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Thread: Monk Damage?

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Monk Damage?

    So I was thinking. What single change could make Monk damage on par OR better with the other heavy melee DPS classes like Barbarians/Rogues/Rangers? Someone told me if there was a way to raise Monk Critical handwrap Multiplier, or perhaps having their critical range increase would alone fix the issue. Meaning being able to have a Monk with fists that would do something like "1d20x4 18-20"(16-20 with Improved Critical) would do the job. However, I always pictured Monks being a class that hits fast, many times, picking off enemies in a... Flurry of Blows.

    So I figured - Hell, if only they added like, a 40% Monk increase in attack speed(Then the addition of any stance/haste buffs ) would do the job ; ) as well as make them unique. Of course 40% is JUST a number a honestly pulled without using any Math.

    BUT! What are you estimates, figures, and suggestions? I would like to hear it, because IMO a Monk should be DPS/Support. All the other main Melee classes can do multiple things - while adding great DPS. Rogues can do very nice damage while disabling trap - which any group seriously thinking of doing most quests would be silly not to pick up one. Rouges are valuable and worth their weight in Platnium to any group... Barbarians can Off-Tank while doing some massive damage, and are very hard to bring down with their high HP. Rangers - I honestly don't know much about to tell you the truth - I don't understand how they can even outdamage us Monks ; ) hehe. But at least they finally have some love, as back in the day when I played two years ago Rangers were considered the worse class in the game.

  2. #2
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Apparently Eladrin thinks the answer is a +25% attack speed boost over other people when unarmed, and the ability to gain 3d6 extra damage per hit and a bunch of bursting damage no one else can gain on top of weapon benefits.

    Why, do you ask?

    Because thats what they did, and it made dps-built monks competitive with everything you just listed.

  3. #3
    Community Member Will_Ferrer's Avatar
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    I've been giving that some thought and perhaps just making Fist of Iron grant +1 to Critical Treat on top of +1 to multiplier. Of course it would make an already powerful attack into a must have for any damage dealing monk. If they did something similar to Trembling Earth finisher that would be awesome too. This is prolly never gonna happen tho, it would complete with Deepwood Sniper PrC. and the "many" rangers that take that Enhancment would feel cheated.

    It would likely overpower the Earth Stance, but then very few monks take it for its +2 con -2 dex. Heck last I checked I couldn't even get Ki from it by being hit, might be busted but then its rarely used, who would even notice.

    Still its a thought
    Irro of Gland

  4. #4
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azmode View Post
    So I was thinking. What single change could make Monk damage on par OR better with the other heavy melee DPS classes like Barbarians/Rogues/Rangers? Someone told me if there was a way to raise Monk Critical handwrap Multiplier, or perhaps having their critical range increase would alone fix the issue. Meaning being able to have a Monk with fists that would do something like "1d20x4 18-20"(16-20 with Improved Critical) would do the job. However, I always pictured Monks being a class that hits fast, many times, picking off enemies in a... Flurry of Blows.
    So...what you're asking for is that Monks get a better version of the Khopesh (same chance to critical, but much higher base damage and critical multiplier) without having to spend a feat? o_O


    So I figured - Hell, if only they added like, a 40% Monk increase in attack speed(Then the addition of any stance/haste buffs ) would do the job ; ) as well as make them unique. Of course 40% is JUST a number a honestly pulled without using any Math.
    Relentless Storm Stance gives bonuses to your attack speed depending on the level you have it at. At level 1, it's +10%. At level 4, it's +25%. Hell, even the second level gives +15%, so that's already like being permanently hasted (plus 5% of that will stack with Haste, so it's win-win).

    BUT! What are you estimates, figures, and suggestions? I would like to hear it, because IMO a Monk should be DPS/Support. All the other main Melee classes can do multiple things - while adding great DPS. Rogues can do very nice damage while disabling trap - which any group seriously thinking of doing most quests would be silly not to pick up one. Rouges are valuable and worth their weight in Platnium to any group... Barbarians can Off-Tank while doing some massive damage, and are very hard to bring down with their high HP. Rangers - I honestly don't know much about to tell you the truth - I don't understand how they can even outdamage us Monks ; ) hehe. But at least they finally have some love, as back in the day when I played two years ago Rangers were considered the worse class in the game.

    [rant on]
    My first character was a rogue, and I really enjoyed playing her. But as I played more I lost a little bit of interest (especially after 32-point builds) and haven't played one in a while now. But don't need to wait around for a rogue to get the traps; spikes can be walked through, blades timed, elemental damage can be mitigated with Resist Energy and/or Protection from Energy, ect. Having a rogue just makes things easier and can give us some more XP. If there's one in the party, I'll wait for them to disable. But I also don't wait around for a rogue to show up either.
    [/rant off]

    Tempest Rangers (when hasted) can attack as fast as a tier 4 Windstance Monk, and with better damage (because they have Khopeshes). But we can self-heal in combat, have at-will spammable elemental damage, can make stuff dance, can stun stuff, and insta-kill stuff AND we can do party buffs. Plus our speed isn't dependent on having a Haste item or an arcane to cast it on us. I feel that very much makes up for the lower base damage we'd do against a hasted Tempest.

    Also Barbarians have horrible Will saves. Sure they're DPS giants...but a well-timed Command can bring one to his knees. You won't see that happening to us any time soon. (And if it does, then you switch to Water Stance, then it doesn't).

  5. #5
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    At level 20 the problem isn’t DPS. It’s the fact that monks get screwed out of all the cool stuff everyone else gets to put on their ToD rings. A lot of that could be solved by simply removing the ******** “Exclusive” flag from the ToD rings and have the focus of the grant both the effect and unarmed burst damage.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  6. #6
    Community Member AylinIsAwesome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuantumFX View Post
    At level 20 the problem isn’t DPS. It’s the fact that monks get screwed out of all the cool stuff everyone else gets to put on their ToD rings. A lot of that could be solved by simply removing the ******** “Exclusive” flag from the ToD rings and have the focus of the grant both the effect and unarmed burst damage.
    I'll second that. :-\

  7. #7
    Community Member IgorHackNSlasher's Avatar
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    Green steel handwraps, or being able to equip 2 handwraps like everyone else can equip 2 weapons
    Last edited by IgorHackNSlasher; 12-11-2009 at 02:22 PM.

  8. #8
    Community Member xanvar's Avatar
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    Not to drail the thread but is Unarmed the best DPS for Monks right now?
    Winston Churchill:
    “Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.”

  9. #9
    Community Member Impatiens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xanvar View Post
    Not to drail the thread but is Unarmed the best DPS for Monks right now?
    Yes. There are some multiclass builds that use staves, but for pure monks handwraps are the way to go.

  10. #10
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by junts View Post
    apparently Eladrin Thinks The Answer Is A +25% Attack Speed Boost Over Other People When Unarmed, And The Ability To Gain 3d6 Extra Damage Per Hit And A Bunch Of Bursting Damage No One Else Can Gain On Top Of Weapon Benefits.

    Why, Do You Ask?

    because Thats What They Did, And It Made Dps-built Monks Competitive With Everything You Just Listed.
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  11. #11
    Community Member lyeman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    Because thats what they did, and it made dps-built monks competitive with everything you just listed.
    HAHAHAHAHA! Pull the other one, it's got bells on!

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