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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    May 2006

    Default Feasibility of Paladin/FvS multi?

    Is there any decent way to build a Paladin/FvS "non-splash" multi? (like 10/10 or 14/6)

    Or, would such a mix be pointless and/or too limited for higher-level content?

  2. #2
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    14/6 would probably be the best split. You'd get Tier2 of your paladin prestige, good BAB, and Zeal/Holy Sword, plus a good chunk of spellpoints.

    On the FvS side, you'd get 1 dip into the resistance well (I'd take fire for sure), and really god awful spellcasting. Level 6 means you get to pick 1 level 3 spell at the top end, which isn't much.

    You'd probably be better off with cleric, honestly. You'd get cure serious on the auto slot, and a choice of 2 others. Drawback being that you don't get any meaningful synergy with paladin charisma, and wisdom is often a pallie dump stat.

  3. #3
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    Dec 2006


    main draw of pally splash is for the saves. FvS already get good saves, making them godly saves in my opinion isnt worth the loss of those final 2 levels.

    less than 18 FvS levels and you might as well roll with a palidan icon instead. and a FvS splash is kinda pointless.
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    May 2006


    Ahh, good to know. I'll probably end up making a pure-class of each, with the FvS first (almost lv 7 now).

    Mostly, I'm just running an experimental FvS right now, to see what type of FvS I want to hit high levels with.

    Right now, the FvS is focused on healing, which is quite enjoyable, but solo melee is a bit lacking using sword and board (greater devotion IV heavy) and +3 hit with starter gear combos.

    Since it's an experimental toon, I went with the high WIS/CHA, so I can try out some offensive spells too.

    Once I finally decide on the offensive vs. defensive spell balance, I can reroll a lv 4 and balance out the stats for a nice melee boost.

    It's awful tempting to focus on holds/stuns and whip out a thundering khopesh or two.
    Last edited by Latharna; 12-15-2009 at 09:49 AM.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Latharna View Post
    Ahh, good to know. I'll probably end up making a pure-class of each, with the FvS first (almost lv 7 now).

    Mostly, I'm just running an experimental FvS right now, to see what type of FvS I want to hit high levels with.

    Right now, the FvS is focused on healing, which is quite enjoyable, but solo melee is a bit lacking using sword and board (greater devotion IV heavy) and +3 hit with starter gear combos.

    Since it's an experimental toon, I went with the high WIS/CHA, so I can try out some offensive spells too.

    Once I finally decide on the offensive vs. defensive spell balance, I can reroll a lv 4 and balance out the stats for a nice melee boost.

    It's awful tempting to focus on holds/stuns and whip out a thundering khopesh or two.

    I don't know much, yet, about the favored souls which is why I am reading yer thread.

    What I have noticed so far, I started a healing offensive favored soul, drow, got her to lvl 7 and dumped her. I prefer the healing/offensive of a straight cleric (he's a dwarf hehe and now lvl 11).

    So I just recently started a WF Favored Soul following the lord of the blades (prof. with greatswords). I am trying this one out. I have seen them at higher levels and they are just awesome.

    I just am not sure what my wis/char should be or if I even need it?
    Hands you a Cupcake One of Many of the O'Rum Ferretus's

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