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Thread: Phiarlan Monk

  1. #1
    Community Member wiglin's Avatar
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    Default Phiarlan Monk

    Here is what I have decided on for my new monk. I leveled a halfling to 16 pre DDO:U

    This time, I wanted to play around with the elf dragonmarks. I enjoyed soloing on my halfling version, but the invisibility clickies I had were limited. With elf, I can take two levels of dragonmarks and have 9 uses of invisibility and 6 uses of displacement. Invisibility is a great tool for shredding aggro when using stealth and soloing.

    As with all builds ac, stats, hp's ...etc are variable depending on potions, enhancements, and external buffs. I have included different stats and tried to include { } around optional buffs. For instance when rage is in use, of course ac will be 2 lower, but I don't show every little calculation.

    As for animal paths, I am still a bit undecided. I used Crane on my halfling stunner, but the ki was almost overkill and the negative to fortitude save hurts on a non-halfling to make up for it. I may go Monkey for the +4 save bonus against traps and +8 stacking resistance to all energy types, the other option would be Tortoise, but 10ap is big investment for 20hp. I show calculations for both animal paths. Obviously you can only pick one.

    I have enjoyed the displacement dragonmarks. They really bring another level of survivability to the monk. I joined a pug at level 9 to do Tear of Dhakaan: Elite, and as soon as I joined, they were like "lets do all the optionals", so of course I took off soloed most of the main quest. By the time they caught up to me, I was on the last little stretch to the boss. My ac held up to most of the mobs, but when you are fighting 8 guys at once, its inevitable, crits will happen, stack that with grazing hits and the damage can add up. I used displacement in those situations, and came out with very little damage, I saw lots of misses and displaced, so overall I am happy with how it is working. This may change though as I hit the point where more mobs have true seeing, but since as a Monk I plan on reincarnating anyways, I can always go back to a halfling for a little more dps and hps.

    I wanted to max hide and move silently, so Int starts off at 12. It also lets me use a +2 Int tome for combat expertise if I wanted. I doubt I will take it though. If I didn't care about stealth, I would drop Int to 8 and raise Con. This would allow me to get to Mountain Stance III so I could use Strike of the Enduring III.

    Since I have just started this character, I do not have the gear listed in the equipment section, it is my goal.

    Class: Level 20 Monk
    Race: Elf
    Alignment: Lawful Good

    Stats: Wind Stance
    Str: 20 +5 (12Base +2Tome +6Item)
    Dex: 32 +11(17Base +3Tome +6Item +2Enhancement +4Stance {+2Yugoloth Pot})
    Con: 18 +4 (12Base +2Tome +6Item -2Stance)
    Int: 14 +2 (12Base +2Tome)
    wis: 34 +12(16Base +5Levels +3Monk +3Tome +6item +1Exc {+2Yugoloth Pot})
    Cha: 10 (8Base +2Tome)

    Fort: 26 (12Base +4Stat +4GH, +5resist +1Ritural)
    Reflex: 33 (12Base +11Stat +4GH +5resist +1Ritural) / 37 vs Traps ( +4Clever Monkey IV)
    Will: 34 (12Base +12Stat +4GH +5resist+1Ritural) / 38 vs Enchantments (+2Racial +2Still Mind)

    1: TWF / Monk: Tougness
    2: Weapon Finesse
    3: Least Dragonmark / Monk: WoHB
    6: Lesser Dragonmark / Monk: Power Attack
    9: ITWF
    12: Stunning Fist
    15: GTWF
    18: Imp Crit: Bludgeon or Combat Expertise

    Monk Automatic Feats:
    1: 1d6, AC Bonus I, Flurry of Blows (Full BAB When Centered)
    2: Evasion, Meditation (Restore Ki)
    3: Still Mind (+2 Saves vs Enchantments)
    4: 1d8, Slow Fall I,
    5: Purity of Body (Disease Immunity), AC Bonus II
    6: Slow Fall Increase
    7: Wholeness of Body (Spend Ki to heal)
    8: 1d10, Slow Fall II
    9: Improved Evasion
    10: Ki Strike: Lawful (Unarmed Attacks = Lawful and Magic against DR), AC Bonus III, Slow Fall III
    11: Diamond Body (Poison Immunity)
    12: 2d6, Abundant Step (Spend Ki to make a horizontal leap), Slow Fall IV
    13: Diamond Body (SR 10 + Monk Level)
    14: Slow Fall V
    15: Quivering Palm = Fortitude Save vs Death (DC 10 + Half Monk Level + Wis MOdifier), AC Bonus IV
    16: 2d8, Ki Strike: Adamantium (Unarmed Attacks = Adamantine against DR), Slow Fall VI
    17: Timeless Body (Immune to Death Spawn)
    18: Slow Fall VII,
    19: Empty Body (Shadow Walk Spell)
    20: 2d10, Slow Fall VIII (Take no damage from any height), AC Bonus V, Lawful Outsider, DR 10/Epic

