Rolling on an item (raid loot) to pass to your guildie means that any future runs your guild members are in with me means everyone in the raid will be following your example.
Rolling on an item (raid loot) to pass to your guildie means that any future runs your guild members are in with me means everyone in the raid will be following your example.
The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu
pm pls
If you want to know why...
PM sent
The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu
Meh this is a long time fashion. We roll for loot for friends or stays in the chest![]()
Aussie, Minimonbon,Rockstarr-Leader of Utopia
Trade List
Happens all the time. I'm a firm believer in it's your loot, you can do with it what you wish. If you decide to pass it on to someone with the highest roll, it then becomes their loot to do with what they wish.But of course, it's still your decision whether or not to pass it over.
Custom in my pugs is you roll if you intend to use it. Rolling for someone else is a pointed no-no and widely frowned upon. The reason for this is because the rolls are therefore limited and fair.
If there are six members of my guild in my pug and a couple from three other guilds, it's unfair for every member of my guild to roll on any item a member of my guild in the raid can use.
It certainly does not happen all the time (not on Khyber, at least).
There are a few guilds who make no secret that they run their raids in this manner. The Hand of the Black Tower is not one of them, and the best players from any guild know they can join our pugs and have a fair shot at any loot they are after.
Last edited by Mithran; 12-10-2009 at 04:16 AM.
The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu
pretty much khyber's pug raids have the common rule of "roll on for raid loot you use". it is pretty simple. when you give up the loot, it is meant for whoever rolled for it to use it. to pass the won raid loot to another is an act of selfishness and unfairness
in order to avoid this problem, i only pass the loot once there is only 2 of us left in the instance. if the other party refuses to recall out just so he/she can wait on raid loot being passed over, i'll pull it out of the chest and VENDOR it
If you want to know why...
I wish I was recording voice chat last night. Goggles dropped in VoD for my monk, so I left them up for people to see for about a minute then looted.
A rogue in the party came over voice chat and said, in the whiniest voice you've ever heard, "Awwww, why did Creakin get the goggles?"
My response:
"Because they're mine?"
(To be fair to the rogue, I think he thought a guildie of his pulled them and gave them to me instead of him. Still funny though, lol)
Back OT: rolling on my raid loot with the intention of handing it off to someone else is the surest way to be banned from ever rolling on an item of mine again. Don't even jokingly roll, or I'll exempt your roll and the roll of your friend.
The one and only Aluecian - Congo Bowl I Champions, Team InB4Lock - Survival Builds(NEWEST BUILD IS AT POST #48): Pic of Me, Post# 332
Yah, Loreseekers frowns upon this as well and I will boot any member of my guild who is involved in that sort of thing. The only exception is a STATED BEFORE the raid intention that our guild is PUGging for a spot or two in a raid that we intend to try to get "X" item for a particular guildie. In that case, the PUG may keep the item if they pull it or whatever, but if one of our guildies pulls it it will be given to the player we ran the raid (or any quest for that matter) for.
Rolling for someone else is basically giving that person 2 rolls.
So if it is indeed my loot, and i can indeed do with it as I want, and if what I want is to give all the people able to use it an equal shot, then that is not exactly letting me do what I want by doubling someone elses chances, now is it?
My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.
+The Goddess of Tempest's Spine+Merc's Only, THELANIS: List is here: LEGIONNAIRE /Salute to Rameses, He has RETURNED!
OK, I have to admit I have no idea what you all are talking about.
Granted, I haven't done any raids, but what does it mean to "roll on" raid loot?
And why are respondents then asking for PMs?![]()
Quite simply put... in any raid all players in the group get some chance that actual raid named (binding) loot drops or not... Not every loot pulled in a raid is actual raid loot… some people may just pull the run of the mill random generated unbound usually junk items while binding named items (considered raid loot) may drop for a few.
i.e. Maybe the named loot "Gloves of the Glacier - (Gloves) Glacial Assault, Efficient Metamagic - Maximize II, Efficient Metamagic - Extend II " may drop for a Barbarian. Quite obviously such an item has little value to the barb but will help the build of any caster in the group … particularly an arcane… so the Barbarian decides what to do with it… typically giving it away or putting it up for a /roll 1d100 with reassigning the loot to the highest roll participant.
This is common practice as
1.) Sometimes you already have the loot.
2.) Sometimes the loot does not fit your build
3.) Sometimes the loot fills use in another class in the party better then yours.
