Make feeblmind into a timed debuff instead of permanent unless you hit a shrine or down a mnemonic pot.
Either that or sell the lowest level Mnemonic pot at the potion vender.
Agreed to the selling smallest mnemonic pots at vendors... idc if they are in the twelve... I'd love this feature cuz man I can't afford them in any kind of bulk from the AH.
Starabelle McClean / Shamurai Daemon Slayer/Faithrune Justicar /
Samuiree Kensai / Daviniti Soul Finder/ GRRONND HammerPain
well seriously how off balancing could offering the smallest mana pot be? If anything would just serve to reduce AH prcies a bit and help off load plat for Plat capped people ( a concept I still can't quite grasp, but have heard exists)
Starabelle McClean / Shamurai Daemon Slayer/Faithrune Justicar /
Samuiree Kensai / Daviniti Soul Finder/ GRRONND HammerPain
get a panacaea clicky, either in shroud or hound, problem solved
(yes, you can use clickys while feebleminded)
0Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
*insert axe*
o o
Take your high level caster through level 1 and 2 harbor quests with end-rewards based on class turned on, and you can get a stack of 20-30 in an hour or so.
Hi, I play Generic Fantasy RPG Online, formerly known as DDO.
"Isn't it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?" -JC
It's actually not that hard to get low level SP pots, especially if you are doing quests that you can get feeble minded in.
The harbor is a great place for this: simply put, just grind out a bunch of harbor quests (like 1-2 mins each tops) and make sure you select a SP pot as a reward. (example, just the other night, i did 40-50 harbor quest speedruns, and ended up with about 30 pots to use)
Granted, they are not great for SP...actually their use would be specifically for curing feeble mind, but still, its a fast and easy solution.
Last edited by gwlech; 12-18-2009 at 02:27 PM.
I am going to have to disagree with both ideas here.
Feeblemind is suppose to be a permanent effect, they already made these cureable by a shrine and a pretty easy to find potion, no need to make it easier to get rid of it. If you need some pots and don't want to farm any yourself, go sit in the lobster and advertise you are buying them, you'll get loads of takers.
And to the idea of selling the Minor Mnemonic potions at a vendor, no, no, no, it is bad enough that they sell SP items in the DDO store. Casters would never run out of mana if that were so. Even if you made them expensive people would buy stacks and stacks of them.
Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. -Seneca the ElderIryklaunavan, Karaskkesir, Desideratum, Gregorii, Jhasmyne, VisUbique eo, invenio me esse ducem hominium.
- Imagine if melee classes had a limited number of action boosts per day based on Base Attack Bonus (as well as an amount based on character level), and these boosts were absolutely critical to the role of the class in combat.
A melee class without boosts would be like a wizard that is only using autoattack.- Then consider a debuff called Feeblemuscles that sets BAB to 0, disables the ability to make armed/unarmed attacks, and blocks the usage of boosts. If untreated, it lasts until you use a rest shrine.
While your BAB is 0, your maximum pool of action boosts is lowered to the base amount determined by character level + any bonus boosts from gear. You permanently lose any unused boosts above than that amount, until the next rest.- It's based on your generally strong save, Fortitude, but you can still fail on a 1 of course.
- The only way to cure it would by yourself would be drinking an action boosts potion, but no in-game vendor sells them and the good ones command downright silly prices on the auction house.
On the bright side you can obtain minor action boost potions... via forced repetition of trivial content that yields no other worthwhile rewards.- After you have removed Feeblemuscles, your remaining action boosts for the day have usually been reduced since your BAB was 0 for a time.
Of course, the minor potion you quaffed restored some, but not as many as you lost from the BAB reduction.- The final nail in the coffin - even though the melee classes have access to Feeblemuscles, everything you really want to use it on is immune, and you have finite resources to keep using the ability whereas your enemies have infinite resources.
I can already imagine the outrage that would occur at such a debuff, and my melee characters are *glad* that it doesn't exist.
The only reason I put up with Feeblemind and the absurdity of "fail on a 1 no matter how high your save is" is because they're D&D staples.
I wouldn't mind one bit if they were cut from the game.
I'm definitely against SP potions being available for gold. The idea is totally broken - about as broken in fact as DDO store SP potions. Mind you I gladly (ab)use them as a subscriber since I don't need my free+favor TP for much else.
(I actually wish SP potions didn't exist. At all. But that's a topic for a different thread.)
What I would like is an NPC-purchasable potion, available for a moderate amount of gold (several thousand gp per potion) that had the sole effects of removing Feeblemind, and upon curing Feeblemind, grants immunity to further Feeblemind effects for 60 seconds. It cannot be preemptively quaffed to grant immunity, it must remove Feeblemind effect to grant it. This immunity gives you time to finish off the current fight with the peace of mind that you will not get Feebleminded a second time if that 1 in 20 chance strikes again.
Hell, a Panacea potion would be fine, I just want to be able to walk to an NPC vendor, throw some of my coin pouch at him, and know that Feeblemind will never be an issue.
What I don't want is to be subject to the whims of random quest end rewards, forced repetition of stale trivial content, and the greed of other players to stockpile SP potions which are not even used to restore SP when I really need it, but used to remove a 100% debilitating debuff that non-mana classes have no equivalent of, regardless of whether I'm short of SP or not, and said debuff is one I would never fail to save against except when the die happens to land on 1.
An important note:
Even though I'm saying all of this, Feeblemind as it is in DDO now is not so common that it bothers me.
I can prepare when entering an area I know I will get Feebleminded in, and I can kill most things that spam it before I fail a Feeblemind save (entirely random, of course).
Using a single minor mnemonic once in a blue moon to fix Feeblemind is not an issue for me.
If the current situation persists, I would not mind one bit.
I am merely highlighting how silly a debuff Feeblemind is.
But... a caster using melee attacks isn't very effective (yes, there are divine power clickies and the caster is likely still hasted, displaced, and stoneskinned, but if you're using a DP clicky why not just quaff a minor mnemonic).
It's just a silly example in any case, I'm just trying to outline how debilitating Feeblemind is in the rare occurrence that it lands - it puts a complete and abrupt halt to the most effective style of play for that given SP-based class.
I wasn't trying to make a serious comparison between Feeblemind and this fictitious Feeblemuscles debuff.
Yeah, you're right, Feeblemuscles was not the best example I could have given :P
I guess the scenario would've make more sense if all characters regardless of class had an equal baseline melee ability, and melee classes' action boosts to enhance it to the level of what it is now.
So boosts would be pretty much 'melee spells' and Feeblemuscles only prevented boost usage and not the default crummy autoattack that every character could use.
But then that's getting closer and closer to a carbon copy of Feeblemind, except mind is replaced with muscles, caster with melee, spells with boosts.
I think I'll just let it die, haha.
I'm just surprised it's one of the few that doesn't go away on it's own or at a shrine. Not to be all "old man" but i remember things like curses and mummy rot not going away in taverns and shrines.
Kids today.
Get off my lawn!