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  1. #1
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    Thumbs up FAST and SOLID Rogue 15 / Wizard 5. Ideas to share!

    I present this idea of mine to share my fun DDo character building experience with you guys and in hope that some of you can share YOUR DDo knowledge with me since I have been playing actively for JUST 2 month now. I did pure classes up until now and that would be MY FIRST MULTICLASS toon.

    The purpose of this char is to , first of all, DO WHAT NORMAL ROGUES DO. I mean by that: disabling traps, sneak attack , good DPS and helping the group with Use magic devices. I have a pure rogue already using dex base TWF and weapon finess. I want a change. I will use THF feat selection with the rogue ( you probably guessed, will be a Thief Accrobat using a quarterstaff).

    So to make a long story short (28pts build):
    starting with :

    16 str for strong melee attacks
    12 dex for more AC
    14 con for survavibility
    12 int for wiz casts and for rogue skills
    10 wis for NO PENALTY on will saves
    10 char for NO PENALTY on Use Magic Device

    5th level wizard use 3rd level spell so I would probably use a +1 int tome later on.
    The main purpose of getting 5 level of wizard is for BLUR and FOR HASTE and FOR 2 METAMAGIC FREE FEATS.
    I would be abble to spend my ''regular'' feats on melee damage as my 2 free meta feats would be all the magic related feats that I would need ( extend spell pretty much for 1 min hastes and the other feat is still a free slot (suggestions?)).

    15th level Rogue ( thats the most important in the build ) so I can have all the greatness that rogues gets while avoiding their crappy capstone. Been level 15 rogue gives me good UMD , good trapfinding (with the help of items/potions/enhencments of course) and good sneak attack damage. I am going for full Thief accrobat so I can COMBINE THIEF ACCROBAT SPEED WITH WIZ'S HASTE GOODNESS!

    Feats will be THF lines for more damage , power attack for more damage, toughness for more survivability and more.

    I need suggestion principaly with feats and I also need overall thoughts on this build.
    Would I have enough SP ( been only 5 lvl wiz ) to cast BLUR and HASTE often enough ( I can take enhencments too)
    I am open for anything but KEEP the spirit of Rogue please because this is my main focus here.

  2. #2
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    You don't need 5 levels of wizard on a rogue to be a wizard..

    Invest in Use Magic Device

  3. #3
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    Like I said in this post, I will. This is why I have 10 Cha.
    Are you telling me that there are easy to find HASTE wands all over the place starting level 12 ?
    If there is , im gonna change my build.

  4. #4
    Community Member Kaervas's Avatar
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    Well there are Haste potions readily available from potion vendors across Stormreach and beyond.

    Caster level 5, so 30 second duration.

  5. #5
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    You can make 1:30 3/day haste clickables in the Shroud...

    You can find long-lasting Jump +30 clickables now...

    Blur can be made permenant on a Shroud item (or other raid items)

    You can make 1:30 2/day Displacement clickables in the Shroud...

    Shield is free for Tempest III characters, you get +2 just for Tempest I...

    Basically Turbine has made multi-classing into wizard or sorc a bad idea... And I hate them for it... Too many magik items in the world... I speak from experience... I have a semi-retired 12/5 ranger/wizard who used to be very useful, but I might as well build a ranger/monk instead and use clickables...

  6. #6
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    More Appropriet Title: Fast and FLAWED. How to Gimp your Rogue by trying to go the wrong direction to do what you think you need.

    A Rogue can already do what your after with UMD.

    Blue wands can be looted at a L10 Caster level. Thats 10 Minutes of Blue. Just like what this guy would cast at level 5 Extended.

    Haste? Comes in Pots.. ANd Scrolls... and most importantly Other members of your party. If your Not grouping, Get a Hireling to Haste ya if 30 seconds at a time isnt enough.

    While the rogue Capstone may not be exciting, Tier 3 PrE's are. Well, at least the one we have so far. Acrobat 3 will most likely be something you want.

