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  1. #1
    Community Member Lanceroy's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Soloist Drow 3Paladin/1Rogue/16Ranger

    Here's an interesting multiclass build for solo play.

    It's a Drow Ranger using Longbow as main weapon. Has very high saves and plenty of HP. Every 4 levels, raising constitution is the best choice for a 100% solo character.

    Gear: Most important is to max AC, saves and charisma Bonus. Once that's reached, look for strength, dexterity and constitution.
    Don't forget to always have a pair of goggles for each trap skills (spot, search, disable device and open lock) and change them when leveling up to always have the best bonus available. Keep a good stack of wands of cure wounds and plenty of potions and scrolls.

    If you like the challenge of solo play, you must try this build.

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.14
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 20 Lawful Good Drow Male
    (3 Paladin \ 1 Rogue \ 16 Ranger) 
    Hit Points: 296
    Spell Points: 360 
    BAB: 19\19\24\29\29
    Fortitude: 21
    Reflex: 21
    Will: 14
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (28 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 20)
    Strength             10                    10
    Dexterity            16                    16
    Constitution         12                    17
    Intelligence         16                    16
    Wisdom               10                    10
    Charisma             16                    17
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 20)
    Balance               7                     7
    Bluff                 3                     3
    Concentration         1                     3
    Diplomacy             3                     3
    Disable Device        7                    26
    Haggle                7                     7
    Heal                  0                     0
    Hide                  7                    26
    Intimidate            7                     7
    Jump                  4                     5
    Listen                0                     2
    Move Silently         7                    26
    Open Lock             7                    26
    Perform               n/a                   n/a
    Repair                3                     3
    Search                7                    28
    Spot                  4                    25
    Swim                  3                     3
    Tumble                4                     4
    Use Magic Device      n/a                   n/a
    Level 1 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Level 2 (Paladin)
    Level 3 (Ranger)
    Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Undead
    Feat: (Selected) Point Blank Shot
    Level 4 (Paladin)
    Level 5 (Ranger)
    Level 6 (Paladin)
    Feat: (Selected) Weapon Focus: Ranged Weapons
    Level 7 (Ranger)
    Level 8 (Ranger)
    Level 9 (Ranger)
    Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Giant
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Ranged Weapons
    Level 10 (Ranger)
    Level 11 (Ranger)
    Level 12 (Ranger)
    Feat: (Selected) Mental Toughness
    Level 13 (Ranger)
    Level 14 (Ranger)
    Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Elemental
    Level 15 (Ranger)
    Feat: (Selected) Force of Personality
    Level 16 (Ranger)
    Level 17 (Ranger)
    Level 18 (Ranger)
    Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell
    Level 19 (Ranger)
    Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider
    Level 20 (Ranger)
    Enhancement: Ranger Arcane Archer: Imbue Force Arrows
    Enhancement: Ranger Swamp Lore I
    Enhancement: Ranger Swamp Lore II
    Enhancement: Ranger Swamp Lore III
    Enhancement: Ranger Tundra Lore I
    Enhancement: Ranger Tundra Lore II
    Enhancement: Ranger Tundra Lore III
    Enhancement: Ranger Desert Lore I
    Enhancement: Ranger Desert Lore II
    Enhancement: Ranger Desert Lore III
    Enhancement: Paladin Bulwark of Good I
    Enhancement: Paladin Resistance of Good I
    Enhancement: Paladin Extra Lay on Hands I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Attack I
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Attack II
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage I
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage II
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage III
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage IV
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Defense I
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Defense II
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Defense III
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Resistance I
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Resistance II
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Resistance III
    Enhancement: Ranger Arcane Archer: Conjure +2 Arrows
    Enhancement: Ranger Arcane Archer: Conjure +3 Arrows
    Enhancement: Ranger Arcane Archer: Conjure +4 Arrows
    Enhancement: Ranger Arcane Archer I
    Enhancement: Ranger Devotion I
    Enhancement: Ranger Devotion II
    Enhancement: Ranger Devotion III
    Enhancement: Ranger Devotion IV
    Enhancement: Ranger Energy of the Wild I
    Enhancement: Ranger Energy of the Wild II
    Enhancement: Ranger Energy of the Wild III
    Enhancement: Paladin Charisma I
    Enhancement: Paladin Toughness I

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Are you for real?
    Proud member of Blood Cloak Clan

  3. #3
    Community Member LAWPRE's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default well...

    Poonce - A proper critique is required - not disbelief or other such replies.

    For example, I am not sure IF you can combination Ranger (I am having service area trouble) with Paladin.

    Also, what are you trying you trying to accomplish with your build?

  4. #4
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lanceroy View Post
    If you like the challenge of solo play, you must try this build.
    that is soo true

    if youwant a challange, build that

    if you want it easy, make something useful

    stats are bad, enhancements are bad, some feats are bad, levelsplit is bad, etc

    Quote Originally Posted by LAWPRE View Post
    For example, I am not sure IF you can combination Ranger (I am having service area trouble) with Paladin.
    why shouldnt you not?
    Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
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  5. #5
    Community Member honkuimushi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LAWPRE View Post
    Poonce - A proper critique is required - not disbelief or other such replies.

    For example, I am not sure IF you can combination Ranger (I am having service area trouble) with Paladin.

