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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Lightbulb Posibilities for Cleric PrE

    How you doing fellow adventurers, say the always annoying bard under the solitary tree in the mid of the abandoned park from a forgottem village.

    As you possibily see my other post under the wizard Class Discussion threads writing about the posibles PrE for the class.

    And now, I will annoy you with my dreams of which and how the PrE could and can be.

    As all the pro clerks around the game could know, the three cleric paths are called: Warpriest of Siberys, Font of Healing and Scourge of the Undead.
    Taking that as a start, the possibilities on my personal opinion could be: Warpriest fo Siberys, Exorcist of The Silver Flame and Radiant Servant of Siberys.

    Nice selection for our beloved heal-bots? Isnt? *Cough*

    Anyway... now I will write for the ones who will no miss some minutes from their lives, how I imagine those PrE will, could or can be.
    As I forgot to say on the wizard post, this is a simply unharmful post for fun, dont get exited if you like what you read, coz is very (99.9%) posible that if those PrE appear, to be completely differents:

    Prestige Enchacement: Warpriest I

    Cleric Concentration II
    Cleric Extra Turning II
    Cleric Divine Might I
    Cleric Charisma I
    Cleric level six

    Cost: four AP.

    Gods, Faith, Destiny or the simple power of will from a Mortal Spirit can give a Cleric the power to give aid to the need and heal her allies on the fierce of the battles. But there is some, no more than a few of them, that train, pray and convict themselves to become an Avatar of Punishment for the wicked on the world. They are the Warpriests from the Upper Dragon.

    You gain +1 hit point per lvl and +1 extra turning as your body and soul become strong as your conviction. +1 to the DC to all your combat strategies (Trip, Stun, Sunder, etc..), +2 to your Intimidate skill, +2 AC when wearing a shield, all that representing the extra combat training that you put yourself under.

    You get the ability to enter under a Templar Stance, that last 30 seconds per character level, and that can be used up to 2 timer per rest. It give you +2 to str, dex and con enchacement bonus and give you the BAB of +1 per lvl. You also get the Feat Weapon Focus with any weapon you could wield (if you already have Weapon Focus Feat, then you get Greater Weapon Focus effect on any weapon you could wield) and your power attack feat make +1 damage but you receive -1 extra to your attack bonus.
    During this stance, you lost your ability to cast any spell, any spell like ability or use wands, scrolls or any other kind of item that generally would ask a UMD check for others, but you still can use your Turn Undead trait and any ability that spend a Turn Undead charge.
    You also get the Aid of War: Heavens Smite, a weapon that represent the power imbued by the Upper Dragon for your aid in battle.
    This skill spend 2 Turn Undead charges and add your charisma bonus plus your the rest of your Turning intents (the ones you just spend still count in the equation) to your attack bonus and add half your cleric lvls to damage. If you have paladin levels, add the full number of them to damage. If you have no more Turns left, you still can use this skill. The bonus to your attack bonus is charisma bonus + 1 and the skill can be used every 6 seconds (turns or not)
    Important: This Stance suppresed and replaced the effect of the Divine Power spell, but no any other buff like spell.

    Warpriest II

    Cleric Concentration III
    Cleric Extra Turning III
    Cleric Divine Might II
    Cleric level twelve

    Cost: two AP.

    +2 Extra Turnings and +2 to all your combat DCs. +3 AC with a shield. Also, now you reduce your armor and shields dex penality -1.

    Now you can use your Templar Stance up to 3 times per rest and it last 40 seconds per level. It gives +4 Str, Dex and Con (same bonus type). You get the weapon proficiency with all the martial weapons, and you also apply the weapon specialization feat to all your attacks (if you already have the feat, apply the Greater one). Your power attack now does +2 damage but -2 to attack. Now during the time your stance last, you get the ability Siberys Might, that doubles your intimidate bonus, DC bonus to combat skills and dex bonus to AC when wearing a shield and provides a deflection bonus to AC equal to your Charisma bonus.
    You also get the Aid of War: Vigilance from the Upper One. It spends 4 Turn intents to use. You call the aid of Siberys, giving part of your own life to protect your allies. This last 10 seconds per lvl and make than a protective aura surround all your party members, making that 25% of the damage they receive in battle be transfered to you, and 25% of the threat they cause as well. Your Heavens Smite now give you your charisma bonus + Turns + 2 to attack bonus. +3 if no more Turns left. Same cooldown.
    Stance still suppresed Divine Power effect.

    Warpriest III

    Cleric Concentration IV
    Cleric Extra Turning IV
    Cleric Charisma II
    Cleric level eighteen

    Cost: two AP.

    +2 to your hit points per level as your body becomes even more prepared to battle, +4 Turnings, +3 to Combat skills, reduce your armor and shields dex penality -2.

    Templar Stance up to 4 times per rest, last 50 seconds per lvl. Your faith as been rewarded by the Upper One. You now get +6 Sacred bonus to Str, Dex and Con that stack with items and buffs bonus as well. You get the weapon proficiency with all the kinds of weapons and add +1 attack and damage with them. Power Attack does +3 and -3.
    Siberys Might now triplicates the Intimidate, DC and bonus AC allowed for dex by shields. Also, your others Aid of War cost -1 Turns Intents.
    You get the Aid of War: Fangs of The Upper Dragon. This skill consumes 5 Turns Intents, and give you double your higher Divine Might damage bonus for 1 minute.

    Details: The Templar Stance stacks with the Bladesworn Transformation from the WF unique Enchacement. And the Bladesworn can be used even if you are already on the Stance.
    The Aids of War can only be used during the Templar Stance.
    I was thinking that the last Aid (fangs) could give as well the remaining turns as attack bonus, coz is most likely that everyone would like to have divine might III and that cost lots of charisma points xD

    Opine, bite, spit and tell me what you like and what you will change. Lets dream together XD

    Thinking about the other two meanwhile :P

  2. #2
    Community Member Morosy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I would love those enhancements, however unlikely they are lol (slightly overpowered ) It does suck that the first two tiers are enhancement bonuses to stats making them useless, but i like the sacred bonus in the last stance (and using bladesworn at the same time, wow. Bladesworn is profane bonuses right?). Not too keen on the absorbing 25% of my party member's damage lol. Potentially 11 people getting hit at once and you recieve some huge damage spike :P Not saying it wouldn't be useful though. Most of the time i'd doubt anyone else would take much damage if you are recieving 25% of everyone's threat, which i'd imagine would be permanent aggro on you in any sustained fight (if it stacks of course, as in 25% from maybe 6-9 melees, adding up in a lot of hate towards you, plus your own). And with all those awesome abilities you'd make an excellent tank. I'm wondering if you can take the extra turning feat more than once, because if you get a lot of turns built up it becomes highly overpowered, and i'd never play another class I'd just be warforged cleric with templar stance constantly running (It does seem like it can last a while on higher levels) and bladesworn up during big fights while having doubled divine might up while occasionally smiting. Too bad you can't heal yourself while in this stance, because then that'd just be ridiculous. Yea, i'd say this is pretty wishful thinking. I guess from a realisitic point of view, i would like to see a smite for the clerics. And taking party member damage seems like more of a paladin kinda thing. You could possibly shorten the duration of Templar, and have some way to end it prematurely, as it would suck to be stuck for roughly 16/17 minutes without casting should you decide you need to cast. Also seems weird that a warpriest of syberis would require concentration IV. Overall though, quite an interesting read. You said you were thinking up the other two PrE's. Make sure you go easy on 'em :P Make it so where other classes have a chance.

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