    Noted Abilities:
    Least Dragonmark of Shadow (9 uses of invisibility at caster level 20)
    Lesser Dragonmark of Shadow (6 uses of displacement at caster level 20) = 12minutes of displacement / rest

    Monk Ability DC's:
    32 {33 w/ Yugoloth Pot}: Quivering Palm, Ubalancing Stike, Stunning Fist (10 +1/2Monk Level +Wis Modifier)
    42 {43 w/ Yugoloth Pot}: Finishers (10 +Monk Level +Wis Modifier)

    Hit Points:
    160 Base
    80 Constitution
    20 Heroic Durability
    10 Draconic Vitality
    20 Toughness
    20 Minos Legens
    20 Raciel Toughness Enhancement
    30 Greater False Life
    45 Shroud
    40 {Yugoloth Potion}
    20 {Rage}
    20 {Tortise Animal Path}
    385 {465}

    28 Balance (13Base +11Stat, +4GH) (Level 8+ = 1 point / level)
    53 Concentration (23Base +4Stat, +4GH +15Item +6Shroud) (Full Ranks)
    31 Jump (22Base +5Stat +4GH) (Level 1 = 3 points Level 2+ = 1point / level)
    73 Hide (23Base +11Stat +4GH +20Inv +15Item) (Full Ranks)
    53 Move Silently (23Base +11Stat, +4GH +15Item) (Full Ranks)
    16 Tumble (1Base +11Stat +4GH) (Level 1 = 1 point)
    56 Spot (23Base +12Stat, +4GH +2racial +15Item) (Full Ranks)

    Ac: Wind Stance
    10 Base
    11 Dex
    6 Armor (DT)
    2 Dodge (Chaos Guard)
    5 Protection
    5 Centered
    12 Wis
    1 Ritual
    4 Insight (DT)
    3 Natural (Barkskin Pot)
    1 Haste
    4 Shield Clicky
    1 {+2Dex Yugoloth Pot}
    1 {+2Wis Yugoloth Pot}
    64 {66} Self Buffed + 12 Minutes of Self Cast Displacement

    1 Dodge (Possible Feat Swap if I decide to drop the dragonmarks)
    5 Combat Expertise (Possible Feat Swap if I decide to drop the dragonmarks)
    3 Chattering Ring (Possible to work this in, but would require a different gear setup)
    73 {75} Self Buffed
    2 Ranger
    4 Bard
    6 Paladin
    85 {87} When all the stars are aligned.

    Centered Attack Bonus: Wind Stance
    20 Base (Flurry of Blows)
    11 Stat Dex
    4 GH
    1 Haste
    5 Weapon
    2 Set Bonus
    -5 Power Attack
    {+2Dex Yugoloth Pot}
    38 {39} Normal
    2 Flank
    5 Goggles
    45 {46} Flanking

    Base Damage: WindIV +25% Attack Speed (15enhancement {=haste} + 10insight)
    2-20 (2d10)
    5 Stat
    5 Weapon
    5 Power Attack
    8 Goggles (Sneak Attack)
    2 Set Bonus
    27-45 +Element +Bane +Ki Attacks x 9 (Attacks / Animation)

    Element Ki Stikes:
    Storm Strike IV: +2d20
    Strike of the Enduring II: +8
    Flowing Water Stike II: +2d6
    Fires of Purity I: +1d6