What is described by the OP are two people from the same guild … rolling for the same piece of loot against other rollers who want a chance to win said item. One of the persons in said guild wins the high roll and hands it to his friend (the other guildies who also rolled) – basically in essence this person had two rolls for the loot – his and his friend who turned it over to him.
Such practice is viewed quite unfair and shady handed when you think about it. The winner who won the roll sole intention was to better the odds for his guild mate in receiving the loot, over all the other people also rolling. Thus many people frown upon such.
While it is true both guildies were participants in the raid, it is also true other rollers for the loot were also – and are as much so deserving of a fair and equal chance to receive the raid loot when put up for a roll. - reassignment.
Had it been a group of 10 guildies and 2 pugs … let say one of the pug popped the loot – decided he could not use it and put it up for roll - and only two people are actually interested and can use the item - the other pug and one of the guild members. Yet the other 9 guildies colaborate and roll for a chance to attain the loot for their 1 particular guild member… it would seem most unfair to the other pug rolling his one roll to their 10 for the chance at loot to be used between but two people.
The PM's are for more ... well...
Last edited by Emili; 12-10-2009 at 03:38 PM.
♣ A Baker's dozen in the Prophets of the New Republic and Fallen Heroes. ♣
Abaigeal(TrBd25), Ailiae(TrDrd2), Ambyre(Rgr25), Amilia(Pl20), Einin(TrRgr25), Emili(TrFgt25), Heathier(TrClc22), Kynah(TrMnk25), Meallach(Brb25), Misbehaven(TrArt22), Myara(Rog22), Rosewood(TrBd25) and Sgail(TrWiz20) little somethings with flavour 'n favour
I find this interesting. One time when we popped a chest, my guild officer asked me to give him one of my items. I thought that was weird, but did it. It was actually something I couldn't use but he could so I didn't mind. Up until then, I didn't know that you could actually pass loot. The only time I have ever rolled for anything else was when there were some random gems or adamant ore, then the highest roll takes it. I guess this game can be played many ways!
Allow me to add an addendum to this: If raid loot gets mistakenly assigned to you when you didn't win, this is your opportunity to give it to the person that did win, not loot it.
Actually, this brings up a better point to raid leaders on Khyber. Because of how many new players are now reaching the point where they are buying adventure packs and getting into raids they have never been in before, it is important that as the leader you are clear on raid loot rules/methods before the raid starts. If you don't care, then say it.
Golyat, Thelonies, Mavete, Uzziah
I see some posts coming up with the same old idea. People have their mind set. In some peoples mind rolling for friends isn't wrong. They think it's funny to roll on loot when you aren't even in. Howevere it's a dead street if nobody has said before hand how things are gonna work. Till the leader has said anything NOBODY can claim whats right and whats not. When I pull raid loot I don't need I make sure to distribute as I see fit. If I beleave that a item is usefull alot more for one and not for another I will specify casters/clerics/bard roll-like for abbot gloves per say. Your loot you do what you want with it. I have given up arguing with people over it. Set your rules before hand or keep quet.
Aussie, Minimonbon,Rockstarr-Leader of Utopia
Trade List
OK, let me throw another one out there. How about purchasing raid loot? Say I pull the chattering ring. as I am waiting for the annoying scroll of **** pulls a **** to go by, someone offers me via tell 2 large scales to pass it to them.
Purists would say 'everyone contributed equally, everyone deserves a chance at it that wants it' (which I find ironic considering it's the titan raid and a grand total of 3 of us did the raid). Capitalists would say 'Why not start a bidding war'.
I have seen this where the person that pulled it announced:
'just wanted to let everyone know that someone is offering to trade me for the ring, I am not going to say how much but if anyone wants to try and top them via silent auction, the ring is now up for trade'
To be honest, I was not offended when this happened. It gave everyone the opportunity to bid on it, and did not disclose how much the winner paid for it. And for those that are against this, what if that person traded it for another piece of raid loot that dropped? Is that fair? Why would that be any different than trading it for a few scales or some plat?
Golyat, Thelonies, Mavete, Uzziah
I dislike bidding on/selling raid loot (or other BoA loot), but I follow the policy of "it's your loot, do with it as you see fit". Someone selling their loot will never receive a complaint from me.
That said... while people have the right to do what they want with their loot, people also have the right to blacklist/ignore someone who does something with their loot that said people have a problem with. It's a risk to sell BoA loot.