/signed! it's so true, very good point cel
/signed! it's so true, very good point cel
/signed .... I liked the ability to change the color of worn items in Warhammer.
Kruler Nightwing, Leander McVey, Kikmor Boutte, Xanril Pegason, Bamark Stronghand, Xavneiros Moonshadow, Stabju Indanek, Xangeon Pegason, Shavver Darkeyes, Nuther UTI, Woqini, Mozi
The Dark Exile, Xoriat
Hi'a! Just wanted to point out that yet another (This is the 5th thread on the subject ive found so far) Thread has been started by Draccus also requesting that Character Appearance Customisation be added to DDO. Thanks to Draccus for raising the issue again and adding his thoughts on the matter. The more people who raise and show they want this feature in DDO the better.
You can read Draccus's post here:
Best wishes,
Aestor The Knight
/epic signed
I may be one of the few people who actually likes the aesthetics of most of the dragontouched armor, but it has slowly but surely been losing its appeal as time marches on. Aesthetics are VERY important to me, to the point that I've already blown more Turbine Points than I care to admit on haircuts and dyes
I also love the idea of actually trying on random suits of junk armor that I pull to see if they look cool enough to make it my new skin. Of all the items types you can loot, armor has lately become the one I'm least excited about. Make this change, and I'll get absurdly gleeful every time I pull a +3 breastplate of moderate fortification
Hmm sounds good would be decent if faces and such were more customisable tho - was playing sims 2 with the gf the other day and you get so much more flexibility with character design.
REST OF PARTY : ...... eh?
REST OF PARTY: .... Oh gawd he killed them all!
/sign sign sign sign
Besides, this is a time-tested money-making principle in F2P MMOs. Some of them keep running on selling appearance customization alone. Sell those orbs for 195 TP and watch them sell like hotcakes.
I like most of the armor and clothes I receive - but it never fails, as soon as I find armor/clothing useful (+ whatever) then it's ugly!
Need to customize the look and colour of the armor/clothing. If nothing else -- we can do it at the Eldritch Device (no shards please just the crafting orb)
Support individual creativity Turbine! Oh, and I don't want to pay for that :P crafting idea is awesome imo.
I would just really like to hear from Turbine as to wether they intend to add Armour/Shield/Helmet/Weapon Model and Skin Customisation into the game. It would just be really nice to know that all these people saying they want this feature and obviously trying to make it apparent to the Devs isnt falling on deaf ears
Well im sure it isnt but, it would just be nice to know at some point.
Please Turbine add Armour / Equipment Model and Skin customisation to DDO soon! thanks!
This is the first "petition post" I have ever seen on DDO were there is not a troll or a negative response. That seems to say quite a bit about the subject matter.
Lost Legion
We suck.
Its been about 3 months since this thread began, and because of the fairly large amount of support this topic has recieved, and the unanimous agreement amongst almost everyone that this is a feature we would all like to see in DDD, I decided it was time to formalise this subject in a question to Turbine.
You can read this question to Turbine concerning, Armour, Shield, Helmet and Weapons Model and Skin customisation here:
Equipment Skin Customisation - Turbine? http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=235139
Kind regards,
Cashiry has kindly posted another Thread requesting Turbine add Armour, Helmet and Shield customisation to DDO.
In his thread he suggest they use the same method as is currently used in LOTRO.
You can read Cashiry's post here: DEVS: Can we please get a costume tab