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  1. #1
    Founder lostgunman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Looking for an active guild

    I am p2p and my main is a cleric (recently reincarnated, currently almost L4 again). I'll play him about 99% of the time right now and will not slow down til he is L20 again.

    I consider myself a good caster cleric and healer and have been complimented on many occasions. I have decent knowledge of the game: Played Beta and for about 3 months after the beta when I hit the first level cap. Quit and went to other games. Recently came back (about 3 months) and will continue playing for the forseeable future.

    In addition, I am also scouting for my brother...who has a L18 Paladin...he had to slow down playing because he is in Mid-Move to a new house

    We are currently in our own guild and have been pugging it all this time. It's getting a little old and would love to find an established guild with a lot of active players. We came from playing Lord of the Rings Online and a very large and active Guild there. We still play it some...but not as much as DDO right now.

    Reply here or send me a private message...

    My cleric is Tyme-Khyber
    I hate that they screwed up my name when I was gone and it's gonna cost me 10$ to fix it...but since he is my main it's gotta be done.

  2. #2
    Founder Almerel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Eventus is an new, growing and active guild. A lot of us are renoobs and understand that the new players are valuable to the game. If your looking for a pretty laid back guild but one that is flagging for raids then we maybe for you.

    Warning you have to be able to handle sarcasm and those of us who have been friends for awhile really give it to each other. Oh and the only rule is "Don't follow Bio!" You learn that one fast though lol.

    Also we have a couple decent lvl clerics already so you don't have to worry about always being a healbot(unless of course you want to).

    You can either find me, Almerel or Elmerel. Most of the guild have officer statues so the chances are you'll get one if you just ask someone with our tag.

    My last signature was ridiculous...

  3. #3
    Founder lostgunman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    hey, I'll be looking for ya

    And if any other guilds are interrested?

  4. #4


    besides looking for a list of guilds to join, you might also want find out which are the absolutely lousy guilds which you want to avoid
    If you want to know why...

  5. #5
    Founder lostgunman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    yea, true...

    Which is the reason I joined a guild that said it was really active with a large membership (4 people playing 10 characters each) then promptly quit.

    I play a lot (I am disabled) because I have a LOT of spare time...especially from about 10am to 3pm...I also play most evenings...generally from 8pm to midnight.

    Trying to find a big guild is a royal pain...I just want a guild that plays....all levels (not just end game). A guild that has decent leadership and planned events. Vent channel would be used to the one my LOTRO kin was using.

    Any other guilds recruiting...I am still looking for the other guy that posted. Can't seem to find him online

  6. #6
    Founder Almerel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I'm still here. I have been lvling a new char the past few days named Almerek. We have a pretty active player base and with it being winter there are a few of us with extra time to play earlier in the day as well.

    I am going to log into the game on Almerel and see if your online. The holidays have lowered some of the playing time for some of us who have a few to many family obligations but we still have a people on.

    My last signature was ridiculous...

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