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  1. #1
    Community Member Emeldir's Avatar
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    Dec 2008

    Question Running two clients

    so i have to accounts to play the game and currently have to switch windows user to have them both logged in at the same time on my computer. the 'windows L' button is ok as a trick but i was wondering if anyone has come up with running two clients at the same time on the same screen.

    i.e is there a way to run a second windows user in a windowed mode to get around the launcher saying "game allready running".

    i've tried enabling secondlogin service so i can shift right click and "run as other user" but when the launcher starts i get the same message in the window saying game allready running, so hasn't done the trick.

    i've tried copying the turbine folder and running both turbine launchers at start up, i can get to both of the different character selcetion screens at the same time but it takes very little time before one of the clients crashes and 'stops responding'.

    if anyone's managed to solve this problem i'd be very glad to hear how because i'm running out of things to type into the search box in google
    Emeldir and Ariiy Snow

  2. #2
    Hero uhgungawa's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Jun 2009


    1. Make a copy of your DDO folder.

    2. Make a .bat file containing these lines (those are my folders' paths so you have to change them to match yours):

    cd "d:\ddo\ddo-1"
    start turbinelauncher
    cd "d:\ddo\ddo-2"
    start turbinelauncher

    3. Edit UserPreferences.ini, mine is found in User\******\Documents\Dungeons and Dragons Online\ and change "ComputeUniquePort=True" to "ComputeUniquePort=False". This step might be optional, I did it anyway.

    4. Run the .bat file.

    Sometimes you'll get errors, sometimes only one client will open while the other one freezes but it will work after one or two more tries.
    Mjoll. CLAW. Thelanis.
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