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  1. #1
    Community Member dontcare123's Avatar
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    Default Was I too harsh?

    Okay so as a level 5 paladin, I put up a LFM for "Elite waterworks, need opener, know quest, fast run"

    We get a group of Me, A bard, a rogue, 2 rangers, and a FvS.

    We walk in first room, and since I have no clue if im surrounded by noobs or not, I type "Trap" at the very first door with the acid stream. I then say "box is here" And rogue searches around everywhere BUT where im pointing. He finally gets it, then attempts to disarm. Box goes boom first try. Great. Then someone opens the door and triggers the trap. He drinks pots to get his life back and proceeds to start killing mobs. (Indicating he had a clue) The same rogue goes up to the acid stream, stands INSIDE IT, and tries to use the lever again after its already open, and dies. I say "Well thats one idiot down." and he ****es and moans a bit, then logs off. I boot him and move on. One of the rangers wants to cry on his behalf stating that I cant lead a group by being an *******. I respond with he shouldnt join a group if he cant read. Said ranger leaves. This starts a chain reaction of the crybaby syndrome, and all but me and the FvS left. We then laugh and say "its only WW." I put up a LFM with in progress, and within about 2 minutes we had a full crew of people who knew what they were doing. No more deaths, no more dumbasses.

    My thoery is if you cant read the caption/quest of the group you are clicking on to join, then you deserve to be treated like the idiot you are. People who say "Share plz" when the giver is right in front of the sewer, or "what are we doing?" when its clearly in the caption are not worth the click on the "accept" tag when they spam you for group. Even after all that failed, they still cant read simple instructions. Am I in the minority here?

    In the end, we finished WW elite (not that its a challenge) in a nice, fast manner. I really wish there was a way to see how long someones played, or what their highest level toon is, outside of the TR markers on their name. Would make weeding out the trash much easier.

  2. #2
    Community Member Waukeen's Avatar
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    I find your name to be contrary because obviously you do care.
    If you can get em to leave with a single passing comment and then move on, who cares? It was fine.
    If you starting screaming and swearing that would be over the line.
    Personally I would just laugh into my mic and give em one more try.
    Like spiderman says, everyone gets one.
    ________________One of Two Kings_________________

  3. #3
    Community Member dontcare123's Avatar
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    The name was at account creation. I usually use another name for almost all my gaming accounts, but when i started back over here in D&D, I wanted to start fresh and work my way up again, so I needed a new account name. At that time, I didnt care what it was, so thus, dontcare123.

  4. #4
    Community Member Waukeen's Avatar
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    just being whimsical didnt mean to hit a nerve. I am amazed daily by the idiousy of new players.

    Today STK elite:

    get to bridge near fire room. I type /p trap, stay back. and proceed to activate the fire bridge. Three people run right at it and die in the middle.

    I also was in a splinterskull PuG where 3 people were really smelling the flowers, getting **** bonus chests etc. thats cool, but they bailed for dinner with the last 4 parts remaining. sigh*
    ________________One of Two Kings_________________

  5. #5
    Community Member dontcare123's Avatar
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    You didnt hit a nerve, man. Its been brought up before so I figured id lay it out there.

    Well most of these noobs are ex/current WOW players, and they figure they can do anything. That and WOW doesnt have any real enviornment dangers (traps and such) to worry about.

    Oh well hopefully the craptastic ones will go back and the few that dont want to button mash their way through quests will stay.

  6. #6
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    Sometimes even vets don't want to hear mouth from somebody who thinks they're Mr. Big in WW. You could've just finished the quest without calling someone an idiot. If you were that uBerZ you would've been soloing WW like the rest of us.

    We can't all be the best.

  7. #7
    Community Member dontcare123's Avatar
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    Actually I did state at some point before said crybabies left that I could solo it, but a group just makes it faster. If you would care to argue about speed benefits, let me direct you to the brick wall, who will be happy to listen to all of your comments. In addition to that, i didnt have elite open on this toon, thus the "need opener" comment. Some things dont get past you, huh?

  8. #8
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dontcare123 View Post
    If you would care to argue about speed benefits, let me direct you to the brick wall, who will be happy to listen to all of your comments.
    Well, Brick Wall, I'm not saying you'd have to stop calling people idiots while you solo.

  9. #9
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Does it matter what we think? No, it does not.
    Now, I could debate over people needing thicker skins when faced with criticism or the questionable skills of a Leader who could not get a party past the initial encounter of a quest without that party falling apart... but why bother on both counts? You ask for opinions and then want to argue with somebody when they state theirs. That tells me a lot about the situation - the first of which is that to discuss this with you would be a waste of my time - so I won't bother with one moment more.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  10. #10
    Community Member dontcare123's Avatar
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    "the questionable skills of a Leader who could not get a party past the initial encounter of a quest without that party falling apart"

    So if I joined your group and took all my armor off and sat in front of the first mob, died, pitched a fit and the group broke, it would be YOUR fault?

    That logic is about as sound as when they claimed the world was flat, and the sun rotated around the earth.

  11. #11
    Community Member Gunga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dontcare123 View Post
    "the questionable skills of a Leader who could not get a party past the initial encounter of a quest without that party falling apart"

    So if I joined your group and took all my armor off and sat in front of the first mob, died, pitched a fit and the group broke, it would be YOUR fault?

