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  1. #1
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    Default How do you get past lvl 10-11?

    I've noticed there's a bit of a brick wall you hit around level 10. On the Argonessen server at least, there's hardly any groups around this level and I'm not sure what to run if I start my own groups. My first character breezed by the levels because of favor grinding to 1750 but every one I've made since gets stuck for a long time. I don't really feel comfortable doing GH before level 12. VoN and Threnal seem to be most common but both are very long and can be tough to get a PuG to stick through. What are your recommendations for this level?

  2. #2
    Community Member Xyfiel's Avatar
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    At 8.5 I started deleras tonight. n/n/h/e got me to 9.3.
    I have not touched threnal, vons, or cult of the 6 yet. Will easily hit 12 in a day or two, at which point I will farm wiz king and start flagging for titan/dq.

  3. #3
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Levels 10-12 can be a bit of a desert… or is that a desert isle? Either way, don’t forget to book proper passage. I mean one day you’re stuck in the daily grind at the bank, thinking of a vacation at that luxurious new spa you heard about and BAM!!! you’re now doing quests in the necropolis!
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
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  4. #4
    Community Member redtornado's Avatar
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    Default I had the same experience.

    Therenal quests seem to be rarely ran. Perhaps, because it was so hard to succeed past the defend Coyle part, the quest chain got a bad reputation that hasn't been softened by the new changes and loot. The only other quests to run at level 10-12 are Necropolis quests and those are almost universally despised(there are some who enjoy them O.O). So, it is very hard to find and/or build a PUG for Necropolis, despite the Silver Flame Necklace, which, oddly, can really save a characters neck. These quests are just skipped. I have experienced and AM experiencing your same "brick wall" at 11th lvl.
    My only advice will probably be the norm, do the Gianthold quests until ransack or you hit 14th lvl and you can move on to Meridia and Shroud Runs from there.
    People will do Thernal and the Necropolis, but usually only with Guildies. I suspect that even players with good guilds hit that leveling curve at 10th.
    We could use more alternative quests at that level, certainly. /em Feelyourpain

  5. #5
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    I just had a lvl 16 wizard friend run me through Orchard slayers/rares until I had all 15 rares and 750 kills. Went quick and got me well over half a level. I'm almost level 12 now when I feel comfortable with GH. Level 10-11 GH groups just seem like a very slow, frustrating slogfest.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xyfiel View Post
    At 8.5 I started deleras tonight. n/n/h/e got me to 9.3.
    I have not touched threnal, vons, or cult of the 6 yet. Will easily hit 12 in a day or two, at which point I will farm wiz king and start flagging for titan/dq.
    Is that the first time you did delera's? I always do it once around 5 so I can have VOM

    Beware the Sleepeater

  7. #7
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    Kinda silly to post about Delera's since it's a big part of the reason it's so easy to get to 10 (on top of Gwylan's, the Pit, Tear of Dhakaan, etc.). I run it a ton to get from 6 to 10 fast and then it's not worth much xp. This thread is about getting from 10 to 12.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lozareth View Post
    Kinda silly to post about Delera's since it's a big part of the reason it's so easy to get to 10 (on top of Gwylan's, the Pit, Tear of Dhakaan, etc.). I run it a ton to get from 6 to 10 fast and then it's not worth much xp. This thread is about getting from 10 to 12.
    That was my thought I usually run delera's long before lvl 10 even, I am intrested myself as you use to be able to use gianthold earlier and go 9-12 but now I see people say not to go there until 12 or so, and I havent done the 10-12 for awhile and would like to know the best way to do it now myself

    Beware the Sleepeater

  9. #9
    Founder tfangel's Avatar
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    What i've been doing is mostly running quests that are a bit below my level, but since i tend to solo mostly with hirelings, i can hit the quests people don't seem to want to run and still get xp. Remember it's something like five levels below you still gives xp, toss an xp potion (or even the nice two week xp boost coming up) and while it's not maximum xp, it's pretty good. Look at your adventure compendium, and see what you missed that's below 10, but within range.

    Doing this i am currently at 15, and have plenty of 10 and above quests i rarely ran. Most of those above 10 are in the desert, and a couple in gianthold.

    If you've got the patience for it, during a lull, just go kill some slayers, they add up and are persistent, so you don't loose progress. When bored or not feeling inspired to run a quest i'll go knock out some and it really adds up, just takes many, many clears of a zone (that only get's worse in some though, needing thousands)

    Also, at 10, go do some tempest spine runs if you can. It's decent xp, needs a decent group at that level (since it seems a lot of newer people are running this, and at lower levels too), but shouldn't be too hard and has (from what i remember) some great xp (and a ton of chests if you get good pulls)

    10 wasn't too bad, but now i'm feeling the lull. I saw only one (really devs, only litany of the dead for a level 15 quest??) at level 15 and only a handful as i look above that, with most raids or flagging. Seems too the nicely accessible quests get sparse at this level, with most having to run out in explorer zones to the quest.