    Finishing Moves:
    The Trembling Earth: EEE (The attack has +2 crit mult, and the victim is unable to cast spells for 30 seconds.)
    The Gathering Storm: AAA (-2 on attack rolls for 30 seconds)
    The Raging Sea: WWW (The enemy's attacks are slowed for 30 seconds.)
    Dragon Breath: FFF (1d6 fire damage per level. Reflex save for half damage)
    Shining Star: EAF (Will make the mob dance. {Save = 10 +Mnk Lvl +Cha Mod = DC})
    Healing Ki: PPP (You heal all nearby allies for 2d4+)
    Grasp the Earth Dragon: EPE (Nearby allies become immune to daze, stun, and sleep for 60 seconds)
    Dance of Clouds: APA (Nearby allies gain 20% concealment for 60 seconds.)
    Aligning the Heavens WPW (Nearby allies gain a 25% reduction in spellpoint costs for 60 seconds.)
    Walk of the Sun: FPF (+2 untyped bonus to attack, saves, and skills for 60 seconds.)

    Enhancements: (Adjustable)
    Animal Path: (Monkey or Tortoise)
    Monk Wis: III
    Extra Dragonmark: IV
    Elf Dex: II
    Wind Stance: IV
    Water: II
    Mountain: II (Wish I had the con to get this higher. If I reincarnate to a halfling and drop the dragonmarks, I will.)
    Fire: I
    Fist of Light
    Monk Recovery: III
    Fist of Iron
    Unbalancing Strike
    Monk Serenity (+10Concentration, +1Ki Generation)

    Equipment Goals:
    Eyes: Tharne's Goggles (+5Sneak Attack Bonus, True Seeing, +15Search, +15Spot)
    Head: Minos Legens
    Neck: Shintao Cord (+6Con, +15Conc, Set Bonus: +2 Hit / Damage)
    Trinket: Bloodstone / Head of Good Fortune
    Cloak: Shroud: (45HP, 6Con Skills, Heavy Fortification, +5Protection)
    Belt: Greater False Life of Shield (Clicky)
    Hands: +6Str of Shield (Clicky)
    Feet: Striders of Shield (30%)
    Wrists: Chaos Guard (+2Dodge)
    Ring1: Kyosho's Ring (+6Wis, +1Str, Holy Burst, Set Bonus: +2 Hit / Damage)
    Ring2: Kilau's Band (+6Dex, +1Wis Shocking Burst)
    Armor: Dragontouched (+5Resist, 20% Healing Amp, +4Insight, +1Resist, +1Dodge)

    Potion List:
    Haste: x200 (Even w/ Wind Stance IV it still gives +1 to attack, ac, and reflex saves)
    Cure Serious Wounds: x200
    Lesser Restoration: x100 (Removed Ability Damage)
    Remove Curse: x25
    Blindness Removal: x25
    Jump: x100 (+10 to Max Jump)
    Superior Ardor I: x100 (+50% to Healing Ki Finisher)
    Superior Inferno I: x100 (+50% to Dragon Breath Finisher)
    Rage: x100 (+2Str {+1Damage +1Hit}, +2Con {+20HP's}, -2AC)
    Last edited by wiglin; 12-13-2009 at 03:31 PM.
    Server: Ghallanda
    Characters: Wigs (FvS) / Wigz (Acrobat/Ninja)
    Guild: Ravensguard

  2. #2
    Community Member LAWPRE's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default err....

    looks good except that you have a high spot without any search. So, you can notice something but not figure out what is "bothering" you.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by LAWPRE View Post
    looks good except that you have a high spot without any search. So, you can notice something but not figure out what is "bothering" you.
    It's to see bad guys (especially important when trying to Stealth around with his high Hide/MS), but there are always Detect Secret Door clickies too.

  4. #4
    Community Member miceelf88's Avatar
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    high spot is exactly that- for non-rogues, it's very handy- you can see the sneaky bad guys, greatly increasing your options in unfamiliar territory and avoiding getting sneaked in familiar territory, and letting you target sneaky guys from further away if that's your pleasure. It's not just for traps and doors.

    After balance and jump (and umd depending) I usually throw my extra points in my melees into spot...

  5. #5
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    Another option for your last fight could be Extend Spell, if you decide against the Combat Expertise (I wouldn't bother with IC: BL on a monk, your crits come from stunning/weighted).

    Metamagics work on Dragonmarks, so this would effectively double your displacement time. Of course, 12 minutes is quite a bit and 24 might be overkill, but I'm just offering an alternative option and not saying it's necessarily better either way.