    ROgues ALso get extra Special ABilities at l16 and 19. Very Handy

    ROgues also get extra Sneak attack Damage at 17 and 19.

    Do doing this you give up...

    Capstone (never know when TUrbine will FIx the current one or add more)
    Tier 3 PrE's
    2 SPecial Abilities
    2d6 of Sneak Attack Damage
    30 Skill Points

    And in Return you get.
    -2 to your BAB.
    -10 Hit Points
    The ability to cast a Few 1 Minute Hastes.
    2 MetaMagic Feat.

    Thats not a good trade off at all.
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  7. #7
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaervas View Post
    Well there are Haste potions readily available from potion vendors across Stormreach and beyond.

    Caster level 5, so 30 second duration.
    Self-cast haste (even at only a minute) is a LOT nicer than drinking potions...

    However, using a 1:30 haste clickable is nicer than using a 1 minute spell.

  8. #8
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    More Appropriet Title: Fast and FLAWED. How to Gimp your Rogue by trying to go the wrong direction to do what you think you need.

    A Rogue can already do what your after with UMD.

    Blue wands can be looted at a L10 Caster level. Thats 10 Minutes of Blue. Just like what this guy would cast at level 5 Extended.

    Haste? Comes in Pots.. ANd Scrolls... and most importantly Other members of your party. If your Not grouping, Get a Hireling to Haste ya if 30 seconds at a time isnt enough.

    While the rogue Capstone may not be exciting, Tier 3 PrE's are. Well, at least the one we have so far. Acrobat 3 will most likely be something you want.

    ROgues ALso get extra Special ABilities at l16 and 19. Very Handy

    ROgues also get extra Sneak attack Damage at 17 and 19.

    Do doing this you give up...

    Capstone (never know when TUrbine will FIx the current one or add more)
    Tier 3 PrE's
    2 SPecial Abilities
    2d6 of Sneak Attack Damage
    30 Skill Points

    And in Return you get.
    -2 to your BAB.
    -10 Hit Points
    The ability to cast a Few 1 Minute Hastes.
    2 MetaMagic Feat.

    Thats not a good trade off at all.
    I agree with most of what you say, but just want to point out short-lived scrolls suck... Don't use them as an example... 1 minute self-caste haste is about 10x better than using a haste scroll every 30 seconds...

    Self-caste displacement is the main reason to take 5 levels of wizard... Being perma-displaced is HUGE... but now we have Shroud clickables....

  9. #9
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    Ok to continu with the idea, my goal would be attack speed , Rogue skills and Survivibility.
    I dont think I can keep up with those 30 sec potions your talking about because I want to be on this HASTE extacy 24/7. lol! That would cost me around 20 pots per dongeon I make and I AM NOT RICH.

    Also , since I want survivibility, im going for 5 lvl of WIZ to get blur too. Blurr is very important when you dont have alot of AC like this build. Im getting UMD to use Wands of healing so I can help the party. I beleive 5 lvl of Wiz is worth it since you dont get much from those last 5 lvl of rogue ( +2d6 sneak attack and crappy capstone and 1 more special rogue ability ? ).

    Now the debate goes toward :
    Is it worth it to spend 5 lvl in Wizard to get haste and blur ?!

  10. #10
    Founder CrimsonReLLiK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JagoKnight View Post
    Now the debate goes toward :
    Is it worth it to spend 5 lvl in Wizard to get haste and blur ?!

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  11. #11
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    5 Levels of Wizard is going to net yuou about 250 Spell Points.

    Lets say you can get to a Shrine every 10 Minutes..... Most likely thats not gonna happen..... Many quests, especially when soloing, you wont see a shrine for at least 20 if not more..... But I digress...

    20 Points - Extended Blur 10 Minutes
    250 Points 10 Extended Haste casts.....

    Whoops.. We have already used up every single spell point we have..

