By "Fooling around" I mean, not taking things too seriously. I'm a new player from the Boston area, so now that it's blizzard season here my play time will be going up a bit moreBeen playing for about 3 months, in that time I've been trying every class and just having fun. I'm a very laid back player, mostly soloing content so I can go at my own pace. Might want to have fun in raids when time permits later on. But at this time I'd like to join a fun, mature guild, even just to socialize in guild chat while questing or soloing on my own if people are busy doing their thing.
I'm very self sufficient, and not a needy player by any means. Had a few toons over 11 but deleted them due to bad starts, I'm learning! So far I've been having a blast leveling Ellaeyl atm. Please respond here, pm or in-game if you see me on! (although I might be afk walking the dog and whatnot )
Thanks for reading!
In-Game name: Ellaeyl