I have joined DDO about 3 months ago, started off with my halfling rogue.
I play mostly with a group of rl-friends, we know each other and can rely on each other aswell. Having some sort of same playstyle helps a lot (i.e. crawling mostly, unless a dungeon or wilderness has been done over and over allready).
I am now ready to lvl up to lvl 8 and am in doubt.
I started off as a mechanic rogue, but learned that is a weak build. True she can open doors, chests, find traps and disable them. But in combat i was waiting at the back, trying not to get hit as my HP were very low, and my damage wasn't much of an add to the group.
Some lvls ago, think it was near 5, i rerolled the char and made her an assassin. I love it! i can sneak attack, help my tanks in killing the mobs and don't get killed after one enemy blow.
But (yes, there is a but to come ;-) ), at higher level quests, i seem unable to Spot traps, and thus not able to disable them to get my party through it without someone being killed or very badly wounded(mostly the wizzard lol).
When i level up, should i focus on my spot (and perhaps disable device and open lock) mostly? My party relies on me when it comes to those parts, just as i rely on the tanks to agro and hit the mobs so i can sneak attack them.
Also, what enhancements should i continue taking? This far i have:
Rogue Damage Boost I and II
Halfling Cunning I
Halfling Guile I
Rogue Item Defence I
Rogue Subtle Backstabbing I
Racial Toughness I
Rogue Faster Sneaking I and II
Rogue Assassin I
Rogue Sneak Attack Accuracy I
Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
Rogue Disable Device I
Rogue Hide I and II
Rogue Move Silently I and II
Is there a glimp in the above list? I wouldn't mind rerolling again if this makes me "better".
I like the way i play now, being able to sneak attack (this way i can hide and sneak when i need to solo, i.e. none of my party members there to group with). To help my party in killing, finding traps and disable them, open locks and doors. I aint a zerger, nor a solo-er, but like to have some skills (toughness and higher HP) to be able to survive on my own.
Last doubt i have is about the weapons.
I have the TWF and Weapon Finess (dagger, rapier, SS, LM, LP, i.e.). I have a +2 Flametouched Iron ShortSword and a +2 Heavy Mace. They work for now, but on the higher lvl quests i need "better" weapons.
I am looking for another weapon, but what should i take, conciddering my playstyle? Should i look for high damage? Or for weapons with enhancements like maiming, puncturing, backstabbing, etc.
To complete my list, here are the skills i have:
Balance 7
Bluff 7
Concentration 5
Diplomacy 5
DD 16
Haggle 6
Heal 5
Hide 16
Intimidate 0
Jump 12
Listen 7
Move Silently 20
Open Lock 12
Search 11
Spot 12
Swim 6
Tumble 9
Any and all advice would be very welcome.
If you made it this far, i now realize it has been a long read, so i would thank you for that to start with :-)