From the information I have read about the monk skill, Fist of Light, its healing never scales. This doesn't seem to be very sound of an idea, as many other skills in the game scale according to the player's level in that class (or caster levels.) Additionally it doesn't quite seem strong enough initially. Yea, 1d2 health every strike isn't gonna compare to healing a sudden 4d8+1 health by level 4, ESPECIALLY to the strength of healing by level 20. From what I've heard most higher level monks only go for using fist of light to get to the area heal "Healing Ki", so...
My suggestion is to change fist of light's healing effect to scale according to the monk's level. Say, allies who hit the foe that you apply it to are healed for 1d2, +1d2 for every 3 Monk levels.
This would mean that when you first get the spell it would start healing for 2-4 health every hit, and by level 18 it would cap at 7-14 health healed every hit. Even with the human and monk healing bonus enhancements it would only get to healing about 10-21 per hit. compared to the strength i've heard of Cleric or Favored Soul heals this should be adequate to at the very least be on more equal footing those healers.
This is just a rough cut suggestion, as obviously it would be fine tuned to be a proper balance worthy of monks. I'm not wanting to replace Clerics and Favored Souls, just looking at balancing the alternatives.