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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Never Die Guild recruitment

    Hello everyone!!

    We at Never Die love to play DDO. Further, we are learning to love and hate PERMADEATH ddo play... For the rules we have established for our guild please visit And.. If you see one of our members running around Stormreach in the near future you will know that they have Never Died!! Our guild is young and was only started on 12/13/2009. Eventually you may see some of our members who have died but were resurected through the approving love of the gods.

    If you are interested in joining a fun and team oriented guild please mail Ezzi through the in game mail or you may try

    We recommend you bring patience and creativity to our adventures and we look forward to seeing you in one of our parties.

    Thank you Ezzi

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    ill do a shameless bump for this, ive seen you guys around, might join up with you if i can free up a char slot for something

    i like the rules...strict as hell but hey, makes it more challenging. the no-shrine rule though, ouch. you arent gonna finish alot of quests if you ever get out of the harbour/marketplace with that rule...

    but as you said it is flexible, so

    keep it up!

  3. #3
    Community Member Seven05's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Mythal you should give it a shot. I was skeptical too, especially about the shrine rule but I've been having a lot of fun, great bunch of players and, as with all perma-death guilds, a very different experience than what most players are used to in DDO.

    The whole party works together and everybody supports everybody else, no blaming your failure on the cleric(s) which is a nice change from PUGs. You quickly get to know what each member of your party is capable of and you constantly hear people volunteering to give up loot from chests to somebody else who can put it to better use or making sure everybody has enough healing potions. Oh, and you hear a mass sigh of disappointment when you open a door and the only thing behind it is a pair of shrines

    With no 'twinked' characters you'll feel useful even if you're 2-3 levels below the rest of the party. And, with very few exceptions, you'll find yourself completing every optional goal in every quest for the extra XP and loot so if you enjoy the dungeon crawls over zerg rushes you'll love permadeath guilds.

    In general the groups become tight knit quickly and even if you're not the cleric you find yourself paying close attention to the health levels of your whole party and rushing in to take the heat off of a player that is getting beat up. In the unfortunate event that somebody does die you'll likely see several other members of the guild switch to a low level alt, or even roll up a new one, to help that player get back up and running.

    If you can free up a character slot it's definately worth giving us a shot to see how you like a little added tension in your gaming. You should find several of us on in the US prime time although it might be a little harder right now with the holidays coming up as several of us are married with kids and a little busy this time of year.

    If you'd like to ask more in game you can definately bug me, I'm normally on as Aileas (my monk) or Crowbar (my warforged weed wacker... erm, fighter).

    Edit: And since Ezzi skipped it in the first post, we're on the Orien server
    Last edited by Seven05; 12-21-2009 at 11:35 AM.

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