Here is my what I plan once I reincarnate this guy
Monk Pointers:
For a monk to be effective you have to understand your role in the party and really play the piano with your hotkeys. A good monk will keep the following up most of the time.
Must Keep:
+25% spell cost reduction for the casters
+2 stacking bonus to attack, saves, and skills for everyone
Mass Blur
Each of these only lasts a minute, so it takes alot of hotkey spamming to keep it going.
The other thing to keep in mind, is how effective weakening and maladroit are to a monk. A monk can bring trash mobs to auto-crit faster than any other class with 9 attacks per animation at about 3 seconds. That essentially gives everyone fighting the same mob 4 ac or 4 attack every 3 seconds depending on effect being used.
Weighted (although currently non-stacking with stunning fist) is well worth using. With 9 attacks every 3ish seconds you a have noticeable amount of the 5% stun proc.
I have decided to drop the elf and once again become a halfling. Everything I was getting from the elf, I could get with a little investment into umd, and with the two extra build points start with a 14 con which will allow for Mountain Stance III. This will let me use Strike of the Enduring III for +12 damage.
The build below is with all gear farmed, and would be my ideal setup with current in game equipment.
Race: Halfling
Class: 20 Monk
Alignment: Lawful Good
Stats: Wind Stance
Str: 20 +5 (12Base +2Tome +6Item)
Dex: 32 +11(17Base +3Tome +6Item +2Enhancement +4Stance {+2Yugoloth Pot})
Con: 20 +5 (14Base +2Tome +6Item -2Stance)
Int: 14 +2 (12Base +2Tome)
wis: 34 +12(16Base +5Levels +3Monk +3Tome +6item +1Exc {+2Yugoloth Pot})
Cha: 10 (8Base +2Tome)
Fort: 30 (12Base +5Stat +4GH, +5resist +2Good Luck +1Ritural +1Racial)
Reflex: 36 (12Base +11Stat +4GH +5resist +2Good Luck +1Ritural +1Racial) / 38 vs Traps ( +4Clever Monkey IV)
Will: 37 (12Base +12Stat +4GH +5resist +2Good Luck +1Ritural +1Racial)
1: TWF / Monk: Toughness
2: Weapon Finesse
3: Past Life: Disciple of the Fist / Monk: WoHB
6: Dodge / Monk: Stunning Fist
12: Power Attack
15: GTWF
18: Still undecided possibly Toughness or Combat Expertise.
Monk Automatic Feats:
1: 1d6, AC Bonus I, Flurry of Blows (Full BAB When Centered)
2: Evasion, Meditation (Restore Ki)
3: Still Mind (+2 Saves vs Enchantments)
4: 1d8, Slow Fall I,
5: Purity of Body (Disease Immunity), AC Bonus II
6: Slow Fall Increase
7: Wholeness of Body (Spend Ki to heal)
8: 1d10, Slow Fall II
9: Improved Evasion
10: Ki Strike: Lawful (Unarmed Attacks = Lawful and Magic against DR), AC Bonus III, Slow Fall III
11: Diamond Body (Poison Immunity)
12: 2d6, Abundant Step (Spend Ki to make a horizontal leap), Slow Fall IV
13: Diamond Body (SR 10 + Monk Level)
14: Slow Fall V
15: Quivering Palm = Fortitude Save vs Death (DC 10 + Half Monk Level + Wis MOdifier), AC Bonus IV
16: 2d8, Ki Strike: Adamantium (Unarmed Attacks = Adamantine against DR), Slow Fall VI
17: Timeless Body (Immune to Death Spawn)
18: Slow Fall VII,
19: Empty Body (Shadow Walk Spell)
20: 2d10, Slow Fall VIII (Take no damage from any height), AC Bonus V, Lawful Outsider, DR 10/Epic
Monk Ability DC's:
32 {33 w/ Yugoloth Pot}: Quivering Palm, Ubalancing Stike, Stunning Fist (10 +1/2Monk Level +Wis Modifier)
42 {43 w/ Yugoloth Pot}: Finishers (10 +Monk Level +Wis Modifier)
UMD Usage:
Level 5 Shield Wand: 28 (roll of 3 or higher)
Level 7 Stoneksin Wand: 32 (roll of 7 or higher)
Level 10 Shield Wand: 38 (roll of 13 or higher)
Raise Dead Scroll Wand: 36 (roll of 11 or higher)
Hit Points:
160 Base
100 Constitution
20 Heroic Durability
10 Draconic Vitality
22 Toughness
20 Minos Legens
20 Raciel Toughness Enhancement
40 Superior False Life
45 Shroud
40 {Yugoloth Potion}
20 {Rage} situational use only
20 {Tortise Animal Path}
417 {497}
32 Balance (13Base +11Stat +2Good Luck +4GH +2Shroud) (Level 8+ = 1 point / level)
63 Concentration (19Base +4Stat +2Good Luck +4GH +15Item +10Capstone +2Pastlife +6Shroud) (Full Ranks)
32 Jump (19Base +5Stat +2Good Luck +4GH +2Racial) (Level 1 = 3 points Level 2+ = 1point / level)
77 Hide (19Base +11Stat +2Good Luck +4GH +4Racial +20Inv +15Item +2Shroud) (Full Ranks)
59 Move Silently (23Base +11Stat +2Good Luck +4GH +2Racial +15Item +2Shroud) (Full Ranks)
22 Tumble (1Base +11Stat +2Good Luck +4GH +2Racial +2Shroud) (Level 1 = 1 point)
58 Spot (23Base +12Stat +2Good Luck 4GH +2racial +15Item) (Full Ranks)
25 UMD (11Base +3Stat +3Item +2Shroud +2Good Luck +4GH)
Ac: Wind Stance
10 Base
11 Dex
6 Armor (DT)
2 Dodge (Chaos Guard)
5 Protection
5 Centered
12 Wis
1 Racial
1 Dodge Feat
1 Ritual
4 Insight (DT)
3 Natural (Barkskin Pot)
1 Haste
4 Shield
1 {+2Dex Yugoloth Pot}
1 {+2Wis Yugoloth Pot}
66{68} Self Buffed + Aspect of Smoke (Blur)
5 Combat Expertise
3 Chattering Ring
74 {76} Self Buffed
2 Ranger
4 Bard
6 Paladin
86 {88} When all the stars are aligned.
