Well depending on how adept you are with your pinky that mouse might not be the best choice then. unless they offer a left handed version.
Well depending on how adept you are with your pinky that mouse might not be the best choice then. unless they offer a left handed version.
not really disabled but close
If you want to know why...
This mouse http://warmouse.com/ is quite a bit more ambidextrous then the Naga. You might not be able to use the joystick very well but the buttons should be no problem. It isn't out yet but soon. Also look at http://ergodex.com/mainpage.htm . They make the most customizable keypad on the market. Mostly because you can move the keys anywhere you want.
Neural impulse controllers aren't quite there yet but it is getting closer so keep an eye out on things like this.
There are quite a few applications that will let you emulate key commands via voice as well. I haven't used any but it might be something to look at.
While not as generally difficult as your situation mate ( the OP) I find some difficulty in playing as well...I'm completely colour-blind. Makes for a right pickle in some colour coded puzzles, etc..well, when the wife is asleep anyway. lol
I'd just like to second a few things others have said, and add my own suggestion.
First, I would suggest trying out some of the specialty equipment people have mentioned (maybe a store demo if you can find an electronics store that carries some of the mentioned specialty mouse items).
One thing you could try with your 360 gamepad would be a modified set-up from what I have in my How to Use a Gamepad thread (link posted earlier by amethystdragon): You could use one thumbstick for forward/back movement, and left/right strafing (or turning), with one shoulder button set to jump, another to attack (or something else important). Can assign some important abilities do the D-pad (you said you were a lefty, right?). Use the L3 button (depressing the thumbstick) to double the functionality of your buttons, giving you 4 that can be used while also using the stick, and 8 that you can hit quickly otherwise.
Finally, just hold the controller over the keyboard in a neutral position (maybe clear the functions for a keys where you rest your hand). Then, when you need to activate other things (mouse-look, auto-attack, etc...).
Another set-up you could try (not sure exactly how this would work, but I think one or two people posted to my thread with a similar set-up), would be to assign one button to scrolling up through your hotbars, and another scrolling down, and then just assign your abilities to the first few positions on those bars, finally labeling your D-pad and any remaining buttons to those first few positions.
Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!
I joined a group last night as a Cleric and it was easier then I thought it'd be. Granted they never stood still or paused for buffs, but I found it easy to hang back and heal everyone that needed it.
The only class I've had a hard time with is wizard/sorcerer. I think that is more due to poor know how rather then an inability to hit all the keys.
Everyone here has given some great suggestions so I though I'd reply on this aspect:
Don't be shy about grouping with people! Really. Yes, you will meet the jerks....they're in every game, but most of us have no problem with going slow, especially with your reason.
I've played with people who are deaf, older people who cant use the keyboard too well at times, people that are color blind, and someone that was legally blind (but could still see a bit)
Most of us love meeting new people, and understand not all of us can be "uber keyboard" users. If you're having fun, and doing your best, you'll end up on a lot of great players friends lists in no time.
Not sure what server you're on. But if it's Thelanis I'd play with you and your wife any where.
Just pick which level/ role appropriate toon of mine below and add them.
Faithrune - Healbot - Cleric - Level 8
Shamurai - Nuking - Sorceror - Level 10 (yes he hastes too)
Heidiann - All Purpose - Paladin - Level 19
Starabelle McClean / Shamurai Daemon Slayer/Faithrune Justicar /
Samuiree Kensai / Daviniti Soul Finder/ GRRONND HammerPain
It sounds like you need a mouse with a directional (D-pad) where the scroll wheel is, or a mouse with buttons on the side that you can map to your up/down arrows. With mouse look mode on, turning the mouse would steer, and holding the button mapped to "Up" would run. Holding in the right or left click would attack, depending on how you have it mapped.
The method I use for mouselook mode is to just hold in the right click button while I run around, this keeps it in mouse look while I hold the button in, and switches to the arrow mode when I let go. Another method is to hit the T key, this toggles in between mouselook and normal mode.
Best of luck to you.
i have a rl friend who plays the game with one arm "lost it in Iraq". we set him up with a game controller and reset the key-mapping so that the controller was all he needed to play. It will take a while, but you should be able to get mouse controls on one of the joysticks and the other buttons doing things that you need. we had to readjust a few buttons when the auto target was introduced but it is a great option to the mouse-keyboard thing.
aorry to res an old thread but thought this might be something you want to check out: http://www.spreadrazer.com/edm/deathadder-lefthanded/
Theres a guy out there who specializes in one handed console controls and I believe you could keymap for one of his contraptions (if you're not opposed to gamepads).