Okay though I want to throttle you for making me squint **** if I dont do enough of that as I get older.. someone told another player to kill themselves? seriously? is this the mentality this game is getting at?
Sigh hate to say this but im not proud of sticking with guild only now, this more then ever makes me want to start running lowbies again even on the new server and start working with new players. Yes people mess up but **** if your taking the game that seriously you have issues point blank! ugh im disgusted now seriously and if that was your character I am very sorry someone said that to you honestly not all vets are like this. And I maybe a cranky foul mouth drunk but Id never take the game so seriously where id say anything remotely close to that to anyone.
Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic
Games that you play without interacting with other people are indeed just games......games where you do interact with other people are not just games, they are social yardsticks.
This cannot be helped, the bigger picture here is interaction, and when u interact with others...expectation will arise.
I think anyone here who would say they have never said anything demeaning to another when thier expectations were not met would be a liar.
Last edited by vVAnjilaVv; 12-21-2009 at 02:42 PM.
THere is a huge difference between calling someone an off colored insult and asking them to kill themselves. And mmo or not it is still a game, your not going to gain anything in real life (save maybe weight) from sitting on ddo and winning. So I really hope your post was not condoning this behavior seriously. There is no excuse to be that much of an ass no matter how frustrating bad players are.
Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic
For someone to get that bent out of shape over a game to tell someone to kill themselves is just sad. But, it did remind me of the scene in 40-year old Virgin where the guy calls the E-bay woman, gets nervous, pretends he's a telemarketer, and she goes off on him. If you have the DVD, it's right before the "Box-O-Porn" Scene. Maybe he/she was trying to be clever.
Oh don't get me wrong...I am not disagreeing with u on the severity of the comment, or of many other comments that I have heard in the almsot 3 years playing. I don't think people should resort to public insults period.
What I was saying is people need to realize when u interact with other people, it is not just simply a game anymore. People do act this way in real life....do u think it is not going to happen here, in a game...where there is little chance for consequence and almost a non-existent chance that the people will ever even meet each other......which means that people who will resort to humliating another will probably do it to a more severe degree here.
While I do agree with the OP about how annoying it is to constantly get people in ur groups that do not properly read an LFM, I do not support insulting a person in party chat.
I am not condoning, when it comes to the public insult issue.
Last edited by vVAnjilaVv; 12-21-2009 at 05:29 PM.
Oh yeah that's one of my main beefs with those who do click on my lfm's I try now to add whether its free to play or vip and even then you get the ones who ask after joining then drop. Then you got the share plz types so I can commiserate and ive had as many bad pugs with know it all long term players as Ive had with the influx of new players.
I just dont like how the OP kinda sounded like he wanted a "high five" for his attitude. Yep I agree with him the rogue was foolish made a bonehead move, but there has to be a line on how you treat people and if im to the point where I have to insult anyone they probably pushed it with their own insults.
Its kinda sad in a game which is mostly adults how many more juvenile things run rampant yet knocking teenagers is a popular thing to lol.
Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic
You know im starting to think some of the posters here are the same people who dont read LFMs, because they certainly dont read the posts. Even after I had already posted i didnt have elite open, thus the not for need opener, people still jumped all over the "If youre that 'leet you can solo elite." bandwagon. Youre right, I can solo elite, but I dont want to have to go through it twice, I wanted to do it once, and be done with it. And, for those that made comments about you always should expect trash while pugging, your right, but they can be thrown away like the trash they are, and others will always be there to replace them. Similar to the immediate refill of the group who knew what was up.
Now to those others who were stating something to the effect of pug=expect noobs. I agree with you, but (And I have no idea why) theres some part of me that holds on to hope that the human race isnt full of idiots who cant read.
Blowing the box is acceptable. Anyone can roll a 1. Searching for the trap all over, after ive told him where it was, was the first step. Okay, hes clearly not paying attention. I can shrug that off. Strike 2. Then he goes into the acid, STANDS THERE LIKE AN IDIOT, gets killed, nerfs all of our xp, and clearly shows hes incompetent. Yeah... strike 3, youre out.
And you know, its funny. Last night I was soloing (yes, elites) in the desert with my monk, and a LFM was up for An offering of blood. Now Ive never done that quest, as I didnt spend much time in the desert with my wizard way back, and after going premium didnt have access to the desert until recently. So, rather than clicking a lfm that states Experienced only, I (I know you noobs out there are going to be shocked at this rocket science style move) messaged the leader explaining ive not done that particular quest, but am willing to follow, and am a competent player. No deaths, on elite, no problems, no snags. Whats my point? No, im not trying to toot my own horn, what I am saying is if you arent sure about a quest, you follow what the leader says, PAY ATTENTION, and stick with the group. These things anyone from day one noob to from launch vet can accomplish. The simple reason these noobs ignore lfm notes, leaders instructions, etc, is because they are either A) Incompetent, or B) they think this is some other game that they can walk through and not die because they got used to games like WOW. I dont want either in my group, and if that blacklists me later, thats the price I pay.
Dontcare its all well and good that you are an player who knows there stuff, but in an mmo with people who play world wide with various ages and mentalities do you not expect runs to ever go south? Even with a high expectation for the human race I tend to run into plenty of people who I wonder how the hell they know how to turn a computer on.
Does it mean its fair to insult and belittle them? If you feel so then theres not much I can say to you. I will agree the rogue did something boneheaded. It was your right to state in your group experience only. What I fault you on is the way you handled the situation, it seems lately its a lot more work to have courtesy and tact then to be a hard ass and tell someone foolish off. Stuff like that dont make the game better and the rogue wont learn either. You dont want to be a teacher fine but some people out there do need it and will never get it if they are insulted. It puts up defenses and makes them even more hesitant to learn.
Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic
The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu
I'm having fun running with F2P PUGs. They are much more random and entertaining.
And I still see quite a number of vets fall into "idiot mode" - testing their twitch against an elite trap, aggroing too much at once, etc.
To the OP, I appreciate your pain, but you messed up when you called the rogue an idiot. Sure, he deserved it, but this is a game and there's no need for that.
(in reply to the comments of my post)
Yeah, that comment was unnecessary, The person he was talking to learned english to play this game as respect to the ration of people who speak it here. Part of the reason he got flamed was because he couldn't spell well or didn't understand something.
^ in reply to the comments of my post^
And sure it starts out as idiot dontcare123, but if you don't watch yourself it could get worse. Not saying you don't have self control but many people lose it along the way.
Last edited by akillith; 12-24-2009 at 03:08 PM.