how dos find traps work in never winter nights it went poof no traps
how dos find traps work in never winter nights it went poof no traps
how dos find traps work in never winter nights it went poof no traps
You get a bonus of half your caster level to your search skill. Then, when you search, you can find the trap itself and the box, even if the DC is over 20. But unless you have a level of Rogue and points in Disable Device, you can't disable the trap.
If NWN did that its a pretty cheesey interpretation of the spell which does:
Find Traps
- Divination
- Level: Clr 2
- Components: V, S
- Casting Time: 1 standard action
- Range: Personal
- Target: You
- Duration: 1 min./level
You gain intuitive insight into the workings of traps. You can use the Search skill to detect traps just as a rogue can. In addition, you gain an insight bonus equal to one-half your caster level (maximum +10) on Search checks made to find traps while the spell is in effect.
Note that find traps grants no ability to disable the traps that you may find.
Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first. - Ronald Reagan
If your search skill is high enough, and you are close enough, then the "control panel" and the trap itself should appear, if something was not entirely in range of your search skill you may only get part of it.
You then need to use the disable device skill on the "control panel" to disarm the trap.
Edit: I did not notice this was in the cleric section, ignore this post.
Last edited by Lleren; 12-23-2009 at 01:47 AM.
btw, you posted the same message twice.
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