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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Jul 2008

    Default Haste Effects Advise plz

    Looking for some in-depth explanation of how the different haste effects stack w/ each other.
    More specifically Haste, Competence Bonus, and Item Enchantments. I have the Black Dragonhide Armor and will be getting the Ranger Capstone Effect also will be working towards the Mod 9 amulet and Ring for the Deepwood Sniper that gives you 5% Raged Alacrity and want to figure out what stacks w/ what.

    Been trying to sort this all out n just getting to be a mess. My understanding is Competence stands alone and stacks w/ anything(capstone), while Item Enchantments(Dragonhide Armor, Sniper Amulet n Ring Set Bonus) don't stack w/ haste and haste will override it. Is this right? Also do any of the haste effects stack like the way dodge items do, that if their different values, a 5% and a 10%, do they stack in any form or fashion or is only the highest value taken?

    If someone can break this down Barney Style for me be much obliged.

  2. #2
    Time Bandit
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    Oct 2009


    Try this thread here, which is a similar thread:

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Vanshilar View Post
    Try this thread here, which is a similar thread:
    They list whats there and not what's stack-able really...or in detail, and they're talking more about movement speeds that stack...doesn't answer my question. What is stack-able and is the highest taken or can a 5% and 10% of the same type stack like dodge items do?

  4. #4
    Time Bandit
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    Oct 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by saco View Post
    They list whats there and not what's stack-able really...or in detail, and they're talking more about movement speeds that stack...doesn't answer my question. What is stack-able and is the highest taken or can a 5% and 10% of the same type stack like dodge items do?
    Look at MrCow's list for the attack speeds. Assume that only the highest % in each category will count, i.e. modifiers within a category won't stack, but modifiers in different categories do. Then multiply them together based on the link given in Dungnmaster001's post. Far as I know none of the categories work like the dodge bonuses.

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