I think most of us like the concept of the past lives, altho there is alot of disagreement on whether they're worth the trouble or whether or not its acceptable for the abilities to be stacking, or how many we can take.

But we build up our characters into roles, otherwise why would we even bother having multiple characters. And its not enjoyable to take a character that for the longest time has been in one role/class and thrust him into another grind as a different one just so he can be better at the first.

my barbarian does not want to be a monk, however briefly
nor does my cleric care to do a stint as a wizard, its not what I envisioned those characters to be. (and shame on those be with class focused names : IHealYou an ex-cleric is now a T'resed Rogue, thats confusing)

My suggestion is allow us to grind out past lives in another fashion in addition to what you have in place now.

100 epic tokens a worthwhile purchase price for a past life? make it only accessible to True res'ed characters as well. (so you must be a 34 or 35 point build in addition to using 100 epic tokens)

wife aggro so cutting it short, but thats the gist of it