I present this idea of mine to share my fun DDo character building experience with you guys and in hope that some of you can share YOUR DDo knowledge with me since I have been playing actively for JUST 2 month now. I did pure classes up until now and that would be MY FIRST MULTICLASS toon.
The purpose of this char is to , first of all, DO WHAT NORMAL ROGUES DO. I mean by that: disabling traps, sneak attack , good DPS and helping the group with Use magic devices. I have a pure rogue already using dex base TWF and weapon finess. I want a change. I will use THF feat selection with the rogue ( you probably guessed, will be a Thief Accrobat using a quarterstaff).
So to make a long story short (28pts build):
starting with :
16 str for strong melee attacks
12 dex for more AC
14 con for survavibility
12 int for wiz casts and for rogue skills
10 wis for NO PENALTY on will saves
10 char for NO PENALTY on Use Magic Device
5th level wizard use 3rd level spell so I would probably use a +1 int tome later on.
The main purpose of getting 5 level of wizard is for BLUR and FOR HASTE and FOR 2 METAMAGIC FREE FEATS.
I would be abble to spend my ''regular'' feats on melee damage as my 2 free meta feats would be all the magic related feats that I would need ( extend spell pretty much for 1 min hastes and the other feat is still a free slot (suggestions?)).
15th level Rogue ( thats the most important in the build ) so I can have all the greatness that rogues gets while avoiding their crappy capstone. Been level 15 rogue gives me good UMD , good trapfinding (with the help of items/potions/enhencments of course) and good sneak attack damage. I am going for full Thief accrobat so I can COMBINE THIEF ACCROBAT SPEED WITH WIZ'S HASTE GOODNESS!
Feats will be THF lines for more damage , power attack for more damage, toughness for more survivability and more.
I need suggestion principaly with feats and I also need overall thoughts on this build.
Would I have enough SP ( been only 5 lvl wiz ) to cast BLUR and HASTE often enough ( I can take enhencments too)
I am open for anything but KEEP the spirit of Rogue please because this is my main focus here.