starabelle McClean / Shamurai Daemon Slayer/Faithrune Justicar /
Samuiree Kensai / Daviniti Soul Finder/ GRRONND HammerPain
Let's see:
Build (abilities, enhancements, features, skills):
23 ranks at lvl 20 +
+ 4 - 5 Cha modifier (i.e. 18 or 20 Cha; ofc, it can be higher)
+ 1/2/3/4 from class enhancements for fighters and barbarians
+ 3 Skill Focus: Intimidate
+ 2 Bullhead (it gives also +1 to Will Saves)
+ 15 item
+ 1 - 2 Luck bonus item (e.g. Voice of the Master, Head of Good Fortune)
+ 6 Exceptional Charisma Skills item, from Shroud crafting
+ 4 from Greater Heroism
+ 2 from Inspire Competence song
For human characters:
+ 1/2/3/4 from Enhancements, unlocked by Dragonmarks (it's feature-intensive)
+ 2/3/4/5 from human versatility (20 seconds boost)
(Fighter) Prestige Enhancements:
+ 1/2/3 from Kensai I/II/III
+ 2/4/6 from Stalwart Defender I/II/III
Inspire Competence song gives only +2 to skills.
Last edited by Rusty_Can; 12-23-2009 at 06:27 AM. Reason: Forgot Fighter PrEs
If you want to know why...
Aye, when parties ask for "intimitanks", they will expect their intimitank to maintain aggro through all the fight, i.e. they will expect you to succeed rolling 1 (whenever possible ofc; some DC go through the roof....).
Keep also in mind that there are size penalties when you try intimidating something bigger than you: e.g. you get a nasty -12 (aye, minus twelve) to your intimidate rolls while trying to intimidate Xizzy in the Hound Raid; a very common penalty is -4.