    Also, what are you trying you trying to accomplish with your build?
    Ranger actually works quite well with a few Paladin levels. It's just that I don't really see the point here. It's almost like they looked at a list of the most powerful options of these 3 classes and resolved to take none of them.

  6. #6
    Community Member Lanceroy's Avatar
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    The goal here is versatility and survivability. Anyone who experimented with real solo characters understand why I splashed the levels as such. Try soloing, you'll need high AC and saves like a tank, good hp, ability to use wands and if you play smart, favor range attack over melee. Also important to mention, as much ranger levels as possible since they got the best spell selection for solo intent.

    If you don't understand why I splashed the levels as such, I think your understanding of higher level content is poor. Make a Tempest for solo play and go into Gianthold with all the heavy hitters then tell me about it.

  7. #7
    Community Member Anneliese's Avatar
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    So you chose to skip UMD, even if you have it as a class-skill? Heal scrolls are far far superior to a CSW wand.

    (Im not going to comment on the other things...)

  8. #8
    Community Member Tumarek's Avatar
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    This build must be friends with the doorstep paladin

  9. #9
    Community Member Lanceroy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anneliese View Post
    So you chose to skip UMD, even if you have it as a class-skill? Heal scrolls are far far superior to a CSW wand.

    (Im not going to comment on the other things...)
    You don't need UMD to use divine scrolls/wands when you have 1 or more paladin level(s).

    And the intent with this accessible drow build is for anyone to be able to enjoy a good solo build. Notice I didn't take any tome or make a 32pt halfling instead.

    Got just enough skill points to max spot, search, disable device, open lock, hide, move silently... that is worth everything in solo play.

  10. #10
    Community Member Anneliese's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lanceroy View Post
    You don't need UMD to use divine scrolls/wands when you have 1 or more paladin level(s).
    True for wands, wrong for scrolls.

    And for wands, paladins cannot use all divine, only those on their spell-list.

  11. #11
    Community Member Lanceroy's Avatar
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    Regardless, having at least one paladin and ranger level allows me all the wands I find useful on this build. My priority of "clickies" is wands, potions and then scrolls.

  12. #12
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    for good ac youre missin the monk level btw

    imo the exploiter is far superior to that build
    Love Life of an Ooze: One ooze. Idiot hits ooze. Two oozes.
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  13. #13
    Community Member Lanceroy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lanceroy View Post
    And the intent with this accessible drow build is for anyone to be able to enjoy a good solo build. Notice I didn't take any tome or make a 32pt halfling instead.
    Monk class is not accessible to all players, I was intending to make an accessible build, for beginners. So far it's working very well for me anyway.

    Edit: Negative comments are welcome but don't waste your time if you don't come up with suggestions and improvements.
    Last edited by Lanceroy; 12-12-2009 at 07:35 PM.

  14. #14
    Community Member baddax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lanceroy View Post
    Monk class is not accessible to all players, I was intending to make an accessible build, for beginners. So far it's working very well for me anyway.

    Edit: Negative comments are welcome but don't waste your time if you don't come up with suggestions and improvements.
    You should probably have stated that in your first post.
    “If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles" TsunTzu

  15. #15
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    Improvement, Take the file from the Char Gen that was created on save and drag it to the trash can.

    Looking at your join date its kinda weird seeing that you actually think a build like this is Viable in any way shape or form . . Its even more weird that you are defending this garbage build so strongly, Im not sure if your just pulling everyones chain or being for real.

    But, Yuou can play and build any way you want to so make it and have fun, 1 very valid point from above though is your lack of Umd is really going to kill your already very squishy build, wands and pots just isnt enough healing on a soloist, 30 pt heals while kiting wit wand then Pot just isnt going to cut it when your getting owned for 80 Pt hits and then crits . . * Shutters*

    I think you should re-think your position and bonk yourself in the head, I think you may have Ranged combat confused with Twf atm . .

    Good Day!
    Proud member of Blood Cloak Clan

  16. #16
    Community Member Dragavon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lanceroy View Post
    Edit: Negative comments are welcome but don't waste your time if you don't come up with suggestions and improvements.
    You cannot decide what other people post anyway, so just stop being silly here

    This build is bad, bad and then some more bad. I agree with the level split tho, I have a char with exactly the same level split, which I enjoy very much. He is STR based, dual wield min II peshes, have maxx UMD and rogue skills, silly high saves and works very well on high level content. But your build does just about everything wrong. That char is very old tho, I rolled him up back when the level cap was 12, and if I where to roll him up today he would be monk1/rogue1/ranger 18.

    1: No STR.

    2: Ranged based.

    3: Level up points in CON??? What made you think that was a good idea?

    4: Extend? All your buffs last 1 minute per ranger level anyway, you should not need extend anywhere.

    5: You have UMD as class skill yet have no points in it. That is a huge mistake. You say you are happy with your wands, let me assure you wands are not enough for healing on higher levels, then you need to heal from mana or heal scrolls.

    I don't care that you think it has worked fine for you so far, that just shows you have little experience playing DDO on high levels. The weaknesses of this build will become more and more obvious the higher you level up, and somewhere beyond level 14 you will find it very very weak.
    Last edited by Dragavon; 12-13-2009 at 09:05 AM.

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