    No Jump.. No DIsplacement. No Resists. nothing else at all...
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    5 Levels of Wizard is going to net yuou about 250 Spell Points.

    Lets say you can get to a Shrine every 10 Minutes..... Most likely thats not gonna happen..... Many quests, especially when soloing, you wont see a shrine for at least 20 if not more..... But I digress...

    20 Points - Extended Blur 10 Minutes
    250 Points 10 Extended Haste casts.....

    Whoops.. We have already used up every single spell point we have..

    No Jump.. No DIsplacement. No Resists. nothing else at all...

    You don't seem to like my idea at all. So from your perspective a lvl 20 rogue Thief accrobat with max UMD is a better solution ?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by JagoKnight View Post
    You don't seem to like my idea at all. So from your perspective a lvl 20 rogue Thief accrobat with max UMD is a better solution ?
    Yes. Or a Level 18/2Splash at least.

    And if ya didnt notice. Its not just me not liking this. THis is a bad idea in todays DDO. THere are just way too many options other than sacrificing major class perks for mediocure ones.
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  14. #14
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    Yes. Or a Level 18/2Splash at least.

    And if ya didnt notice. Its not just me not liking this. THis is a bad idea in todays DDO. THere are just way too many options other than sacrificing major class perks for mediocure ones.
    Personally, I'd go 19rog/1mnk .. but that's probably just me

  15. #15
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thrudh View Post
    You can make 1:30 3/day haste clickables in the Shroud...

    You can find long-lasting Jump +30 clickables now...

    Blur can be made permenant on a Shroud item (or other raid items)

    You can make 1:30 2/day Displacement clickables in the Shroud...

    Shield is free for Tempest III characters, you get +2 just for Tempest I...

    Basically Turbine has made multi-classing into wizard or sorc a bad idea... And I hate them for it... Too many magik items in the world... I speak from experience... I have a semi-retired 12/5 ranger/wizard who used to be very useful, but I might as well build a ranger/monk instead and use clickables...

    Not everyone is willing to run the Shroud over and over again to get all that.

    And you of all people know how much fun a build like this can be.

    I've made Dragon Marked meleers and those miniscule displacements are not nearly as much fun as having it on tap.

    Now, if you are not sure, then I say stay pure.

    Thrudh is right, there are other ways to get what you want.
    And from what I hear, Assassination III rocks! So don't give that up without careful thought.

    Also, it sounds like you may not get all you expect to.

    You will not have the SP to be constantly hasted. but you can haste often.

    I haven't lvled up a Rog/Wiz build yet. My experiance is with a Rgr/Wiz. Where I get SP from both classes, and bonus SP from both Wis and Int.

    But I do tend to run out of SP more than I would like. (and my build's up to 711SP now!)
    And as soon as you run out, you lose the advantage of this kind of build and become a weak for your lvl.

    Od course you can supliment with wands and scrolls, but then a good UMD rogue could already do that. And backpack space is always at a premium.

    Anyway, it is a fun build. I'm working on a few Wiz7 builds. One is a Rog13/Wiz7.

    Lots of char slots and several servers.....

    But if this is your first char, be very careful before commiting to a radical multi-class build.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  16. #16
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Talon_Moonshadow View Post
    I know, I know!!! It's Turbines fault!

    Not everyone is willing to run the Shroud over and over again to get all that.
    True... 5 levels of wizard is a fun way to get haste, and displacement (being able to perma-displace makes a huge difference)... And if you're new and grinding out the Shroud isn't in your gameplan, than 5 levels of wizard can be fun...

    Impact makes a good point that rogue/wizard will be hurting on SP... Mine is a ranger/wizard so I get SP from the ranger side too... I have about 700 as well, and I rarely run out...

    And you of all people know how much fun a build like this can be.
    Yep, it IS fun... I feel bad for trying to talk the OP out of it... I had more fun with Hasenpfeffer than any other character... This kind of character is GREAT for PUGing 6-man quests...

