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  1. #1
    Community Member Bob_the_warrior's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Gamer ERROR[122]

    The error is that the game does not recognize a graphics card or something, before I used windows XP professional edition, but one of the WIN.32 files got corrupted so now I use Windows 2003 server edition, and I tried to play DDO, and I keep getting that error.
    Anything to help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thorgo Ironfist, level 3 Dawrf warrior, Argonnessen.

  2. #2


    if the machine is the same and all that changed was the OS, update your drivers.

    Should that fail... they never made drivers for that server that support hardware transform and lighting. You'll need to go back to XP, or to Vista or 7 more than likely.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    Try running the game in compatibility mode.

    Go to C:\Program Files\Turbine\DDO Unlimited

    Right click dndlauncher.exe and select Properties > Compatibility

    Select Windows XP, and then run the file, see if it works.

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