  6. #6
    Community Member wiglin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    Another option for your last fight could be Extend Spell, if you decide against the Combat Expertise (I wouldn't bother with IC: BL on a monk, your crits come from stunning/weighted).

    Metamagics work on Dragonmarks, so this would effectively double your displacement time. Of course, 12 minutes is quite a bit and 24 might be overkill, but I'm just offering an alternative option and not saying it's necessarily better either way.
    I would love to take extend, but will taking the dragonmarks open up that option? The pre-requisite for extend is the ability to cast spells.

    The other option is to take 1 level of ranger and 1 level of wizard. Which would look like this.

    Con: (what I lose)
    *capstone (+10 concentration +1ki centered regeneration)
    *2d10 Unarmed (2d8 instead)
    *2dc to monk level
    *1dc to half-monk level
    *1 centered ac

    Pro: (what I gain)
    *extend spell
    - this gives perma-shield for a net bonus of 3 ac over pure. (i hate equipping clickies every minute)
    - works with displacement for 6 uses of caster level 18 displacement = 21 minutes /rest
    *perma stone-skin from wands
    *self cast cure wands from ranger levels
    *+3 favored enemy damage with 1 enhancement (swap as needed)
    *+10% ranger devotion for fists of lights and healing ki (which can only help the 30% from monk and 20% from DT armor)
    *ray of enfeeblement spell to lower str effectively raising my ac
    *ranger sprint boost!!!!!
    *1 more wizard spell? (detect secret doors or merfolk's blessing?)
    *summon monster scroll use for tactics, like Ghost has shown in his videos
    *More utility from wand use

    I will stay pure for now though, and adjust as I play.
    Server: Ghallanda
    Characters: Wigs (FvS) / Wigz (Acrobat/Ninja)
    Guild: Ravensguard

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by wiglin View Post
    I would love to take extend, but will taking the dragonmarks open up that option?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by rimble View Post
    I hadn't really thought about that. I assume that prereq is enforced in DDO, then. Oh well, it was just a thought.

  9. #9
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    OP: Something else to consider is that Eladrin and Crew are working on the Dragonmarked Heir PrE’s. There may be options to extend your DM usages there. (Possibly from the PrE. Possibly from a Dragonmarked Rod of Extend being added to DDO.)
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  10. #10
    Community Member wiglin's Avatar
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    Default Update

    Well, after getting to level 12, I have decided I like my Halfling monk a little better. At this time, I plan on getting this guy to 20 and reincarnating back to a halfling as soon as possible, using the extra build points to go from a 12-14 con. This will also free up 2 feats, which I use for dodge and the monk past life feat. I decided that while the dragonmark displacements are nice, I will use aspect of smoke boots on my halfling for permanent blue, and 3 clickies of diplacement.

    I am also going to go the second route on the elf, since he will get reincarnated, and take 1 level of wizard and 1 level of ranger. When he becomes a halfling I will stay pure.

    The halfling version will look like this.

    Race: Halfling
    Class: Monk
    Alignment: Lawful Good

    Stats: (34-point) Wind Stance
    Str: 20 +5 (12Base +2Tome +6Item)
    Dex: 32 +11(17Base +3Tome +6Item +2Enhancement +4Stance {+2Yugoloth Pot})
    Con: 20 +5 (14Base +2Tome +6Item -2Stance)
    Int: 14 +2 (12Base +2Tome)
    wis: 34 +12(16Base +5Levels +3Monk +3Tome +6item +1Exc {+2Yugoloth Pot})
    Cha: 10 (8Base +2Tome)

    Fort: 28 (12Base +5Stat +4GH, +5resist +1Ritural +1Racial)
    Reflex: 34 (12Base +11Stat +4GH +5resist +1Ritural +1Racial) / 38 vs Traps ( +4Clever Monkey IV)
    Will: 35 (12Base +12Stat +4GH +5resist+1Ritural +1Racial)

    1: TWF / Monk: Tougness
    2: Weapon Finesse
    3: Past Life: Disciple of the Fist / Monk: WoHB
    6: Dodge / Monk: Stunning Fist
    9: ITWF
    12: Power Attack
    15: GTWF

    Hit Points:
    160 Base
    100 Constitution
    20 Heroic Durability
    10 Draconic Vitality
    22 Toughness
    20 Minos Legens
    20 Raciel Toughness Enhancement
    30 Greater False Life
    45 Shroud
    40 {Yugoloth Potion}
    20 {Rage}
    20 {Tortise Animal Path}
    407 {487}

