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Thread: Pali for Junts

  1. #1
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Default Pali for Junts

    Drow 18 Pali / 2 Monk
    (Assumed exact tomes and equipment availability in the build "Jaerlach" since that was the emulative.)

    Str 14 +3 tome + 6 item, 4 more in stance = 21/25
    Dex 16 + 2 tome + 2 enh. + 5 levels + 7 item = 32
    Con 12 +3 tome, +6 item, 4 stanced = 21/25*
    Int 10 +3 tome
    Wis 14 + 3 tome + 1 enh. + 6 item = 24
    Cha 14 +4 tome +2 pally enh +1 band of siberys +7 item = 28

    *not putting a huge amount of work into this skeleton build so I might be able to get this to workout better without the human/ftr AP bump / w/e. You listed Litany but didn't include it in stat calculation; but that is probably the way to go for this guy. Either way, Jaer has more than enough HP that the bump from going drow isn't scaring me.

    1: Power Attack
    1M: Toughness
    3: TWF
    6: Weapon Finesse
    9: ITWF
    12: Improved Crit: Pierce
    15: GTWF
    16M: Combat Expertise
    18: Dodge

    Finesse build? Typically I hate finesse builds - but Junts had an excellent point in his other thread about how much pali's special attacks favored TWFing. I thought, with that in mind, let's build with TWFing as a priority for a big gain in DPS, but still see if we can get to Jaerlach's AC levels. Without crunching any numbers whatsoever ( ) I think that this build would out DPS the S&B str build with a khopesh, at least in the circumstance of being a pali.

    ac breakdown:
    10 base
    8 bracers (-7)
    0 shield (-9)
    1 rituals (-1)
    4 icy (+4)
    5 protection
    4 insight
    6 aura
    11 dexterity (+6)
    2 chaosgarde (-2)
    3 chattering ring
    6 wisdom (+6)
    1 monk (+1)
    1 dodge feat
    5 combat expertise
    2 defender of siberys III set bonus
    4 superior defensive stance
    71 unbuffed (-2 total)

    Boo. I did lose AC ><. CG's have to be on bracer slot; so ultimately that is what knocked him lower.

    Anyhow, let me know what you think Jaer, prolly something I'm screwing up since Pali is the one (and imo only) class I've never successfully built, c'est la vie.
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  2. #2
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    The +7 cha item isn't available, though (its a full plate..), but this does a lot better job of maintaining a functional dps than most of the evasion/finesse builds I've seen. I imagine it'd work quite well. You might want to link Thanimal to this, as it's a lot closer to the /monk evasion paladin threat tank he's been looking for than any other alternative.

    I'm guessing equipment would be brutally difficult to work out, though. A bunch of epics (bracers of deftness, spectral gloves) would be needed to get places to put +6 stats to still have craftable slots.

  3. #3
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    +4 UMD Shield wand...? Should be able to get over 50% chance on even level 10 wands.

  4. #4
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    The +7 cha item isn't available, though (its a full plate..), but this does a lot better job of maintaining a functional dps than most of the evasion/finesse builds I've seen. I imagine it'd work quite well. You might want to link Thanimal to this, as it's a lot closer to the /monk evasion paladin threat tank he's been looking for than any other alternative.

    I'm guessing equipment would be brutally difficult to work out, though. A bunch of epics (bracers of deftness, spectral gloves) would be needed to get places to put +6 stats to still have craftable slots.
    If that Cha item is my only screwup - I'll take it!! Litany FTW for 3 stats on this guy now lol.

    Equipment always sucks on AC builds - what else is new. The real issue rolling this guy IMO would be that +3 int tome for CE that I got to assume :P For a new build - that could hurt for quite a while.
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samadhi View Post
    Equipment always sucks on AC builds - what else is new. The real issue rolling this guy IMO would be that +3 int tome for CE that I got to assume :P For a new build - that could hurt for quite a while.
    It's not TOO bad, Defensive Stance + TWD can be a placeholder (Dodge as your 16M Feat, then TWD at 18).
    Last edited by rimble; 12-09-2009 at 10:09 AM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samadhi View Post
    Pali is the one (and imo only) class I've never successfully built, c'est la vie.
    FYI - This is a decent build, but if you're building a paladin for the first time, I'd suggest playing to it's strengths and go full DPS mode...

    (I'm not saying an finesse/AC paladin is a bad idea, and your build above is good, but it's like someone playing a sorc for the first time, and wanting to splash 2 paladin for the saves and to do some melee damage - sure it can work, but should someone's FIRST sorc be built like that?)

    Paladins are DPS monsters against evil outsiders and undead... Strength based, Knight of the Chalice, smiting, divine sacrifice, Divine Might blows away everyone...

    Forget AC, go strength-based (and with a high CHA for Divine Might) and use stoneskin, displacement clickables and self-healing for defense...

    It's a much easier build and very fun to play...

  7. #7
    Community Member Josh's Avatar
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    Monk splash or Rogue splash? Arrrgh I can't decide.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josh View Post
    Monk splash or Rogue splash? Arrrgh I can't decide.
    I agonized over that for at least 2 weeks...

    I finally went rogue splash for the UMD... I noticed that as long as I had Lay-on-hands, I was a beast... but as soon as they were gone, I really had to change my game-play...

    UMDing heal scrolls makes a HUGE difference, I think...

    My guy can definitely solo better now.... But I sure miss those two feats I could have gotten if I went monk...

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