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  1. #1
    Community Member Neptuno's Avatar
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    Default Rogue Build? Assassin & mech later on? Help me

    Hi there, i've rerolled a rogue on lvl 4 and im considering rerolling again although me patience is decreased, i honestly dont wanna reroll every **** time so i wonder if someone here could give me advice.

    I want to deal alot of dmg and make a wanted class for my party as i intend to play high lvld dungeons later on and no i dont think i will go as a multiclass, i will probably screw it up like hell and be forced to do a reroll and by that i rather press the uninstall button..

    Assassin rogue apparently deals the most dmg but doesnt become that usefull until lvl 12 or something from what i've heard, but then thats not really what people want apperently, they want a rogue that deals with the traps, spot and
    unlock doors, as a 100% rogue i will probably max them all.
    I got the advice from ingame that i should "spec" enhance into acrobatic and later on respec into assassin when i reach lvl 12 to become most effective.

    Now heres what i want to know, whats truely the most effective rogue in the end of the game? People clearly want rogues to unlock etc etc so i should start my build with intellect.

    Here's what i've had in mind as base stats:
    Halfling Rogue/Lawful good
    i max out lockpick, disable device, UMD, listen, spot and the rest ill add into stuff that could be usefull to a assassin.
    as a feat i pick dual wield, two weapon fighting or w/e its called.

    Now am i doing something wrong? i want to be able to disable devices and stuff without a problem and go assassin, i know that my str is low and it reduces my chance to land a hit but with my dex i can probably use my reflex to dodge more attacks and that increase my survivability because im not really supposed to be hit that often right?
    thats all im asking, is this good? would i be wanted for higher lvl dungeons when im a lvl 20 rogue? i just want to play and have fun without making a disaster rogue that deals low dmg and cant pick locks or spot doors, in other words a unwanted/uneeded toon.

    Thankfull for anyhelp

  2. #2
    Community Member Pizzasoup's Avatar
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    Weapon Finesse feat allows you to, for certain weapons like Rapiers, use your Dex modifier to aid your to-hit instead of STR, so probably worth investing in for you.
    (Thelanis) Dakhos - Pal | Argond - Ftr | Luohan - Mnk | Bencao - Mnk
    Quote Originally Posted by Fejj View Post
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  3. #3
    Community Member Neptuno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pizzasoup View Post
    Weapon Finesse feat allows you to, for certain weapons like Rapiers, use your Dex modifier to aid your to-hit instead of STR, so probably worth investing in for you.
    I made a rogue yesterday and i checked out alot of guides on the web as well of asking ingame about advice and i finally made my base stats like this:

    12 str
    12 con
    18 dex
    15 int
    8 wis
    8 cha

    Int to get those skill pts to get a high disable device, umd, lockpick, search etc and later on i will get the weapon finese because i have a high dex and i grabbed the two weapon fighting as a starter feat but later on im thinking of getting improved two weapon fighting or something like that, would it be a good choice? i mean extra attacks on hits are maybe something that is worth spending.
    Oh and another thing, i got the suggestion to go and lvl into a ranger or a fighter as well since they apperently get more weapon profinity and hp (fighter) when ranger get heals, what should i do? would that make me a better assasin?

  4. #4
    Community Member toughguyjoe's Avatar
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    14 int is fine for getting traps. 14 con is what i would go with. then bump up that strengtrh, and let the dex fall down some. pick up some armor that works well for you, maybe mithral breastplate, or the like.

    With a 14 Int my 28pt halfling rogue can handle any trap he has come across, as well as smash things for intense damage.

    I'll put up an actual build if you are interested, though it seems weapon finesse is a hot topic here *bleh*
    Quote Originally Posted by gamblerjoe View Post
    if u put 1000 smurves in front of 1000 computers, eventually one of them will make a pally that isnt a complete abomination.
    Quote Originally Posted by dragonofsteel2 View Post
    Why should I care about what none friends think? It really not like anythink they do are say in this game really affects me.

  5. #5
    Community Member Enir's Avatar
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    Wink Gimped start does not mean bad finish

    A character can change a lot between creation and end-game.
    I play many rogues (check my sig). At creation, I like high IQ (16) and high dex (16) w/ some con (12). TWF and Wpn Finesse are essential for any 'assassin' type build. You will need the 'hide' and 'move silently' enhancements; and the less armor (even mith breastplate) the better. A high dex w/ finesse and padded armor means that you can hit AND avoid damage AND sneak up/ past mobs.
    Backstabbing w/ decent weapons does HUGE damage; but do NOT draw aggro. Let the melee types draw first blood.
    Max your skills, along with items, and you will be able to handle the vast majority of traps and doors.

    Just play w/ what you have and figure out what works for you. It took me lvling up two rogues to 12 before I was satisfied. Third time is a charm
    Last edited by Enir; 12-13-2009 at 08:07 AM.
    Where is my Iludium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator?

  6. #6
    Community Member Neptuno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Enir View Post
    A character can change a lot between creation and end-game.
    I play many rogues (check my sig). At creation, I like high IQ (16) and high dex (16) w/ some con (12). TWF and Wpn Finesse are essential for any 'assassin' type build. You will need the 'hide' and 'move silently' enhancements; and the less armor (even mith breastplate) the better. A high dex w/ finesse and padded armor means that you can hit AND avoid damage AND sneak up/ past mobs.
    Backstabbing w/ decent weapons does HUGE damage; but do NOT draw aggro. Let the melee types draw first blood.
    Max your skills, along with items, and you will be able to handle the vast majority of traps and doors.

