For those with the number crunching and the stopwatches that we love so much - is there currently a significant attack speed difference between these BAB's or is it (currently) no more significant than the 18 vs 19 difference?
For those with the number crunching and the stopwatches that we love so much - is there currently a significant attack speed difference between these BAB's or is it (currently) no more significant than the 18 vs 19 difference?
sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana
I think its broken down at 5/10/15/20 now.
All I know is haste is still good and madstone is better.
I *thought* that it was currently tiered as you stated but wasn't claiming my memory was up to the task
I've been phasing out madstone quite a bit, despite the definitive benefits of it, just due to the number of mobs that spam healing curse anymore. Annoying to say the least - would rather be able to break the potion over my head at the very least if I'm too mad to drink it ><
sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana
Believe it's 1 animation step/bab/minute(so, 2 less attacks with gtwf, 1 less with s&b and THF).
This is simply not true, Impaqt, and simply timing your attacks per minute with a BAB 19 and BAB 20 character with identical weapons can easily demonstrate that it is not true.
Go take a 19 and a 20 bab character, haste each one, and swing a greataxe for 1 minute counting.
You will not vary by more than 2 attacks. If you re-test a few times, you will find that you vary by 1.
There is no speed jump threshold between 19 and 20 BAB.
It's clear neither of you have done any attack speed indexing or testing in the last month.
In Patch 1, the BAB Progression was linear levels 3-20.
In patch 2, it was changed to 1/5/10/15/20
If it is not working that way now, Its a bug and Should be reported.
no, I have not checked in the last month.. Why would we of? THere has been no announced change since Patch 2. But I will now.
"Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
Arkkanoz / Barbarrus / BoarAxe / Bruttus / Dahlamaar / Dexxaan / Dominattrix / Gregorius / Inquisittor / Mechanikkus / Predattor / Suntzzu / Valkeerya
As I lack characters with those BABs, I must say I possess a keen lack of interest in their attack speeds and an inability to test them. Someone with a 15, 16 or 18 bab character, however, is invited to test their s/b, thf and twf attack speeds under the following conditions:
hasted only
hasted+10% static bonus (zeal or tempest)
madstoned only
madstone+10% static bonus
hasted+biggest haste boost available to rog13 (35% right?), and rog 1 (15%): HB should be used twice in the minute, and both times activated after you start counting
hasted+10%+haste boost
Repeat your test 3-4 times and average the results. Make sure you do not have to drink pots or anything else while testing; the only non-swinging action you should do is the activation of haste boosts, if appropriate. Do not pre-activate a haste boost (losing the activation delay will pervert the numbers).
I possess no more than mild curiousity about 17. 15-16 are interested since that is where 13 rog/6 ran/1 builds end up, and those are real dps builds who's attack speed outputs are of importance. 18 are 18/1/1 exploiter builds.
there's not a serious dps build I know of that has a 17 BAB.
As for making that information public, it would be a little premature at this point.
So bottom line is you dont "Know" either....
THere IS an attack increase 19-20. We seem to agree on that. Exactly what the increase is is what the question is.
What is "Insignificant" for some may be important to others.
Telling Shade and me (and the release notes) that we are Wrong, and then admitting you havent actually tested it yourself either is pretty silly.
No, since the question is relevant to 19 vs 20, and the difference is typically 1 attack out of 110-130, Shade's specific statement that implied it was a huge, dps-significant jump is in fact complete hogwash, and what I was trying to dispel. The assumption that BAB19 does statistically significant damage to a character's dps ability is patently false.
My observation in testing below the 15 bab threshold suggests that 1 bab/1 attack is generally the pattern, though its entirely possible it isn't an even curve. That is, equally, of complete irrelevance to the question Samadhi asked, which related to 19 to 20.