Hello all, I thought I wanted to try my hand at an intimitank. Lemme know your opinions. With this build I can put a full point into UMD and INTIM each lvl. I could UMD heal/raise dead scrolls and use any RR item in the game. I know my dmg is going to be teh suck! I'm too lazy to do all the math but my saves, ac, umd, intim should be raid worthy right? I'd go toughness with racial toughness and paladin toughness for the hp.
I made a WF because I hate neg levels but really I know nothing about WF as its my first WF toon.
My starting stats are:
8 str
15 dex
13 con
14 int
9 wis
14 cha
Ending Stats:
14 str(8 base + 6 item)
22 dex(15 base + 1 rogue dex + 6 item)
20 con(13 base + 1 wf con + 6 item)
14 int(don't care about this...wanted 14 for combat expertise and +4 skills/lvl to max out UMD and INTIM)
16 wis(9 base + 1 tome + 6 item)
30 cha(14 base + 2 tome eventually + 3 enhancement + 5 lvl attribute + 6 item)
At first I thought of 18/2 paladin/rogue for the evasion and umd. I will be leveling charisma as my main stat. High charisma = high intimidate and umd. As a WF I'm going to be taking mithril body for the +5 max dex and also mithril fluidity to get it to +6 max dex which happens to be my dex mod with a +6 item so that was perfect.
Prestige Enhancement:
I can't decide on Hunter of the Dead or Defender of Siberys. HotD would get me better healing as an initmitank and extra dmg versus undead. DoS makes me more of tank but has me confused. It says it increases max dex of heavy armor but uhhh I'm a WF so it is uselss. It increases max dex of tower shields and that would mean that with Madstone Shield from reaver I could get +5 max dex bonus and with levvik's defender, +6 which is perfect.
Feats I want:
Mithril Body
Mithril Fluidity
Weapon Finesse
Combat Expertise
Tower Shield
Skill focus: UMD & Intimidate
Improved Critical: Piercing(rapier)
I'd like to fit in shield mastery if I could.
Now as it is I can't get all those feats as an 18/2 pally/rogue so I thought why not splash fighter also and get tower shield for free AND an extra feat. I can't make use of DoS 3 anyways because DoS 2 gets me my max dex mod(unless I eat a +2 dex tome which I don't want to do).
1)So the thing is now i'm thinking why not go with 2 levels of fighter for another feat which would make a 16/2/2 pally/fighter/rogue build. What would I be missing going 16 pally instead of 17?
2)I was told you can't have evasion with a tower shield. What about if I'm holding a mithril tower shield?
3)My buddy told me that as a WF I get an extra +2 size bonus to-hit is this true?