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  1. #61
    Community Member Mithran's Avatar
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    Default You cast Great Raise Thread.

    Revived for purposes of illustration.
    The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu

  2. #62
    Community Member Ninnuam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mithran View Post
    Revived for purposes of illustration.
    I'm still relatively new to the game so haven't been in any raids yet, ( unfortunately ) but I would think common sense would win out here. If you don't need it don't roll for it. Yea it may put a few more plat in your bank, but if it helps someone else in the raid be a better player then guess what? It helps you too because you are either one, not picking up their slack, two not having to heal them as much, or three not covering for them if they fall short.

    Just my two cents.
    All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
    ~ Edmund Burke

  3. #63
    Community Member Mrkita's Avatar
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    I've come to the conclusion that when I get to going on raids, i'm not going to roll for stuff. screw that, too many arguments seem to arise from it! If i didn't get it. Bad luck to me, if someone wants to give it to me, good luck to me...
    Solution from myself, If i get something that I don't want and you want it, send me a tell and I'll pass it on to you. If two or more people want it, I'll decide who's lucky day it is based on who helped the most during the raid. if someone didn't do to much and piked through it, they won't get it, plain and simple, and there is no way i'll let a random dice roll decide that for me. If someone was always helping others out, making sure that everyone is surviving etc, I'll sure think about passing it to them.

    People seem to be leaving this to chance, everyone has equal opportunity to grab something, whether they really deserve it or not is another story.
    The Most Inspirational and Motivational Thought you will Have today.......
    Thelanis - Karvitch, Buffyourarse, Morehealz

  4. #64
    Community Member Mithran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrkita View Post
    I've come to the conclusion that when I get to going on raids, i'm not going to roll for stuff. screw that, too many arguments seem to arise from it! If i didn't get it. Bad luck to me, if someone wants to give it to me, good luck to me...
    Solution from myself, If i get something that I don't want and you want it, send me a tell and I'll pass it on to you. If two or more people want it, I'll decide who's lucky day it is based on who helped the most during the raid. if someone didn't do to much and piked through it, they won't get it, plain and simple, and there is no way i'll let a random dice roll decide that for me. If someone was always helping others out, making sure that everyone is surviving etc, I'll sure think about passing it to them.

    People seem to be leaving this to chance, everyone has equal opportunity to grab something, whether they really deserve it or not is another story.
    The point of this continuing debate is that there is not only a point to rolling on an item that you could use, but also that standards of fairness are rigorously enforced on those rolls.
    The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu

  5. #65
    Community Member Mrkita's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mithran View Post
    The point of this continuing debate is that there is not only a point to rolling on an item that you could use, but also that standards of fairness are rigorously enforced on those rolls.
    Sorry, I didn't make myself clear enough.... I agree 100% with you. Rolling for an item just to pass to a friend is not right. It's unfair in the cases that you've said (10 onto 1 etc). But what i was trying to get at is that the rolling system is flawed completely itself. Say there was a meaty axe in the chest and the cleric who its allocated to puts it up for roll. A sorc rolls for it and wins, he gets it rightfuly under this system... Whats he going to do with it? sell it for some plat? He/she will never use it. That's not exactly fair to the dwarf barb that's been trying to get that axe for ages.
    That's why i wouldn't put anything up for roll. If i get something i don't want, I WILL decide who gets it... it seems a lot fairer to me. And it's only fair IMO that if I do this that I don't roll for anything that somebody doesn't want.

    Obviously a lot of people have completely different views on this matter and I was just giving my own.
    The Most Inspirational and Motivational Thought you will Have today.......
    Thelanis - Karvitch, Buffyourarse, Morehealz

  6. #66
    Community Member unscythe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mithran View Post
    I guess I've never understood the 'humor' behind 'joke rolls' on loot. I've seen Strakeln deal with them in a manner I approved of.
    It is more of a to a friend, to see their reaction to the "joke roll". Or to see how your luck goes if you were to roll.

  7. #67
    Community Member Yagi's Avatar
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    One nice thing about myddo is now I can see what people are wearing (sort've) and send them a tell asking if they are looking for a named item that I know drops that I can see they need from their loot page, and if it drops I can just directly pass it to them. I only do this if I think a player is on their first toon though.

    I dont even actually know what the ettiquite is on this but some well known players I respect did the same thing to me with shards ect on my first few raids so I figure its probably not frowned upon and like to pay it forward.

    I did get grief for doing it one day but the person seemed kind of off, it basically went down like this:
    low lvl raid I pull SOS and am immediately spammed with "300kpp pass it"
    me: I think I'm going to give it to the fvs thats his only martial and his weapon is ****
    me: Its not for sale sorry.
    dbag:**** that noob I need it for TR
    me: *I* could use it for my TR. He can use it right now.
    dbag: Come on man
    me: I tell you what, I'm new on this server and I dont have jack, if you can dig up a few weapons or buy something for the fvs its yours
    dbag:**** that ********* just take the money
    me tired of arguing while people stand around looking in the chest:*passes sos to fvs*
    Raid: Grats!
    Fvs: HOLY **** *equips it, looks badass*
    dbag: **** you ****** piece of (it just goes on from there for awhile)

    btw mr caster, and you know who you are, I did what you said and got a major infection and I am now banned from the zoo so I guess you got the last laugh
    Two Plus Two makes TwentySeven and I bit your rat in half. What now?

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