Chainmail Thelanis, is now recruiting VIP members.
We are looking to expand the raid-ready type player base,& Bring in high end veteran players, that need a change of venue, or just want to start a raid ready group for any and all nights of the week.
Prospects will have at least 1 year DDO experience, and MUST have at least 1 capped toon.
Sorry, no F2P, P2P or whatever. We are recruiting VIP people only!
We offer a great info laden website, and free ventrilo voice service! (paid for, till feb 2011).
Officers from other guilds will be recruited as officers in chainmail after a brief prob period, (up to the individuals performance for length of prob)

Contact , Recap, Laggin, Lagin, Laginn, Llagin, laginnn, Lagginn, Gorforit (alts)