    That logic is about as sound as when they claimed the world was flat, and the sun rotated around the earth.
    The group didn't break because you sat down with your armor off and took a braining.

    It broke because Memnir then called you an idiot.

    But he only did so to solo his way to 12 without hearing your mouth.

  12. #12
    Community Member dontcare123's Avatar
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    'It broke because Memnir then called you an idiot."

    What? Shall we also talk about how black holes are causing global warming, or how skyscrappers make the sky blue, or any other completely unrelated subjects?

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by dontcare123 View Post
    So if I joined your group and took all my armor off and sat in front of the first mob, died, pitched a fit and the group broke, it would be YOUR fault?
    The answer to the question lies solely in how you respond to such actions.

    The compassionate leader who would be much more patient than me would be trying to figure out what the noob's issue was.

    A person who is just part of a bunch of individuals who doesn't give a fluff would not say a thing, pick up the stone (in this case there is no stone) and continue on.

    The jerk would more than likely make comments about such a player, take enjoyment in their death, and continue on leaving their stone (no stone in this case) where the other player died.

    continue to play as you see fit. We shall do the same.
    Last edited by Missing_Minds; 12-20-2009 at 10:33 PM.

  14. #14
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    I don't think it's a problem of people not listening (well it is but not in the sense that they don't care or ignore you). I've done a few of these terrible runs and from what I've seen ppl get involved and completely forget the wise words you have spewed through party chat and chase down that lone and weak kobold as it leads them to the ambush.

    I've met both and it's a bit of a grain of salt moment for a lot of them. It's frustrating sometimes but if you teach them well at lvl 3 you know you'll have a decent player for your raids later on *shrug* Wiping a quest or having party members die is nothing new to a lot of us. Sure they could maybe pay a bit more attention but like you say, some have WoW mentality and don't realise that things are completely different here. If it's happening at lvl 5-6 or lower then it's not a big deal. Doing a hound or Shroud and the twit still doesn't know how to listen and follow instructions then you've done your best and its probably best to ignore them

    I also know that for some people, it's hard for them to read party chat while playing and then they have vc turned becomes interesting
    Don't let common sense stop you...
    Qualified Devil's Advocate ` Refugee Boldrei '06 / Keeper '09

  15. #15
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    Personally, I'd much rather play with a noob than with the guy who calls the noob an idiot. But that's just me.

  16. #16
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dontcare123 View Post
    That logic is about as sound as when they claimed the world was flat, and the sun rotated around the earth.
    Thank you for proving my point that you are an utter waste of time and effort. It's so nice to see that you support my point enough to do the hard work for me. I'm sure your such a believer in my point that this post no longer needs me - as you will continue on proving my point ad infinitum, thus freeing me to do other and more useful things with my day.

    Carry on, 123... carry on.

    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  17. #17
    Community Member Kirachan's Avatar
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    Everyone does something stupid on occasion, even the most experienced veterans.

    I usually play with 1-2 friends, so of course we like to discuss our fellow players stupidities in TS, but we would never do so in-game. Insulting someone has never made them play better, but often worse.

  18. #18
    Community Member insaneuou's Avatar
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    personally i wudnt call anyone an idiot even though they do a grave mistake....Its jst a game and happens sometimes if one is a noob or a vet.
    Last edited by insaneuou; 12-21-2009 at 02:30 AM.

  19. #19
    Community Member baddax's Avatar
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    I think some people missed this part of the Op's post. >> "Elite waterworks, need opener, know quest, fast run"

    While I agree that he may have over reacted somewhat. I have been in many group/guild runs that live by this motto.

    If this was an Elite Vod run would the comments be the same?
    “If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles" TsunTzu

  20. #20
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    I think you could have been less abrasive about it, but yeah, sometimes you just have to know when to drop.

    Joined a Hard Gwylan's run earlier on my lvl 8 barbarian. The leader seemed a little spacey, but not necessarily inept. We start the quest, have people scattering immediately, some going for the trolls outside, some for the cave. Manage to wrangle everyone in and work a little more methodically. One person seemed to know what they were doing, as he was moving directly from one objective inside the cave to the next...

    Well, 1 person died in the cave to a couple of respawned trolls and a spider.

    We gather that guy up, get him raised, but the cleric (who keeps going on about his jelly cakes from coin turn-ins is out of SP already), and people are scattering again as we approach the first set of traps (stairs). We get there, and the confident guy heads through the stairs and pulls stuff back (looks good), but the rogue can't find the trap, at which point I'm thinking that there is no way we are finishing this. Then Mr. Confident dies, either in spikes or to the stuff he was pulling, the cleric dies, the wizard dies. I finish off everything that's left near the stairs.

    A few people keep asking to get a raise (running around maybe 100 ft. from shrine), and the rogue heads over to the next set of stairs with the force traps, and tries to disarm that, and ends up walking halfway up the stairs and dies. I tell the group that we cannot complete this, and should recall, and reform and try normal (I wanted the XP).

    They start arguing with me, saying that we should press on. This, while more people are dying. I left them with some parting advice, recalled and dropped to the sound of the party leader saying something about us being heroes, not cowards and that we should press on.

    Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!

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