  10. #10
    Community Member cdemeritt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lozareth View Post
    I just had a lvl 16 wizard friend run me through Orchard slayers/rares until I had all 15 rares and 750 kills. Went quick and got me well over half a level. I'm almost level 12 now when I feel comfortable with GH. Level 10-11 GH groups just seem like a very slow, frustrating slogfest.
    Really? I usually start GH at lvl 10, and with a proper group, the can be banged out very quickly... before you know it you are Tor Ready and blooded... (and lvl 13-14)
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  11. #11
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    make an lfm for lvl 10-13 and run reavers flagging in gianthold.....doing every quest (9 of them iirc) on n / h / e plus the slayers will get you 13 in no time which is round about where you hit the vale of twilight to get you to 16....etc etc

    Do it now with the 20% xp bonus coming tomorrow
    Last edited by Rasczak; 12-17-2009 at 06:18 AM. Reason: typos *shiver*
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  12. #12
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasczak View Post
    make an lfm for lvl 10-13 and run reavers flagging in gianthold.....doing every quest (9 of them iirc) on n / h / e plus the slayers will get you 13 in no time which is round about where you hit the vale of twilight to get you to 16....etc etc

    Do it now with the 20% xp bonus coming tomorrow
    This is just bad advice - you'll end up grinding low to medium XP quests for ages, then when you hit level 13 or 14, you'll have exhausted Gianthold and be in quite the pickle trying to find groups for Necro 4 or Meridia quests (both of which are mostly done by higher level toons).

    Much faster is to use these quests to get to 12 then hit the Desert:

    Tempest's Spine (solid XP/min)
    Reclamation (Ataraxia's Haven, solid XP/min since the recent optional XP changes)
    Stormcleave (no longer worth doing more than once on any particular difficultly; still worth NHE tho)
    Co6 to elite (normal and hard will be very quick at this level, elite won't be long either)

    In good groups only, add the following (these are excellent XP/min in strong groups, yet terrible XP/min in weak ones)
    The Shadow Crypt (single best XP quest in the entire game)

    In addition, flag at 10 or 11 for the DQ raid, and also if you ever intend to run the Titan, it's not bad to flag now.

    Doing this makes sure that when you hit 14, you haven't either got in a rut with nothing to do except things that it's really hard to get groups for (like lowbie Vale elite).
    I don't have a zerging problem.

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  13. #13
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    I agree that it's bad advice to hit Gianthold at 10...

    VONs give amazing experience... Tempest Spine is good... Cult of Six is awesome... I saved the Pit elite for 10th level... Threnals (especially east part 2)... Check out the desert a bit. Ataraxia slayers/explorers... desert slayers/explorers... Necro 2.. Shadow crypt is huge experience...

    Orchard explorer/slayer with a group is awesome experience, but I'd try to save that if possible...

    There's zero benefit to doing quests over your level now... Smart way to play is to do quests at level or even when you're one level higher than the quest...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    This is just bad advice - you'll end up grinding low to medium XP quests for ages, then when you hit level 13 or 14, you'll have exhausted Gianthold and be in quite the pickle trying to find groups for Necro 4 or Meridia quests (both of which are mostly done by higher level toons).
    So you prefer buying relics or maybe just avoid Reavers altogether? Or do you prefer the slayer attempt now?

    May not be your way but doesn't make it bad advice. And ages? How much xp do you need for lvl 10 to 13? Because if I do each quest once on each difficulty I get relics towards Tor as well getting 13 easily.
    And your 4 quests vs my 9 makes it a little less tedious. If you want to powerlevel then there are loads of quests you can do easily for xp.

    No you don't get xp for being below a quest but that makes no difference in reality. It's still not difficult to do certain quests which we did for ages at that level.

    But seeing as my suggestion is different to yours I can see how claiming it's bad advice makes yours a little more viable when in reality you have chosen quests a new player should only do with a bunch of veterans and not easy to do alone when you do not know them.
    Although the GH main 3 quests can have the same said for them.

    See those of us who have been playing forever can Zerg quests...I find it hysterically funny though that you give Stormcleave as an option claiming the quests I suggest (which give the same xp and are shorter) are better yet people like me have done Stormcleave at lvl 6-8 or in worse case scenarios lvl 8-10. The OP said lvl 10.

    As for Orchard quests, they range from lvl 14 and up and are much more difficult to get done than the GH quests.
    But each to their own I suppose
    Last edited by Rasczak; 12-17-2009 at 08:12 AM.
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  15. #15
    Community Member dkrypt's Avatar
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    I got to lvl 15 running only f2p quests. So I'd recommend doing that . . . plenty of groups for invaders, tempest's spine, etc, at least on Ghallanda.
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by dkrypt View Post
    I got to lvl 15 running only f2p quests. So I'd recommend doing that . . . plenty of groups for invaders, tempest's spine, etc, at least on Ghallanda.
    I think it's just a little overwhelming what to do since at those levels there is a lot to do. Most new players I've spoken to end up joining lfm's that give their level as a requirement. Either way most of the areas give decent xp if you play it right. Just get a firewalling caster
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  17. #17
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rasczak View Post
    So you prefer buying relics or maybe just avoid Reavers altogether? Or do you prefer the slayer attempt now?
    I think he's saying save Gianthold for levels 12-15, instead of heading there at 10..

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
    I think he's saying save Gianthold for levels 12-15, instead of heading there at 10..
    It's a fair statement in itself....But I'm not talking from a noob status even if my date of joining is recent

    I know that if you try to flag reavers, Necro and Shroud all at the same time the challenge disappears and it turns into a grind

    13-16 Has plenty to keep you occupied....The answer for 10.....well threnal you get 2k xp for babysitting bumpkins...etc etc. There is no wrong or right answer I just justified my's how I do things which is how everyone here puts their points across and for me, lvl 10 gh is peasy. Avoid the big 3 and do the other 6 and it's a walk in the park...well the cats in Cry can be painful sometimes
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  19. #19
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    Running Invaders enough times to get your 25 tokens should get you at least to level 11.

    I'm about to hit 17 on my barb, and I've hardly done anything on elite yet. Most of his XP came from farming rares and slayers, out in the orchard, the vale, and now reavers refuge.
    Last edited by Cedwin; 12-17-2009 at 10:12 AM.

  20. #20
    Founder ddaedelus's Avatar
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    Farming the Orchard for tapastries is bound to get a good chunk of xp.

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