Originally Posted by
Sure you can, pure rangers do it all the time.
Hmmm...hows this than
32 pt. Elf Ranger Monk
Str 16+4 (Lvl Boosts) +6 (Item) = 26
Dex 17+2 (Elf Dex) +2(Ranger Dex) +1(Lvl Boost) +6(item)= 28
Con 12+6(item) = 18
Int 8
Wis 15+1 (Monk Wis) +6(item) = 22
Cha 8
Possible Feats:
Favored Enemies: Undead, Evil Outsider, Constructs, Abberations
Monk Bonus Feats: Toughness,Power Attack
Granted: Evasion,TWF, ITWF ,GTWF,Diehard,Hide in Plain Sight and a bunch of Ranged feats
Chosen: Spring Attack, OTWF, Improved Critical:Slashing, Mental Toughness,Dodge, Mobility, ????
Ranger Dex (1,2),Elf Dex Line,Favored Damage Line,Tempest Line, Monk Wis 1
Ranger Devotion Line,Ranger Toughness Line and the rest I'll pick as I go
Ranger 1-6/Monk 7,8/9-20 Ranger
Originally Posted by
I'd advise against Power Critical. It sounds great, but it only helps you get criticals on things you can't normally hit very well... which you probably won't have a problem with.
Hmmm...fair enough...what would you suggest?