Ok, heres something that's been puzzling me for AGES now.

Sometimes, I go into PvP just to have a little fun. When I cast spells however, there is a rare case that the spell is negated with a nightshield-like effect. Some of it is easy to explain; the person either has nightshield on, and im casting magic missle, or the person has deathblock on, and im trying to cast a insta-death spell. However, there are some times when the effect blocks all spells, even greater dispel magic and nimbus of light!

I know that's hard to believe, but I've encountered it before. Can somebody please explain how you block all spells with a nightshield like effect? If, indeed, it is not a game exploit, which I doubt it would be in the first place, then whatever this item is, it must surely be a powerful item or effect...