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  1. #21
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasczak View Post
    So you prefer buying relics or maybe just avoid Reavers altogether? Or do you prefer the slayer attempt now?

    May not be your way but doesn't make it bad advice. And ages? How much xp do you need for lvl 10 to 13? Because if I do each quest once on each difficulty I get relics towards Tor as well getting 13 easily.
    And your 4 quests vs my 9 makes it a little less tedious. If you want to powerlevel then there are loads of quests you can do easily for xp.

    No you don't get xp for being below a quest but that makes no difference in reality. It's still not difficult to do certain quests which we did for ages at that level.

    But seeing as my suggestion is different to yours I can see how claiming it's bad advice makes yours a little more viable when in reality you have chosen quests a new player should only do with a bunch of veterans and not easy to do alone when you do not know them.
    Although the GH main 3 quests can have the same said for them.

    See those of us who have been playing forever can Zerg quests...I find it hysterically funny though that you give Stormcleave as an option claiming the quests I suggest (which give the same xp and are shorter) are better yet people like me have done Stormcleave at lvl 6-8 or in worse case scenarios lvl 8-10. The OP said lvl 10.

    As for Orchard quests, they range from lvl 14 and up and are much more difficult to get done than the GH quests.
    But each to their own I suppose
    Grinding relics makes absolutely no sense at all. Run real lootruns, then buy the relics (which are ridiculously cheap, Khyber they are ~15k PP per set of 20) from the Auction House. Grinding 20 Tapestries takes about 10% of the time it takes to grind 60 relics, and they sell for enough to buy the 60 relics and have plenty over.

    Running Stormcleave under level again is bad advice. It's quicker to run it at level 9, if for no other reason than you can equip better weapons (more DPS = faster kills) and be hasted *all* the time, plus even the squishies can survive that unlucky crit so you keep the 10% no deaths XP. I used to run SC at level 5-6 (even on Elite) back when the game made doing so worthwhile - now you get more XP for running it at level 9 (guaranteed no deaths, instead of 50/50 in a PUG at level 6), and it's faster. Hard and Elite both make sense to run at 10 or 11 - but if you've already burned the first time XP by doing things the pre-Mod 9 way, don't repeat SC.

    Just whatever you do, don't get into the horrible situation a lot of us find ourselves in (myself included when I made the mistake of running everything underlevel) of being level 18 and having done all the good and mediocre XP quests in the game on normal, hard and elite already. 18-20 on repeats is a horrid grind, and the road to that grind starts by going to Gianthold at 10 as we did when the cap was 16.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  2. #22
    Community Member Shamurai's Avatar
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    My Sorc is 10.3 and I think I'm gonna camp him in the Desert and do farming runs and some quests out there.. I'm no expert on leveling as I'm in no huge rush ever, still enjoying the ride. Also I'm not one who can just zerg solo everything like a vet so I say just do quesyts that you find fun. Flagging for any Raid has perks if you like raiding like me. I usually find Im leveling too fast to enjoy all the level appropriate content as it is.
    Starabelle McClean / Shamurai Daemon Slayer/Faithrune Justicar /
    Samuiree Kensai / Daviniti Soul Finder/ GRRONND HammerPain

  3. #23
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
    I think he's saying save Gianthold for levels 12-15, instead of heading there at 10..
    Yep. Save it, XP at low levels is plentiful, but once you pass the Desert, there's only the following:

    Gianthold (low to medium quest XP, fast completions, reasonably good XP/min)
    Necro 4 (medium XP, slow to medium completions, reasonable XP/min but some content requires solid groups)
    Meridia (same as Necro 4)
    Reaver's Refuge (high quest XP, fast completions, excellent XP/min)
    Path of Inspiration 1 and 2 (low quest XP, fast completions, reasonable XP/min)
    Amrath (very high quest XP, slow completions - exception - solo Sins of Attrition is fast, mediocre to poor XP/min unless you can solo Sins, and even if you can that dries up fast).