    Just not so good on the newest raids, where the devs BALANCED the bad guys around everyone having PrEs or capstones... They've overpowered several Tier III PrEs and they've added more and more magik items, and they've really killed any good reason for arcane/melee multi-classes.

    And that's too bad.

  17. #17
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    To make it simple :

    I lose sneak attack lvl 17 ( -1d6 damage )
    I lose sneak attack lvl 19 ( -1d6 damage )
    I lose trap sense level 18 ( this doesn't matters )
    I lose 2 optional abilities lvl 16 and 19 ( this one hurts ,I don't like losing slippery mind and skill mastery )
    I lose cheat death lvl 20 ( this doesn't matters )

    I gain the ability to cast level 5 Haste with extend spell
    I gain the ability to cast level 5 Blur with extend spell
    I gain the ability to cast Crowd control spells like HYPNOSIS and WEB...
    I gain the ability to make UMD more powerfull with wizard scroll and wand mastery I
    I gain the ability to make UMD more powerfull with wizard scroll and wand mastery 2
    I gain bonus intelligence from wiz enhencments
    I gain 2 metamagic feats
    Last edited by JagoKnight; 12-11-2009 at 01:18 AM.

  18. #18
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    WF Rogue13/Wizard7.

    Wizard 5 is nice, but not that nice. You only get 2 level 3 spells slots. So what to mem, Haste, Displace, Rage or Sleet Storm... annoying.

    Wizard 7 better. You also get 2 4th level spell slots. You can burn those pesky sneak attack immune undead for example You also have (will have) option for T2 rogue and T1 wizard PrE. Maybe even WF racial PrE. Oh, you can also self-repair from mana.

  19. #19
    Community Member Stealthdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JagoKnight View Post
    To make it simple :

    I lose sneak attack lvl 17 ( -1d6 damage )
    I lose sneak attack lvl 19 ( -1d6 damage )
    I lose trap sense level 18 ( this doesn't matters )
    I lose 2 optional abilities lvl 16 and 19 ( this one hurts ,I don't like losing slippery mind and skill mastery )
    I lose cheat death lvl 20 ( this doesn't matters )

    I gain the ability to cast level 5 Haste with extend spell
    I gain the ability to cast level 5 Blur with extend spell
    I gain the ability to cast Crowd control spells like HYPNOSIS and WEB...
    I gain the ability to make UMD more powerfull with wizard scroll and wand mastery I
    I gain the ability to make UMD more powerfull with wizard scroll and wand mastery 2
    I gain bonus intelligence from wiz enhencments
    I gain 2 metamagic feats
    Other Cons:
    I think you also lose BAB because of the 5 wiz levels also.

    For the Pros
    - as was mentioned, your first two Pros you don't need to add wizard levels to do. You can already do them with UMD and/or pots.
    - you are casting your spells at a level 5 wizard level. Not sure how effective your crowd control spells will be against mid-high end mobs.

    This build is going to be incredibly difficult to play. I don't see a whole lot of success of you outdamaging mobs.

    18/2 is probably much more playable.

  20. #20
    Community Member Executie's Avatar
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    Heh, wish I had seen this thread before I posted my "need advice" thread, , as you can see I tried to make a 13/7 rog/wiz.

    Now from my standpoint, a PF2P that has only seen lower level content, a self buffing rogue looked like a lot of fun! From the advice given by the more experienced saved me a lot of time and disappointment. While reading various posts I've learned little things here and there, like just recently how many of the buffs provided by my misguided build could be gained from clickies that are fairly common/easily obtained. (like 12 sec ago after reading posts here :O )

    I also see a bunch of other new players like myself making bad decisions and many experienced players helping fix things but I have yet to come across a guide of some type explaining what to expect "beyond F2P." I'm sure such a guide would help many players! Of course I may have just missed it. If so please direct me to it!

    Sorry for getting off topic, posting here to say, "hey this thread actually helped me, thanks for the, uh, bad idea ^.^!"

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