Okay so as a level 5 paladin, I put up a LFM for "Elite waterworks, need opener, know quest, fast run"

We get a group of Me, A bard, a rogue, 2 rangers, and a FvS.

We walk in first room, and since I have no clue if im surrounded by noobs or not, I type "Trap" at the very first door with the acid stream. I then say "box is here" And rogue searches around everywhere BUT where im pointing. He finally gets it, then attempts to disarm. Box goes boom first try. Great. Then someone opens the door and triggers the trap. He drinks pots to get his life back and proceeds to start killing mobs. (Indicating he had a clue) The same rogue goes up to the acid stream, stands INSIDE IT, and tries to use the lever again after its already open, and dies. I say "Well thats one idiot down." and he ****es and moans a bit, then logs off. I boot him and move on. One of the rangers wants to cry on his behalf stating that I cant lead a group by being an *******. I respond with he shouldnt join a group if he cant read. Said ranger leaves. This starts a chain reaction of the crybaby syndrome, and all but me and the FvS left. We then laugh and say "its only WW." I put up a LFM with in progress, and within about 2 minutes we had a full crew of people who knew what they were doing. No more deaths, no more dumbasses.

My thoery is if you cant read the caption/quest of the group you are clicking on to join, then you deserve to be treated like the idiot you are. People who say "Share plz" when the giver is right in front of the sewer, or "what are we doing?" when its clearly in the caption are not worth the click on the "accept" tag when they spam you for group. Even after all that failed, they still cant read simple instructions. Am I in the minority here?

In the end, we finished WW elite (not that its a challenge) in a nice, fast manner. I really wish there was a way to see how long someones played, or what their highest level toon is, outside of the TR markers on their name. Would make weeding out the trash much easier.