Centered Attack Bonus: Wind Stance
20 Base (Flurry of Blows)
11 Stat Dex
4 GH
1 Haste
1 Racial
5 Weapon
2 Set Bonus
-5 Power Attack
{+2Dex Yugoloth Pot}
39 {40} Normal
2 Flank
4 Enhancement
5 Goggles
49 {50} Flanking
Base - Max Damage: WindIV +25% Attack Speed (15enhancement {=haste} + 10insight)
2-20 (2d12)
1 Past Life
5 Stat
3-5 Weapon
5 Power Attack
8 Goggles (Sneak Attack)
4 Enhancement (Halfling Guile)
2 Set Bonus
1-6 Pure Good / Acid / ...etc (Handwraps)
1-12 Holy (Bursting Ring)
1-6 Shock (Bursting Ring)
4 Greater Bane Enhancement Bonus
3-18 Greater Bane Effect
1-20 Different Ki Strikes
31-106 x 9 (Attacks / Animation) = 279-954 + Crits every few seconds
Weakening Handwraps = -9 Str / Animation (Essentially adding +4 AC to every party member every few seconds)
Maladriot Handwraps = -9 Dex / Animation (Essentially adding +4 To-Hit to every party member every few seconds)
Element Ki Strikes:
Storm Strike IV: +2d20
Strike of the Enduring III: +12
Flowing Water Stike II: +2d6
Fires of Purity I: +1d6
Finishing Moves: (AOE buffs are about haste distance to the monk)
The Trembling Earth: EEE (+2 critical hit multiplier, and the victim is unable to cast spells for 30 seconds.)
The Gathering Storm: AAA (-2 on attack rolls for 30 seconds)
The Raging Sea: WWW (Enemy's attacks are slowed for 30 seconds.)
Dragon Breath: FFF (1d6 fire damage per level. Reflex save for half damage)
Shining Star" EAF (Otto's Resistible Dance {Save = 10 +Mnk Lvl +Cha Mod = DC})
Healing Ki: PPP ({AOE} Heal / 2d4+) Affected by Potency, Healing Amp, and Devotion normal stacking rules apply
Grasp the Earth Dragon: EPE ({AOE} immune to daze, stun, and sleep for 60 seconds)
Dance of Clouds: APA ({AOE} 20% concealment for 60 seconds.)
Aligning the Heavens: WPW ({AOE} 25% reduction in spellpoint costs for 60 seconds.)
Walk of the Sun: FPF ({AOE} +2 bonus to attack, saves, and skills for 60 seconds.)
Enhancements: (Adjustable)
Animal Path: (Undecided, I used Crane on my halfling stunner, but the ki was almost overkill. I may go Monkey for the +4 save bonus against traps and +8 stacking resistance to all energy types, the other option would be Tortoise for 20hp)
Monk Wis: III
Halfling Guile: II
Halfling Cunning: II
Halfling Dex: II
Wind Stance: IV
Water: II
Mountain: III
Fire: I
Fist of Light
Monk Recovery: III
Fist of Iron
Unbalancing Strike
Monk Serenity (+10Concentration, +1Ki Generation)
Equipment Goals: w/ Epic Farming
Eyes: Tharne's Goggles (+5Sneak Attack Bonus, True Seeing, +15Search, +15Spot)
Head: Minos Legens
Neck: Shintao Cord (+6Con, +15Conc, Set Bonus: +2 Hit / Damage)
Trinket: Epic Pouch of Jerky (Superior False Life, Heal +15, Jerky {CL:10, 5/5 rest}, +2Good Luck)
Cloak: Shroud: (45HP, 6Con Skills, Heavy Fortification, +5Protection)
Belt: Shroud: +2Cha Skills, Greater Fire Resistance, Superior Fire Lore, Blur, {Displacement CL:15 3/3})
Hands: Gloves of Titan Grip (+6Str, Titans Grip +6Str {Psionic Bonus CL:18 3/3})
Feet: Epic Dustless Boots (Striding +30%, +15Hide, +15Move Silently, Jump {CL:20, 3/3 rest}, Underwater Action)
Wrists: Chaos Guard (+2Dodge)
Ring1: Kyosho's Ring (+6Wis, +1Str, Holy Burst, Set Bonus: +2 Hit / Damage)
Ring2: Kilau's Band (+6Dex, +1Wis, Shocking Burst)
Armor: Dragontouched (+5Resist, 20% Healing Amp, +4Insight, +1Resist, +1Dodge)
Potion List:
Haste: x200 (Even w/ Wind Stance IV it still gives +1 to attack, ac, and reflex saves)
Cure Serious Wounds: x200
Lesser Restoration: x100 (Removed Ability Damage)
Remove Curse: x25
Blindness Removal: x25
Jump: x100 (+10 to Max Jump)
Superior Ardor I: x100 (+50% to Healing Ki Finisher)
Superior Inferno I: x100 (+50% to Dragon Breath Finisher)
Rage: x100 (+2Str {+1Damage +1Hit}, +2Con {+20HP's}, -2AC) situational use only