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  1. #1
    Community Member woodrick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default TempestI vs FrenziedI

    looking at true reincarnating a broken toon of mine into a str based dual scimi 13rogue/1fighter/6?

    i am busy in RL and don't have time to TR a toon 3 times or to lvl 2 seperate toons, so was wondering if someone that has the time would be able to work out if 6barb (frenziedI) or 6ranger (tempestI) was higher dps. i am aware 6barb will increase my hp alot more than 6ranger will so if the dmg is close then barb is the better choice even with the dmg back to me.

    please when working out tempest dmg take rams might into account as hitting that every 6mins is something i can do , but with the barb plz without rage on and with rage on would b nice (i might want to self heal etc and wont have rage on most of the time, number of rages and length of rages restricting)

    from a quick look at this tempestI appears to out dmg frenziedI against FE, but falls behind frenziedI against non FE, is this a correct assumption to make?
    The woman is a highly socially-practised, Master in body language, dab-handed actress, She's calculating all the mad facts and the figures, While you're pretending to listen staring at her (.)(.).

  2. #2
    Community Member mountaindew's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    depending on how you build it, the barbarian will most likely do more DPS and damage per swing.Onc you hit 20 things may change but i'd still count on the barbarian if played right.
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  3. #3
    Community Member woodrick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    yeah was hoping someone had time to do the math and let me know.
    quickly off the top of my head: frenziedI adds about 8 average dmg a swing so 100 swings ~ 800dmg. (rage adds ~300 more dmg over 100swings but i will not b raged all the time, due to #of rages and length of rages, and the inability to use scrolls etc.)

    tempestI is a 10% speed increase so 100 swings becomes 110. at ~40 dmg a swing that means tempestI adds ~ 400dmg
    rams might adds another 330dmg over that 100swings (110 with tempest boost; +2dmg +2str(+1dmg)
    so tempestI ~730+ dmg over 100swings
    but FE = +5 extra dmg (+2base +1lvl5 +2enhancment) = 550dmg over the 100swings

    so against FE as i see it tempestI will out dmg frenziedI but against non FE frenzied out dmg tempestI. this is all done real quick before i go to work so my math may b completely and horribly wrong.
    and i was hoping that someone else with a little more time and understanding can help me out so i only have to TR once instead of 3 times
    The woman is a highly socially-practised, Master in body language, dab-handed actress, She's calculating all the mad facts and the figures, While you're pretending to listen staring at her (.)(.).

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