I have a request to change the Adventure Compendium.

I have a hard time telling which quests and wilderness areas are "free to play (f2p)" vs. "pay to play (ptp)".
I would like to see a change to the Adventure Compendium that shows which adventures, quests, and wilderness areas are f2p or p2p.

Better yet, change it to allow me to hide the ones I do not have access to and only show me the ones I DO have access to. Have a check box that allows me to hide all of the content that I do not have access to. This would then show me only content I have access to (including all f2p and any content I have bought, or if I am vip it would show everything) and not confuse me with what I don't have access to.
If I wanted to see the content that I do not have access to then I could uncheck the checkbox and see everything. This is already done in the online map. Why can't it be done here?

I hope that someone sees this and runs with this idea.

Mark (Goz)