    Just play w/ what you have and figure out what works for you. It took me lvling up two rogues to 12 before I was satisfied. Third time is a charm
    i've checked the tube and i have found thrilling speccs that i would like to play, its more of a solo rogue i guess but if
    they are good at solo they could be wanted a little by a group since they can deal a load of dmg, i was thinking of sticking to my current build, go wpn finese on lvl 3 and after that take 2 lvls in fighter to get their feat of Improved two weapon fighting as well as their improved str since i have a lower str, Oversized weapon looks tasty as well which will make me deal a bigger amount of dmg, im kind of disapointed that i actually spent some points into listen, im thinking of rerolling and add those into balance or max out hide/move silently
    after that im considering taking 1 lvl in barb since they are effective at removing disease as well as dealing a heavy load of dmg, also been considering changeing my aligment to true neutral so i can get my UMD up, sure i wont be dealing with alot of greater traps above my lvl but i dont really care that much right now, it would be fun to actually do some solo play as well as team play, i can boost up my Disable device and such things with items later on, still have one more unclear thing and that is if i should enhance into acrobat until lvl 14 and from there take a respecc into assasin for the best amount of dmg?

    still considering to go 4 into fight to get the AC but thats something i can think of later when i lvl up, how do you guys think about this? would i make a proper assasin?

  7. #7
    Community Member Neptuno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toughguyjoe View Post
    14 int is fine for getting traps. 14 con is what i would go with. then bump up that strengtrh, and let the dex fall down some. pick up some armor that works well for you, maybe mithral breastplate, or the like.

    With a 14 Int my 28pt halfling rogue can handle any trap he has come across, as well as smash things for intense damage.

    I'll put up an actual build if you are interested, though it seems weapon finesse is a hot topic here *bleh*
    Im more into going into a burst of dmg so rerolling again and reduce my 15 int to 14 int wouldnt be a problem, as i plan on making a multiclass of fighter and barb those extra points would fit better on str than on con, sure more hp makes me withstand a few extra hits but why not go into a quick and heavy dmg burst that takes em down before they can blink, besides its way more fun and i would like it alot later on im more into dmg than survival altough fighter lvls would give me a higher survival rate which would make me able to solo some later dungeons, all i have to do is to sneak some more

  8. #8
    Community Member JSiN69's Avatar
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    You can get improved two weapon as a rogue also, just so you know. Also you might want to rethink over sized weapons as it will negate you weapon finesse. And remember the more levels you take in other classes means it will take you longer to get the assassin enhancements. Vorpal at level 18 is a lot better than anything I would get by multiclassing, so you will be robbing yourself of that with three levs of other stuff. I went with a pure dex based rogue and my int was decent, I deal out lots of damage and I can still do most traps. You'll find that a lot of groups dont care if your a trap based rogue, they want one that can deal out massive amounts of DPS.

  9. #9
    Community Member Cap_Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JSiN69 View Post
    Also you might want to rethink over sized weapons as it will negate you weapon finesse.
    What? How so?

    I assume he was refering to the Oversized Two Weapon Fighting Feat which is defined as:

    When wielding a one handed weapon in your off-hand, you take penalties for fighting with two weapons as if you were wielding a light weapon in your off-hand.

    This allows you to use a rapier in you offhand with no extra penalties and therefore is a nice match for weapon finesse.

  10. #10
    Community Member Neptuno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cap_Man View Post
    What? How so?

    I assume he was refering to the Oversized Two Weapon Fighting Feat which is defined as:

    When wielding a one handed weapon in your off-hand, you take penalties for fighting with two weapons as if you were wielding a light weapon in your off-hand.

    This allows you to use a rapier in you offhand with no extra penalties and therefore is a nice match for weapon finesse.
    Yes, indeed it sure does but i got advice from the guy who made the rogue guide, "the dancing rogue" ingame and what he said is that Oversized two weapon fighting isnt much of a use later on, i can still use dual rapiers as long as my gear and so on gives me a extra hand, sure.. i get a small penalty but not much, i will still be able to hit strong, yet i would really enjoy using a schimitar or a knopesh but many tells me to not do so because they are heavy, it's a shame though since they look pretty cool, dual wielding rapiers looks lame, like fighting with two small sticks but i'll see what to do..

    Oh and btw, i multiclassed yesterday, from a lvl 3 rogue i multispecced into fighter, choose stunning blow which i think is very effective, almost everytime i get a 1hit kill or 2 hit kills, Also i was only able to choose 2 skill pts which i added into DD and UMD, my search skill took a real beating out of this sadly... but not much i can do about it, i also noticed that stunning blow procs more if i have more strenght so i should perhaps have gone with a str rogue, although im not lvl 5, soon lvl 6 rogue so i dont feel that thrilled of rerolling..
    I dont know if i should multiclass much more, i will try and not go nuts on it right now,i think im going to take two lvls of rogue until i get BAB +6 and then grab a fighter lvl so i can choose GTWF and then later on maybe add some more lvls, kensai assasin rogue would be a nice build i think but in the long run.. i wont live up to my role as a rogue and that is to be able to handle the traps.

    should i go 18rog/2fight instead? it seems like i wont do much good in the later lvls, now i really need advice so i dont totally destroy my rogue..

    If we play on the same server id love to group for dungeons and such tho, i deal a pretty fair amount of dmg
    - Sharko @ argonessen

  11. 12-15-2009, 05:05 PM

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