    I like to go to Gianthold at 13 now, but can see a case for 14 or maybe even 15.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  4. #24
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    I wish more people grouped for Sands on Argonessen. But, then again, the only time I saw and joined a PuG for those quests was on my cleric and then it was "please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, healmymummyrot, healmymummyrot, HEALMYMUMMYROT!" It didn't take long for me to leave. XD

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lozareth View Post
    I wish more people grouped for Sands on Argonessen. But, then again, the only time I saw and joined a PuG for those quests was on my cleric and then it was "please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, healmymummyrot, healmymummyrot, HEALMYMUMMYROT!" It didn't take long for me to leave. XD
    <comforts> Suddenly I am glad my cleric *isn't* finding pugs there... lol

  6. #26
    Community Member Rydin_Dirtay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddaedelus View Post
    Farming the Orchard for tapastries is bound to get a good chunk of xp.

    And plat. If I remember right, I've pulled 20-30k plat just getting 20 taps, and we did it in 1 or 2 sessions.

  7. #27
    Community Member Xyfiel's Avatar
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    A new level 10 yesterday, I joined a von3-4(first time), got halfway to 11.
    Grabbed 2 friends and did shadow elite runs 8 times, I am now 12.1.
    Have not touched GH, and had I done shadow normal/hard, would have got similiar xp compared to no 20% bonus. I still have not done gwylans, sc, cult, threnal, or any flagging quests.

    If you are having problems leveling, it is because you are stuck in the old way of leveling. You don't get bonus xp for underleveling quests anymore.

    Level 6 char runs stormcleave and deleras gets similiar xp as a level 9 char.
    Level 7 char runs shadow crypt gets same xp as a level 10 char.

    It is better long term to not do quests until at level or one higher. It takes a little longer to hit level 8, but 8+ goes a lot smoother. At higher level you get the same xp but can run the quests faster, which is greater xp/hour.

    With veteran characters, I find the following a good path:
    Farm ringleaders for a quick rank
    good xp/minute harbor quests h/e (durks/info/butchers/tome/garrisons)
    ww h/e for xp/favor(should be 5 for elite)
    stk n/h/e for xp/favor(quick runs, 5 for n/h, 6 for elite)
    tangleroot n/n/h/e for rewards, farm part 6(should be 6 for tr h/e)
    redwillow/gwylans n/h/e, sorrowdusk explorers, (quick runs, should be 7)
    deleras/stormcleave n/n/h/e(should be 8)
    von 1-4 n/h, gm h, cult n, atraxia explorers(should be 9)
    cult h/e, von 1-4 e, von 5 farm, shadow crypt(should be 10-12)
    flag titan/dq, farm wiz king(should be 13)
    most of gh at 14-15
    vale at 15-16
    refuge/amrath/iq/shroud 17+

    This is a general path, and works out quicker in the end trying to hit 16+. The only slowdown is getting from 4 to 7. This also gets you coin lord, house k, house d, and house p, and argo favor.

  8. #28
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lozareth View Post
    I wish more people grouped for Sands on Argonessen. But, then again, the only time I saw and joined a PuG for those quests was on my cleric and then it was "please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, please heal my mummy rot, healmymummyrot, healmymummyrot, HEALMYMUMMYROT!" It didn't take long for me to leave. XD
    L M A O

    So true- wow. This gave me a really good chuckle, thank you.

    Try telling them Please get a Disease Immunity Item, Please get a Disease Immunity Item,Please get a Disease Immunity Item,Please get a Disease Immunity Item,Please get a Disease Immunity Item,Please get a Disease Immunity Item,Please get a Disease Immunity Item,Please get a Disease Immunity Item,Please get a Disease Immunity Item,Please get a Disease Immunity Item,. GET SOME DISEASE IMMUNITY!

