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  1. #1

    Default Warforged Wizard (Ac & To-Hit??)

    I have a question that requires some number crunching.

    I'm going to True Reincarnate my Wizard to a Warforged....from a Drow. So he'll be a 34 point build.

    INT will be maxed at 18...obviously. I'll also go 16 (ish) Con for the HP.

    With the other points.... Considering Self Buffs and potentially buffs from others...

    How high can i conceivably get my To-Hit and AC? I'm just toying around with some ideas.

    GEAR to Consider:

    Divine Power Clickies...
    Titan Gloves 9from (mindsunder)
    ....and your typical gear a person playing forever might have turned up.
    ...................I'm looking for what the potential might turn out to be.

    Your expert advise would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Community Member sc00t's Avatar
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    Jun 2009


    I just did this, human sorc to WF wiz/rog
    I went 16 str 10 dex 16 con 18 int 6 wis 6 cha

    I think with titan gloves thats +6/+12 temp with clickie if I have the clicky correct, +6 psionic bonus for a minute right?

    +2-4 tome gives 24/30 - 26/32 temp buffed str. With enough divine power clickies you would have fighter BAB based on level for as long as you need. I plan on making a greatsword eventually with exceptional str, adding another 2 STR there.

    I have just leveled to 1rog/3wiz and just started using my spells as running around korthos with a great sword and master touch self healing was pretty sufficient. Another thing I did was took the sorc past life feat, as it is mental toughness wiht 10 free ray spells, which is super sweet as a low level wiz.

    If I were to make my docent with spell pen and potency and resistance 5, i could almost not ever have to switch weaps by endgame except for wanting exceptional int when casting (thanks fatals for pointing this out the other night.)

    I am not so good at putting numbers together so I would appreciate other responses to this as well, as I am currently in this boat myself and wondering what melee dps is gonna look like when I run out of SP (which, coming from a sorc, is bound to happen quite a bit.)

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    May 2008


    I have a fighter/wiz = 6ftr/13wiz/1barb
    18 base str with all levelups +1tome +2 fighter enh + hound bracers (div power as well) + rage = 34 str.
    I use min2 falcion and hit for about 50 base dmg with 100 base for crit. I don't have bloodstone and thats not inc elemental dmg.
    I usually don't have problems with acting as a fighter dps type in a group as long as they know meas my build is not normal.
    My sp are used for buffs and self healing.
    My AC is displacement and stoneskin which is cast on others to save the main caster SP and the healers.

    I have 24 int (15 base +1tome +2 enh +6 item) so my DC is low which stops me trying to do 2 things and let proper arcanes insta-kill/web/dancing ball, etc. Sucks for crowd control when I'm only arcane, but haste, displacement and dps machines are happy.

    I took the barb (1st lvl mistake) as I wanted the run boost. I took fighter for fighter str, kensai and haste boost. You can see the increase in numbers when the haste boost is active.

    I might TR this toon, but change 14 sorc/6ftr to keep my same concept but more SP. Only thing that is stopping me is wondering how much difference it would make to have lower str and highter DC's?

    Div power clickies all the way. I have 30 of them in total on never really need over 15 between shrines.

  4. #4
    Community Member tman's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default My WF Wiz

    I just TR my Sorceror to a WF 2 Rog/18 Wiz (at end game). Currently 1 Rog/5 Wiz. I'm not worrying about AC but focusing on DR. I don't have the numbers, maybe someone can generate the accual DR potiental, but the plan is to have the Docent of Defiance (20 DR on proc) + Shield DR (Light & Darkness 5/epic) and/or the Necro Trinket (5/evil) + WF DR for a DR around 30.

    Problem with going with a 2-handed weapon is the superior potency 6, but you can get that at lvl 18 on a necklace now in Amarth. Unfortunately I want to use the Torc, so will need a Sup Pot 6 weapon in my off hand.

    My advice before you TR:
    Get the scarab powder from the Shadow series in the Necropolis, there is a nice docent you can craft with Wiz 2 & Lesser Arcane Sigil on it. Very nice at lvl 1 and will hold you until level 6-8 depending.

    Also try to get a crude bauble, nice little trinket at lvl 2.

    Also, craft your DT docent before you TR, saves you the trouble with managing SoS again.


  5. #5


    Thanks for the intel guys!

    ****, I'd really like to know what the number's would look like however with a few combinations of STR/DEX scores...

  6. #6
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I wouldn't bother with dex as your AC isn't going to be anything.
    use blur, hps, self healing to survive to start with. Masters touch and a nice big sword does great.
    After that its displacement and you are only getting hit 50% of the time (extend is great).
    Then if you are going full caster type, you only use weapons when out of SP.. BUT you won't be able to self heal and you'll then rely on wands and/or healer - HEALERS FRIEND!!!!

    Enjoy, I did.

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