I started the game thinking I would make a battlemage following a build from Tentonhammer and it was seriously gimped. I have run a couple of battlemage attempts through the character planner recently and they too were gimped so I thought I would post this outline and see if there is some constructive feedback which I would welcome (I have noticed on these forums that anyone attempting to post a build gets many comments as to how ******** they are and how much better their character is etc..). Hopefully I won't have too much of that.
My sketch designs for my first two were firstly an Elf Scimitar TWF 11Wiz/7Ftr/2Rogue and secondly a WF THF 12Wiz/8Ftr. The problem with both was that they essentially became weak wizards when I was hoping to have a melee character that gains buffs from the Wizard option.
My new thought is WF THF 12Ftr/6Wiz/2Rogue with the following strengths; able to self heal, self buff with haste combined with ftr haste boost, displacement & blur, rage and an estimated 44 str with Kensai II str surge, reasonable AC and DPS, and evasion. The goal is to have a fun to play overall solid melee build.
My stats would breakdown as such:
Str 18 + 2 tome (I never seem to have any luck with +3's or higher dropping) + 5lvl + 3enhancements + 2rage spell + 6item=36 + 8 Kensai II (situational)=44 (madstone items would help as well or exceptional from crafting)
Dex 9 + 1 tome + 6item = 16
Con 14 + 2tome + 2WF enhancments + 6item = 24
Int 16 + 2tome + 6item = 24
Wis 7 + 1 tome + 6 item = 14
Cha 6
I could use some help with the leveling breakdown I was going to go with following level breakdown and feats but I think the leveling order needs adjustment in order to get the three main buff spells of haste, rage, and displacement earlier.
1. Rogue for skill points although the main skills I would develop would be balance, repair, concentration, and spot. The feat I would choose would be adamantine body. I know it is a crappy feat but my thinking is to use the imbued armor enhancements to get it down to 20% ASF combined with an arcane sigil and maybe the fanged gloves as I see they would stack and get ASF down to 5 or 10%. I was also going to use two enhancements of ftr armor mastery to get max dex to 3 which works with my dex of 16.
2. Ftr - THF
3. Ftr - Toughness & Stunning blow - would work nicely with the strength and ftr enhancements to boost it
4. Wiz - Extend
5. Ftr
6. Ftr - Iron Will since I have a low wisdom this would combine with construct thinking to make the will save reasonable
7. Wiz
8. Ftr
9. Ftr - ITHF & Weapon Specialization: Slashing
10. Wiz
11. Rogue
12. Ftr - IC:slashing
13. Ftr - Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing
14. Wiz
15. Ftr - GTHF
16. Ftr - Power Attack
17. Wiz - Mental toughness
18. Ftr - feat ?
19. Ftr - Greater Weapon Specialization: Slashing
20. Wiz
The enhancements I would choose would be:
Ftr Strength III
Ftr Attack Boost II (for Kensai)
Ftr Critical Accuracy II (for Kensai)
Ftr Kensai II
WF Inscribed Armor III
WF Great Weapon Aptitude III
Ftr Haste Boost IV
WF Construct thinking II
WF Healer's Friend I
Ftr Strategy Stunning Blow II
Ftr and WF Toughness II
Ftr Armor Mastery II
Ftr Weapon mastery - I am thinking greatsword for the range in using stunning blow although a maul can include weigthed - thoughts are welcome
roughly 4 extra enhancement points
I am not a master of the AC breakdown by any means but here is a rough attempt
10 base
9 Adamantiam
3 Max dex
4 Shield Spell
5 Protection Item
7 DT docent
1 Haste
2 Chaosgarde
3 Chattering Ring
4 Insight
48 Self buffed
any other items you think would work
I know in a raid I could get 5 barkskin, 5 from hanging near a pally, 2 recitation which gets me to 60 AC I am probably missing some other AC bonuses. I also would have displacement and blur on to help with my AC.
The hit bonus might roughly be:
16 BAB 12ftr + 3wiz (1 every 2 lvls I think) + 1 Rogue
17 Str
5 item
2-3 divine favor clicky
6-8 Kensai and greater weapon focus (I think)
4 GH
-5 Power Attack
=45 (rough guess)
Not sure about the damage but I think with haste and ftr haste boost plus the strength it could be acceptable.
HP roughly 450 - 500
136 (12 lvls ftr +6 lvs wiz + 2lvs rogue)
140 Con
20 Draconic
10 The gianthold bonus
24 Toughness
40 Toughness enhancements
22 Minos
30 GFL
45 Greensteel crafting
This is my build plan. I have put it through the character planner and it looks good to me. The reason I post is that although it looks good to me others might have some good ideas to strengthen it.
Being my first real post try to be kind and thank you for reading.