I do happen to have a lvl 8 paly but i am a little unsure of there roles
A little help please most of the time i am just an attacker
I do happen to have a lvl 8 paly but i am a little unsure of there roles
A little help please most of the time i am just an attacker
Paladin's DPS is bad, so they can only heal well.
Wisdom is the most important stat, due to more sp to heal from.
OK that is really bad advice. I hope you are joking.
Start your Wis at 10. You can pick up WIS and Power items to allow for casting and SP.
With a decent CHR you can smite for considerable damage. Use them wisely as even though they recharge, they are still limited.
Palidans make fine front line fighters. You are never going to have the consistent DPS of a raged barbarian but you have great saves and self healing (use wands and save your SP for Zeal and other spells to boost your DPS) to make up for it.
A friend will bail you out of jail.
A mate will be sitting in there beside you saying "**** that was awsome!!!"
Unguilded of Orien
What? This is completely false. Specd right Paladin's can have excellent DPS, the top in the game against evil outsiders at high levels. Wisdom is also the least important stat and needs to be just high enough with a wisdom item to cast 4th level spells. Very few Paladins heal with their SP because you don't have a large enough SP pool. Paladins can use healing wands, so you should be topping yourself off with these and using lay on hands for emergency healing.
To the Op...please read Junt's Guide to Paladins, but to answer your question quickly. A Paladin's role is a melee combatant and you should take on one of two main roles, either a DPS focused offensive character, or a defensive tank. Paladin's are limited in the feats that they receive so they really should specialize in one role or the other.
The best part of the 10th Anniversary of DDO...the description on the Oatmeal Raisin Kookie,
"From a distance you thought this was a chocolate chip kookie. Now you're sad."
You couldn't be more wrong. It depends on how your build your Pally. Mine is lvl 6 Pally and 2nd lvl Fighter. Took the TWF path and feats. He does serious damage with Khopeshes. Lay on hands has saved me sooo many times too. Not only that but Pallys don't have the SP pool to be a good healer. Then can help in a pinch but mainly they udr SP to heal them selves or use buffs.
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Yea pally dps can be outstanding. because of smite they can have huge burst dps.
It's all how you put them together. You like to get all the agro, take the punishment with high ac while the rest of your party beats on the agro, or would you rather do tons of damage? A good tank build can save a lot of healing spellpoints by taking all the agro and not taking damage, but their dps may not be the greatest.
That's what you need to figure out first. From there we can recommend a build. I can say that tanking is important in some cases (especially raids) but generally DPS is most people's preference.
Pally can do either one, but not both, extremely well. They do both better than most classes though when shooting for versatility. Smite is nasty whether twf or turtling.
Remember that your role is not determined by your class, for the most part. It's determined by how you play and build your character. A perfect example is a battle cleric. They don't heal, they kill. You can debate what a cleric's role is to death, but at the end of the day, I've seen FvS and battle clerics that nuke as good as any sorc and have a much better ac and survivability. You could easily use them instead of a sorc for nuking and the healers wouldn't need to use a single spellpoint on them. In that case their role isn't "healer", it's "massive dps with self sufficiency" .
Never let anyone tell you different because they will be categorically wrong. You determine your role, not the game
BAD DPS??? you probably never played a pally
If you know how to play a pally you can have DPS as effective as any class.
90% of the enemies are evil; most of them ( hig level) evil outsiders pally are the best agains them.
A good dps build ( TWF ) with:
decent base atack bonus + divie favor + exalted smite evil + divine sacrifice + weapons of good + knight of the chalice +GTWF
Well equiped with greenstell kopeshes minII can do normal hits like this 35 + 6+10 +8 +10+........ each hand
with DS (every 3-5 sec) 90+6+10 +8 +10....... +35 each hand
normal smite 115 +6+10 +8 +.......+10 each hand
crit smite 480 6+10 +8 +10+....... each hand
With zeal + GTWF +haste you hit really fast this make you also a good mob killer with banishers / vorpals
Using the combination of censure demons + banisher = instakill
Using the combination of censure demons + smite = almost instakill ( 2-3 hits on a vale orthon for exemple)
You must play a pally man....
But all of this is impossible when you max wis on your build ......... no GTWF... nostr....
Last edited by ironmaiden-br; 12-21-2009 at 09:14 AM.
Helloween/Trooperrj/Dreamhealer/Sepulturaa/ x SabotageX/Ironhell/Aceshigh/Halibaba/gammaray/Blindgardian/Megadethx and 22 others..INFERUS SUS-Thelanis
What are you bloody talking about? Where on earth did I even mention your post? I pointed out that his comment is false intentionally "he's trolling" to incite some conflict and you respond like I'm endorsing his statement? (Either he's trolling or 1. not played the game or 2. is just plain intellectually challenged or 3. very mean and attempting to gimp the poor OP's toon.)
To the OP, Pally makes for some of the nicest front line combatants... they save great, can be very self-suficient and you may spec them for AC or you may spec them hard dps. Pally's main stats are str and cha followed by con... dex is important if you plan on a twf chain (otherwise may thin yourself out a bit), wis only importance is to get enough for spells with an item... (you're a melee not a bloody caster). I like str and cha about 16, and then adjust the other stats accordingly... because I like dps. I've noticed your forum avatar is a drow... drow may be a very viable smiting kotc build if that is you pally's race ( I have one of those) .
Last edited by Emili; 12-21-2009 at 09:56 AM.
♣ A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes. ♣
Abaigeal(TrBd25), Ailiae(TrDrd2), Ambyre(Rgr25), Amilia(Pl20), Einin(TrRgr25), Emili(TrFgt25), Heathier(TrClc22), Kynah(TrMnk25), Meallach(Brb25), Misbehaven(TrArt22), Myara(Rog22), Rosewood(TrBd25) and Sgail(TrWiz20) little somethings with flavour 'n favour
You roll a 1. Success!
Avoiding both the bad advice given about Paladin creation/role and the uncalled for abuse of Emili. . .
For the best results, Wisdom is mostly a dump stat for Paladins. Paladins are inherently stat-point starved. Go with a high Dexterity if you're going GTWF (Drow are about the best I've seen for this kind of roll), and the rest in Strength, Charisma, and Constitution.
My paladin:
I've been very happy with her, but she's Defender of Siberys, now.
The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu
This link should help explain:
You may know me as: Gannot, Gonnet, Gunnet, Ginnet, Gaxxat, Gennot, Gannut, Gxnnxt, Horseface, Izzayhay, Pailmaster, Artifactual, Gynnet and/or Barred. What? I like alts.
agree on the wisdom started with a 8 on my pally max charisma and was a 1st level fighter wanted to max intimidate so i could out intimidate the fighters "pally intimitank"
Starabelle McClean / Shamurai Daemon Slayer/Faithrune Justicar /
Samuiree Kensai / Daviniti Soul Finder/ GRRONND HammerPain
Last edited by Emili; 12-21-2009 at 02:20 PM.
♣ A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes. ♣
Abaigeal(TrBd25), Ailiae(TrDrd2), Ambyre(Rgr25), Amilia(Pl20), Einin(TrRgr25), Emili(TrFgt25), Heathier(TrClc22), Kynah(TrMnk25), Meallach(Brb25), Misbehaven(TrArt22), Myara(Rog22), Rosewood(TrBd25) and Sgail(TrWiz20) little somethings with flavour 'n favour