    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
    ~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
    ~ Ascent~

  9. #29
    Community Member Hokonoso's Avatar
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    i generally hit necro at lvl 9 and dont leave till im litan flagged around lvl 15. tho i run shadow crypt 14 times and vol/fleshmakers 14 times too as well as GOP and inferno as many times as needed. if you think an easy quest at -90% xp is not good xp then you are wrong

  10. #30
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rydin_Dirtay View Post
    And plat. If I remember right, I've pulled 20-30k plat just getting 20 taps, and we did it in 1 or 2 sessions.
    The key to necro slayers is to get a firewalling caster with you, do a couple of full passes to pick up all the explorers and rares, then start hitting this circuit: wagons, rat pile, western crypts (where the wheep is)
    If both rares are there, you can get around 100 kills in 3-4 minutes. Even if neither are there, you get 30 or so just from the crypt area in 2-3 minutes.
    Recall out, reform and do it again.

    If you have 2 casters or clerics, send one to clean up the graveyard by inferno, then head down to rescue coyle while the other hits the above loop. This takes probably a minute or so longer as the second caster/cleric has to run farther, but gets you an additional 75 or so slayers for that extra minute.

    edit: according to this post, the orchard is worth about 200,000 experience.
    Last edited by binnsr; 12-19-2009 at 02:02 PM.

  11. #31
    Community Member taospark's Avatar
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    I'm not sure if it helps, but when I was F2P, I found doing full runs of the Level 10-12 House quests on all difficulties was a great way to get an extra 110K XP or so before going for the Sands of Menechtarun or Gianthold. You can also meet some good players who are toughing out the Very Long quests and are patient enough to not just Zerg their way through a level.

  12. #32


    After doing a couple reincarnates I've found the following quests to be very much worth doing in that level range (as they are about 1000 EXP/min or higher, rated as such from soloing on normal).

    • The Shadow Crypt
    • Haunted Library (with especially with someone who can open locks)
    • Stormvauld's Mine (skip the elementals unless you can take them down fast)
    • Xorian Cipher
    • The Jungle of Khyber
    • Haywire Foundry
    • Sykros' Jewel
    • Reclamation (especially if you skip most of the filler monsters in the middle of the cavern)
    • The Chamber of Rahmat (invisibility and run to the mummy boss)
    • The Chamber of Kourush (invisibility and run to the mummy boss, you may want to kill Ulzarian on the way)
    • Tomb of the Shadow Guard (especially with a trapbuster)
    • Maraud the Mines (if the group is versed in this quest, split them up and get it completed in less than 2 minutes, ~5000 EXP)
    • And the Dead Shall Rise
    • Dreams of Insanity
    • An Offering of Blood
    Last edited by MrCow; 12-19-2009 at 06:00 PM.
    Server - Thelanis
    Diaries of a True Reincarnate (Wizard, Sorcerer, Melee, Divine, Artificer, Druid)

  13. #33
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrCow View Post
    After doing a couple reincarnates I've found the following quests to be very much worth doing in that level range (as they are about 1000 EXP/min or higher, rated as such from soloing on normal).

    • The Shadow Crypt
    • Haunted Library (with especially with someone who can open locks)
    • Stormvauld's Mine (skip the elementals unless you can take them down fast)
    • Xorian Cipher
    • The Jungle of Khyber
    • Haywire Foundry
    • Sykros' Jewel
    • Reclamation (especially if you skip most of the filler monsters in the middle of the cavern)
    • The Chamber of Rahmat (invisibility and run to the mummy boss)
    • The Chamber of Kourush (invisibility and run to the mummy boss, you may want to kill Ulzarian on the way)
    • Tomb of the Shadow Guard (especially with a trapbuster)
    • Maraud the Mines (if the group is versed in this quest, split them up and get it completed in less than 2 minutes, ~5000 EXP)
    • And the Dead Shall Rise
    • Dreams of Insanity
    • An Offering of Blood
    If you know the layout of the puzzle then Ghost of a Chance is really good XP. At level 9 it + the puzzle is worth just shy of 6K XP.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

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