    28 Balance (13Base +11Stat, +4GH) (Level 8+ = 1 point / level)
    65 Concentration (23Base +4Stat, +4GH +15Item +10Capstone +2Pastlife +6Shroud) (Full Ranks)
    33 Jump (22Base +5Stat +4GH +2Racial) (Level 1 = 3 points Level 2+ = 1point / level)
    77 Hide (23Base +11Stat +4GH +4Racial +20Inv +15Item) (Full Ranks)
    55 Move Silently (23Base +11Stat, +4GH +2Racial +15Item) (Full Ranks)
    18 Tumble (1Base +11Stat +4GH +2Racial) (Level 1 = 1 point)
    56 Spot (23Base +12Stat, +4GH +2racial +15Item) (Full Ranks)

    Ac: Wind Stance
    10 Base
    11 Dex
    6 Armor (DT)
    2 Dodge (Chaos Guard)
    5 Protection
    5 Centered
    12 Wis
    1 Racial
    1 Dodge Feat
    1 Ritual
    4 Insight (DT)
    3 Natural (Barkskin Pot)
    1 Haste
    4 Shield Clicky
    1 {+2Dex Yugoloth Pot}
    1 {+2Wis Yugoloth Pot}
    66{68} Self Buffed

    1 Dodge (Possible Feat Swap if I decide to drop the dragonmarks)
    5 Combat Expertise (Possible Feat Swap if I decide to drop the dragonmarks)
    3 Chattering Ring (Possible to work this in, but would require a different gear setup)
    75 {77} Self Buffed
    2 Ranger
    4 Bard
    6 Paladin
    87 {89} When all the stars are aligned.

    Centered Attack Bonus: Wind Stance
    20 Base (Flurry of Blows)
    11 Stat Dex
    4 GH
    1 Haste
    1 Racial
    5 Weapon
    2 Set Bonus
    -5 Power Attack
    {+2Dex Yugoloth Pot}
    39 {40} Normal
    2 Flank
    4 Enhancement
    5 Goggles
    49 {50} Flanking

    Base Damage: WindIV +25% Attack Speed (15enhancement {=haste} + 10insight)
    2-20 (2d12)
    1 Past Life
    5 Stat
    5 Weapon
    5 Power Attack
    8 Goggles (Sneak Attack)
    4 Enhancement (Halfling Guile)
    2 Set Bonus
    34-52 +Element +Bane +Ki Attacks x 9 (Attacks / Animation)
    Server: Ghallanda
    Characters: Wigs (FvS) / Wigz (Acrobat/Ninja)
    Guild: Ravensguard

  11. #11
    Community Member Redicular's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuantumFX View Post
    OP: Something else to consider is that Eladrin and Crew are working on the Dragonmarked Heir PrE’s. There may be options to extend your DM usages there. (Possibly from the PrE. Possibly from a Dragonmarked Rod of Extend being added to DDO.)
    again a good thought but flawed, dragonmarked heir is gonna be the halfling racial PrE, his char is an elf.

    I'd prefer halflings get a different one and dm heir be open to all races but that's the devs plan as of last note.
    Rule one: never act incautiously when confronting a little bald wrinkly smiling old man. ~ Terry Pratchett

  12. #12
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redicular View Post
    again a good thought but flawed, dragonmarked heir is gonna be the halfling racial PrE, his char is an elf.

    I'd prefer halflings get a different one and dm heir be open to all races but that's the devs plan as of last note.
    O RLY? Well, lets see what the Lead Developer for DDO has to say about that…

    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Elf: Arcane Archer [Counts as Ranger], Phiarlan Dragonmark Heir
    Nope. You’re wrong. They have an Elven Dragonmarked Heir PrE in the works.
    Last edited by QuantumFX; 12-15-2009 at 08:42 PM.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  13. #13
    Community Member
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    Nov 2009

    Default great solo race/class combo

    My monk is a dm elf (took monkey for path). I primarily solo with her. I went dark too (I know some butts just puckered).

    I duo with my brother's light monk and they make a good team when I'm not solo.

    The invisibily and a nice hide/ms allowed me to do things like Reposession on elite without any issues. Displacement has been invaluable.

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