I am in a bit of a pickle. I have been playing ddo for about 3 months, pnp for alot longer.
I have rogue toon @ lvl 15 and a Fvs toon @ lvl 12
Neither of my other toons are uber, in fact i am sure they are gimped.
I want to roll a WF toon, with decent dps and the ability to take care of himself HP wise. Doesnt have to be a caster
but able to heal himself in betwix fights at least.
I have been searching to boards for about a week, and found some builds that i think might work.
Unfort below those builds are 5 pages of reasons why the build is not up to par, or terrible.
I am just getting comfortable with the game, soloed alot at first, but realized i loved playing in partys much more.
Any help would be much appreciated. I want to be able to take care of myself when i roam around explorer areas and solo the occasional dungeon, but i also want to be an asset to the party that i am in.
I know i cant max dps this way melee or caster
i would prefer melee dps , suvivabilty and to be able to take care of myself.
Thanks again guys