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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Lock up on transition

    Tried to enter a quest tonight. Loading screen came up for the dungeon, and stayed there. A while. A LONG while.

    My gf was sitting next to me on the same home network and went in fine without lag.

    Any reason why mine wouldn't work, and how do I avoid these long loading times?

    Incidentally, loading times have gotten longer and longer of late... there a repair or reinstall option that solves this?

  2. #2


    if you get lost from jump to jump.... not much can be done. it means data didn't get back to your computer. It happens to me as well.

    As for long load times, when you show up on your character do the following command.
    /who disldfs

    Your character may be rendered and the sceen, but the game is still filling in data about people about you as well as filling in the who list with everyone who isn't annon. Why it tries to fill this list by default, I don't know, but it does severly slow you down by seconds when loading in. This isn't a case of a corrupt file, but the number of people playing at the time.

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Thanks MM.

    What does "/who disldfs" do then?

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Tried that. It said it was looking for a character called "disldfs".

    Surprisingly, it didn't find one...and I think it would be an awesome name for a rogue.

    So, MM, whatcha talking about?!

  5. #5


    don't do a

    /who dfwilewvaiedefweialfbvjchkvuxhvlvuwehk

    and have a look at the list when you pop on.

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